
Chapter 181

Chapter 181
The battle has been going on for three days, Liu Zongmin is exhausted, and the blocking troops he led have also tried their best, most of them have died in battle, and most of the remaining [-] soldiers are wounded, but they regard death as home.

Liu Zongmin immediately stood on a high slope with a horizontal knife.

The blood on his broadsword was still dripping, and he had killed five generals of the Qing army.

Now, the enemy is preparing for another charge.Azig is arranging soldiers.He didn't want to take the lead by himself, and several generals were eagerly asking for the battle.

Liu Zongmin's physical strength recovered a bit. He looked around and was very tired, but his eyes were full of tenacity.


Liu Zongmin's voice was already hoarse, maybe other than himself could hear it, no one else could hear it.However, everyone understands what Liu Zongmin means.

Three thousand warriors rushed towards the Qing soldiers like the wind. They didn't shout or yell, and all their energy was spent on their hands.

Liu Zongmin rushed towards a bearded man. This man should have been beheaded a while ago, but Liu Zongmin was too tired to kill him. This time, Liu Zongmin was determined to kill him.This guy killed several Dashun generals, and all of Liu Zongmin's personal captains died in his hands.

The big bearded man came here only by himself, and he just wanted to kill Liu Zongmin.



The two of them fought again.

With a "clang clang" the two weapons collided, and the arms went numb.

Liu Zongmin didn't slash his opponent, he became anxious, turned around sharply, and shouted: "Kill!"

The bearded man also became angry. He was always a winner, but today Liu Zongmin was even more ruthless than himself, so he was angry.

"Hi!" Liu Zongmin roared, exhausting all his strength.

The bearded man was stunned. He saw the light of the knife running towards him, and his head was in severe pain. Maybe in just a few tenths of a second, the life of this Manchu hero ended like this.His wish to kill Liu Zongmin and make great contributions was not realized.

Liu Zongmin used all his strength for this knife, he felt that he no longer had the strength to lift the knife, and now even if a small soldier rushed over, he couldn't resist.

At this moment, one of Azig's adopted sons saw that there was a chance left, so he charged forward with a gun.

Liu Zongmin thought, unexpectedly, he killed a whole life, and finally let a little baby be killed, what a tragedy.

That young player is a future star that Azig is very optimistic about, and he intends to let him make a great contribution.Everyone can see that Liu Zongmin is at the end of his battle.

Fifty steps.

Thirty steps.

Liu Zongmin still did not respond.

Twenty steps.

Liu Zongmin was still at a loss.

Ten steps.

"Bastard! Are you also bullying the uncle?" Liu Zongmin's blood spurted suddenly, and the sword swiped across him. The poor young general was turned into two parts.

"Kill!" The "kill" was Azig's Manchurian, and he went into battle with his own soldiers.

"Kill!" The originally hoarse voice became very loud now, Liu Zongmin raised his big knife, pinched his feet, and urged the horse to move forward.The soldiers beside him shouted at the same time: "Kill!"

Three thousand soldiers rushed into Azig's formation.

Azig came all the way with bloody blood, and soon arrived in front of Liu Zongmin.

Neither of them said a word, and they both used their life's skills to make a desperate move.

Liu Zongmin fell from the horse.

His was pierced deeply by Azig's spear.Liu Zongmin's knife was still in his hand, but he held it tightly and didn't lift it up. He no longer had the strength to lift anything.This was the last battle of his life, he was scarred, and now there will be no new scars, and his angry eyes are slowly becoming gentle now.

Azig did not participate in the scrimmage again.The three thousand enemies there did not need him to kill, he looked at Liu Zongmin.

This person, Azig has heard his name for a long time, he is the number two person in Li Zicheng Group.That's right, Li Zicheng's No. [-] person is really powerful. He paid the price of the lives of more than a dozen general-level generals to kill him today.

"Bury this man generously according to the etiquette of the Han people!" Azig said to his subordinates.

Heroes are always full of respect for heroes.Similar, sympathetic to each other.

Azig did not cheer, he must continue to attack, and Li Zicheng must be killed in this pursuit.

Due to Liu Zongmin's resistance, Azig's march was delayed for two or three days, so he had to chase Li Zicheng day and night.

Li Zicheng didn't know the news until the third day after Liu Zongmin's death.He froze for a long time, no one dared to disturb him.

Lost brother.

After more than ten years of life and death, they are closer than brothers.Now, when Li Zicheng was in need of someone, Liu Zongmin left him. For Li Zicheng's escape, the former brothers shed the last drop of blood.

Gao Yigong didn't know when he came in. He was crying and stood silently under Li Zicheng's head.

Song Xiance looked even more wretched, he could no longer be a military adviser, and now he had no other military deployment except to escape.

escape.However, where to flee?
"Burning some money for the road to hell for my brother."

After a while, Li Zicheng said softly to Zhang Nai.According to the custom, when a person dies, money is needed on the way to the underworld.

Li Qiang quickly got some Mingqian.I also gave some to Li Shuangxi a few days ago, and now I have to give some to Liu Zongmin.

These two people are people close to Li Zicheng. They have been following Li Zicheng for many years. Everyone knows the severity of this blow.

People in the lobby are helping to burn Ming money.No one spoke, and even those who were crying just now stopped crying. They looked at the fire, and it seemed that Liu Zongmin was riding his horse to kill in the fire.They are used to calling him the chief whistler, and "Master Liu the chief whistler" has become an indispensable part of Li Zicheng's group.

I don't know how long it took, but the money is gone.Everyone looked at the slowly extinguishing fire, still immersed in the memory of "Master Liu, the chief whistler".

"Your Majesty, we have to hurry tonight." Song Xiance had to remind them that Azig was less than half a day's journey away, and they had to travel day and night to survive.


After a long time, Li Zicheng seemed to wake up.

"Are you still leaving?" Li Zicheng said.It seems to be asking yourself.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we still have to go." Song Xiance replied.

"Where are you going?" Li Zicheng still seemed to be asking himself.

No one answered.No one can answer this question.If you insist on answering, then "front" is their answer.They don't know where to flee, and the place they want to flee is always ahead.

Li Laiheng was also sad for a while when he got the news of Liu Zongmin's death.A reckless hero, heroic and loyal, he has made special contributions to Li Zicheng's career.Although he made mistakes after entering Beijing, he is a reckless man, who can blame him if he can do this?
Lao Jiu is reporting Li Zicheng's situation to Li Laiheng.

"Now the emperor has no rules, and his troops are torn apart. Of course, the reason is very simple. One is that time is tight and there is no way to gather the troops, and the other is that they have no strategic goals at all." Lao Jiu said.

"No way. They won't all be wiped out. In the future, we can still use them. Where is the specific seat of the emperor?" Li Laiheng asked.

"It's hard to be sure, they are moving almost day and night. The area in the west of Hubei is likely to cross the Yangtze River." Lao Jiu said.

"Well. Got it. It's time, it's over." Li Laiheng said quietly.

Li Zicheng dozed off on horseback.It is already the third third day, there is no stopping transfer, no clear direction, the only purpose is to stay away from Azig.

For Li Zicheng, he was no stranger to the rapid march for several days and nights, but the difference this time was that it was purely for escape.

The short Song Xiance shrugged his big head and rode on the horse, and he fell asleep for a while.

"What time is it now?" Li Zicheng said to Zhang Nai.

"Yin time."

"Oh, it's almost dawn."

"Your Majesty, Fuhu Mountain is in front of us. We can rest for a while after entering Fuhu Mountain." Zhang Nai said.

"How far is it?" Li Zicheng asked wearily.

"There are still more than 80 miles."

"Well. I should be able to sleep well tonight."

In the past nine days, Liu Zongmin's death has hit Li Zicheng too hard. He is reflecting on the fact that now, there are too many regrets.In Beijing, if we had listened to Li Yan’s advice at that time, we would have taken it easy and made full preparations before attacking Beijing; Wu Sangui, why did he touch his woman at that time?It's a pity to lose the world for a fireworks girl; more importantly, Li Yan shouldn't be killed, he defended Henan, Azig and Duoduo didn't dare to attack Shaanxi with all their strength, but why did they kill Li Yan at that time? What about the rock?

He thought of Niu Jinxing again.

Li Shuangxi, his adopted son, was beheaded by his confidant civil servants, and Li Zicheng's heart was like a knife.

"Hateful! Hateful!"

Li Zicheng said to himself.

"Well, Your Majesty. Oh, I fell asleep?" Song Xiance was woken up by Li Zicheng's whispers in his sleep, "Your Majesty, what do you hate?"

Li Zicheng glanced at Song Xiance.Li Zicheng was moved by the haggard and old Song Xiance, but he was still reliable and always by his side.

"That Niu Jinxing!"

"Oh, Your Majesty, there's no need to think about that kind of person. What did Li Laiheng's messenger tell you yesterday?" Song Xiance asked.Yesterday a soldier who claimed to be Li Laiheng's special envoy asked to see Li Zicheng. They talked for a while in a separate place. Li Zicheng never told others the purpose of the man's meeting with him.Song Xiance wanted to know if Li Laiheng had any special arrangements, but Li Zicheng didn't dare to ask if he didn't say anything.

"It's nothing, it's just a greeting." Li Zicheng couldn't say anything, because Li Laiheng's special envoy said that he couldn't tell the outside world.What the special envoy said to Li Zicheng was to ask him not to go to Jiugong Mountain, but to cross the Yangtze River. In times of crisis, he was asked to remember a place called Shimen, where there was an ancient temple called Jiashan Temple.

Li Zicheng didn't understand what it meant, and the envoy was only willing to say so much.

Seeing Li Zicheng's answer, Song Xiance didn't want to ask more questions. He thought that Li Zicheng had something inconvenient to say and kept it from everyone.

At this time, there are some things between each other that can only be kept in mind.

Tian Jianxiu had been under escort all along, but Li Zicheng did not release Tian Jianxiu because of Niu Jinxing's defection, but instead ordered Tian Jianxiu to be watched closely.

Li Zicheng could no longer bear the blow of his cronies defecting.

Song Xiance didn't dare to ask more questions, and there was also the reason why he was uneasy, because yesterday he had secretly released Tian Jianxiu.Therefore, Song Xiance also felt that he had done something wrong.

Speaking of Tian Jianxiu, I have to explain a few words.

It is impossible for Tian Jianxiu to gain Li Zicheng's trust again now. He knows Li Zicheng's character, he can forgive others for their mistakes, but he will not forgive others for their correctness.

Tian Jianxiu hid in a bush, seeing Li Zicheng's exhausted figure hurrying southward, felt a pang of sadness in his heart, and two lines of tears flowed down his face.He has followed Li Zicheng for more than ten years. Although there are not as many scars on his body as Liu Zongmin, every scar is a thrilling memory.He has deep feelings for Li Zicheng. They were born and died together during the time of King Gao Chuang, and how many times they helped each other at critical times.Now, he wants to leave Li Zicheng, although he is unwilling, but there is no way, jealousy between monarchs and ministers is much more serious than estrangement between friends.

Tian Jianxiu was in pain. He watched Li Zicheng's defeated soldiers with less than [-] troops follow him, and he knew that this army could not go far.He wanted to catch up with Li Zicheng and help him. Although he had no good strategy, as a general, he could at least help Li Zicheng kill a few more enemies.However, it is impossible for Li Zicheng to agree.

Tian Jianxiu left Hubei.

He traveled up the river in a broken fishing boat.

"Guest officer, you said that this great country was taken by the Manchus for nothing. Is there no one in China?" the boatman chatted while rowing the boat.

"There are heroes, and the Qing Dynasty only gained power for a while. Sooner or later, there will be heroes who will come out to clean up the mess." Tian Jianxiu responded casually, he was really in no mood to talk about this issue.

"Oh, it's all Li Zicheng's fault. If you want to be an emperor, then you should do it well. When you entered Beijing, you didn't deal with the Manchu Tartars. You ran away as soon as you saw the Manchu Tartars. The great Ming Dynasty was torn apart by him. This man , I’m going to die.” The boatman said angrily.

Tian Jianxiu had a sharp knife in his waist, and his right hand tightly grasped the handle, but he restrained himself.The boatman is innocent, he just hates the Manchu and Qing Tartars for occupying China, he is not guilty.

The boatman went on to say: "This Li Zicheng, we thought he was the savior at first, but now it seems that he is a disaster for the country and the people. Let him destroy a good country."

"How can you say that?" Tian Jianxiu said angrily.

When the boatman saw the guest getting angry, he didn't know who it was, so he quickly shut up and said, "Guest officer, calm down, I'm just a fool, please forgive me if I'm wrong."

"Yeah." Tian Jianxiu suppressed his anger.

The words are not speculative, and there are more than half a sentence, and they don't speak.

After a while, the boatman asked, where is the guest officer going?At this time, Tian Jianxiu realized that he had not told the boatman his destination.

"Where are we going?" Tian Jianxiu asked himself.

The boatman is stupid. The guests don't know where they are going. Is there something wrong with it?

A month later, Tian Jianxiu came to a place. One day, there was a narrow mountain road, high mountains on both sides pierced into the sky, and a long bell rang from an ancient temple.

"Just here."

(End of this chapter)

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