
Chapter 199

Chapter 199

He Tengjiao had a great status in the Nanming court. He was one of the supporters of Emperor Hongguang, and he was an important court official when he was Emperor Chongzhen, so this person was one of the pillars of Nanming.

When Yuan Zongdi figured out who he was, Yuan Zongdi suddenly had an idea, how about uniting with Nanming?
At this time, Li Zicheng's generals were scattered in Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, and Jiangxi, with a total strength of more than 20 troops, most of whom had experience in the battlefield, and they could be regarded as an elite army.However, there was no chance for this army to gather together. There were soldiers from Nanming, Qing, and Wu Sangui among them, which was very complicated.In particular, the problem of the supply of this army cannot be solved. Just relying on the garrison to collect food, not to mention that the local area cannot support this army, even if it can afford it, it will arouse conflicts with the local government. Therefore, since Li Zicheng was in Jiugongshan After being beaten to death by the township soldiers, Li Zicheng's tribe also accepted this statement, and his remnants were the same as when they were called bandits.Since there is no one with absolute prestige as the leader, Li Zicheng's wife and Gao Yingxiang's daughter can only be respected now. However, she is a woman after all, and women have women's weaknesses. War is not suitable for women.So, let's make a change now, how about being recruited by Nanming?
After saying this, Yuan Zongdi’s generals didn’t speak for a while, and finally, an older general said: “We used to be enemies of the Ming Dynasty to save the people of the world from fire and water. The situation has changed, the Manchus invaded China, and our common enemy is foreigners, so what the general said, I think it is true."

"Yes, according to our current situation, provision is a big problem. If the provision problem is not resolved, everything is empty talk."

Gradually, Yuan Zongdi's generals all agreed with his point of view.

Yuan Zongdi was recruited by He Tengjiao, and he was soon appointed as Jiangxi pacifier.

Soon, Liu Fangliang also followed Yuan Zongdi's example and was appointed as the comfort envoy of Hunan, responsible for assisting in the defense of Hunan.

Gao Yigong and Li Guo also received He Tengjiao's recruitment documents, and they are responsible for the defense of Hubei and Hunan.

Mrs. Gao hesitated for a few days after receiving He Tengjiao's recruitment document.At this time, Lao Jiu had just arrived at Mrs. Gao's place.

"Old Nine, I can't accept the reality that we should surrender to Nanming." Mrs. Gao's troubles these days are all about this matter.

Mrs. Gao came to Northwest Hunan not long after Li Zicheng was murdered. Not long after they arrived in Hunan, they heard that Li Zicheng had been killed in Jiugong Mountain. They went to Azig's place in Xiangyang, and they accepted Azig's reward, and also avoided the revenge of Li Zicheng's subordinates by the way.Mrs. Gao searched for more than half a month, but Li Zicheng's body was not found, and there was nothing they could do. They had to return to Hunan and fight guerrilla warfare in northwestern Hunan.

Similarly, Mrs. Gao's more than 3 soldiers are also facing the problem of food and clothing.

He Tengjiao promised in the document to Mrs. Gao that Li Zicheng would posthumously be a Marquis of Loyalty, and Mrs. Gao would be conferred the title of Mrs. Yipin Loyalty. Her subordinates would be led by her and would not be reorganized by the court. In addition, taxes in Northwest Hunan would be levied on her.

Supplies and titles have been settled, and the change of identity is the biggest pain.Mrs. Gao cried for several nights. She missed Li Zicheng, and she felt sorry for Li Zicheng.

"Your majesty, the concubines can't do anything about it. Your subordinates need supplies and need to survive. As the emperor of Dashun, they want the concubines to turn you into a 'Loyal Marquis'. Will the concubines agree to them or not?" Woolen cloth?"

This matter, Lao Jiu's answer is very straightforward.


Lao Jiu said that all of Li Zicheng's subordinates can agree to Nanming's recruitment, and don't let go of the opportunity to preserve their strength. There is only one person who does not agree to the recruitment, and that is Li Laiheng.

In this way, the remnants of Li Zicheng were recruited by Nanming, and they all became Nanming's courtiers under the banner of resisting the Qing Dynasty.

In this way, within half a year, the domestic situation has undergone fundamental changes.Li Laiheng's department is the strongest in the whole country.He controlled vast areas of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shandong and parts of Anhui and Hubei.Due to Li Yan's outstanding administrative ability, he set up officials to calm the people, resume production, reform the system, distribute land, and lighten taxes and corvees. The economies of these provinces developed rapidly.Li Laiheng's armament has basically achieved a major development, cold weapons began to change to hot weapons, and the combat power has been improved by leaps and bounds.Li Laiheng's Ministry is the strongest military group.

Ranked second in strength is Nanming.Zuo Liangyu failed to achieve the great cause of "abolishing the establishment". Instead, he died of a sudden illness on the way to Nanjing.Zuo Menglong was unable to control all his father's generals, so he had to lead his own cronies to garrison Wuchang. Some of the remaining troops were incorporated by the court, and some were merged by Li Laiheng.Zuo Liangyu's Department basically fell apart like this.Nanming's own military strength, together with Li Zicheng's old army, now has over one million troops, and half of China is left in the land, and he has the largest population and land area.Emperor Hongguang is preparing to be the emperor of the Southern Dynasty with gusto.

The third force is the Manchu Qing. One of them is north of Beijing, one is in Hubei and Anhui, and the other is in Guizhou and Yunnan.

These three forces are intertwined.

Of course, there is also a Daxi regime that is on the sidelines. Zhang Xianzhong does not think about making progress in Sichuan and is preparing to be his emperor of Shu.

The Onishi regime wants to guard its own territory. He does not expand or provoke others. However, some people think about his territory.

Hauge, he didn't want to stay with Dorgon for a long time. He broke away from Dorgon's control a few months ago and sent troops to Sichuan.He and Aobai commanded an army of tens of thousands, preparing to join forces with Wu Sangui to attack Zhang Xianzhong.

This is the situation formed after the Manchu Qing entered the customs for two years.

After another year of preparations, Li Laiheng was ready to attack.

Li Laiheng's advantage in this attack surpassed the sum of the other forces.His advantage comes from his knowledge hundreds of years ahead, his own talent, and Li Yan's excellent administrative ability.

The only thing he lacks is a name.

Now he has it, and he set off under the title of "Generalissimo of the Chinese Empire Against the Qing Dynasty".He has 50 soldiers and countless cutting-edge weapons. Even for sea-going ships, they have built more than 21 ships, all of which are based on the highest level of the Ming Dynasty. Li Laiheng also proposed some revision suggestions based on the knowledge of the [-]st century. Finally, These ships became the most advanced warships at that time.

Li Laiheng didn't build any more ships. He wanted to concentrate on scientific research after unifying the whole country, so as to raise the level of science and technology to a higher level.There is a basis for this idea.The industrial revolution in the West has already begun, and Li Laiheng is confident to lead the craftsmen across the country to make a technological innovation, catch up with, and surpass the world level.

Now, Li Laiheng once again pointed the finger of attack at Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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