
Chapter 208 Seeing Li Zicheng Again

Chapter 208 Seeing Li Zicheng Again

It really is a maze.

There are also organs and hidden weapons.

However, the design of the maze was not too complicated, and Li Laiheng solved it in less than ten minutes. Of course, what greeted him was a sharp sword on his neck.

"Who!" The voice was calm and murderous.

"I, Li Laiheng!"


I can see clearly that it is indeed Li Laiheng, alone, without any followers.

"You know I'm here?" Li Zicheng moved the sword away, and he pointed to a bamboo chair, "Sit down and talk."

Li Laiheng sat down and looked at Li Zicheng.Very rough trousers, behind him is a wooden bed, the furniture is only a wooden box, and a desk.There are a few Buddhist scriptures and a few ancient books on the desk, and one of them, "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", seems to be reading, and there are traces of flipping through it.

"The emperor is still studying the history of the rise and fall of ancient and modern dynasties?" Li Laiheng asked.

Li Zicheng smiled faintly, "I read ancient books in my free time, so I can't talk about research. As for the word 'emperor', don't mention it in front of me from now on. If I say that I regard fame as dung, you will say that I am a show, but Looking at the past and present, both at home and abroad, the fame and fame are just like a fleeting cloud, everything is nothing but vain. Laiheng, this time, I am here to see the old monk. Oh, I haven’t thanked you for your guidance, thank you You. However, I don’t know one thing, how do you know there is a temple here?”

Li Zicheng talked a lot and asked two questions, both of which were difficult to answer.Let's answer the second question first.

"Grandson once met a monk and talked about Jiashan Temple, so I was worried that if my uncle lost and had nowhere to go, I asked someone to tell you that there is a place to hide. As for other things, there is no special meaning. "

It is difficult for Li Laiheng to answer this question. He told Li Zicheng that he became a monk at Jiashan Temple only because someone discovered a suspected tomb of Li Zicheng in the [-]th century. Letting him become a monk here does not violate the true colors of history.History can be written in several ways. A good person can be said to be a bad person, and a bad thing can be described as a noble, meritorious and thousand-year-old good thing.Then, Li Zicheng's death, of course, can have several ways to die.Die in Jiugong Mountain, that is a way of death, he did narrow escape there, it is equivalent to die once; dying here in Jiashan Temple is also in line with history.

(As for where Li Zicheng's real death was 300 years ago, no one can tell. Regarding Li Zicheng's death, historians have several theories: According to historical records, because the Ming general Wu Sangui led the Qing army After entering the customs, Chuang Wang led his troops to defeat the battle, withdrew from Beijing, and continued to fight against the Qing army in Henan and Shaanxi. Later, he was killed by the landlord's armed forces in Jiugong Mountain, Tongshan County, Hubei Province. He was only 39 years old when he died. There are a lot of files for this statement Moreover, in recent years, the tomb of the murderer who killed Li Zicheng and the leader of the militia, Cheng, and related materials, including the tombstone, "Cheng's Genealogy", among which there is a record of Cheng killing Li Zicheng. According to According to these historical materials, Li Zicheng's death is like this: Li Zicheng arrived at Jiugong Mountain, and his food was cut off. He took more than 20 cavalry to go out for predation, and was surrounded by militia armed forces led by Cheng and others. In other words, members of the militia swarmed up, and Li Zicheng died with a hoe in the head. However, many people have always disbelieved this statement of the official history, and the Manchu Qing government and the Nanming regime at that time were also skeptical about it. Looking at it now Come on, there are indeed many doubts about this statement. Li Zicheng lived in Wuchang for more than 50 days, and calmly changed Jiangxia to Ruifu County, set up a county magistrate, and brought copper and charcoal to cast "Yongchang Tongbao". When he arrived in Tongshan County , there are also dozens of famous generals such as Li Guo, Bai Wang, Gao Yigong, Yuan Zongdi, Liu Tichun, Liu Fangliang, etc., with a force of 10 people. There are Li Guo's troops in the Jiugongshan area. "Ming Ji" also records There are tens of thousands of people. As the supreme commander of hundreds of thousands of rebels, can you believe that he led Qingqi to "prey" in the mountains? Moreover, it is said that these 20 or so riders were left at the foot of the mountain by Li Zicheng, and he went up the mountain alone There seems to be a lot of articles here. Moreover, Mrs. Gao and Li Guo were also in Tongshan County at that time, and Li Zicheng did not return after "plundering grain". In the end, the Qing army in the distance knew the situation first and sent people to conduct an autopsy. All this seemed to be a deliberate puzzle. If you carefully examine the political and military situation at that time, you will feel that all these are peasant rebels It was intentionally arranged. Because with the sudden turn of the situation, the main enemy of the Dashun Army is not the ruler of the Ming Dynasty but the Qing regime. The most urgent task is to resist the Qing Dynasty, and the other armed forces in the United Nations appear to be very important. At that time, they could unite against the Qing Dynasty Yes, only the Nanming Dynasty supported by Heteng Mosquito in Hunan can cooperate. If it negotiates with it, the army must be commanded by He Tengjiao. Therefore, it is very likely that he adopted the practice of feigning death and living in seclusion to avoid contradictions. There are also various theories about Li Zicheng's theory of Zen hermitism, the most influential one being "the theory of being a monk at Jiashan Temple in Shimen". Influential local chronicles "Fazhou Zhilin", "Shimen County Chronicles" and Xu Nai's "Xiaoyan Jizhuan" all record: At that time, King Chuang lost a fierce battle with Wu Sangui in Shanhaiguan, and he was defeated and went south. Mrs. Gao stationed troops in Lizhou, Li Guo led the crowd to stick to Changde. But he himself felt that the situation was over, so he concealed his name in Shimen Jiashan Temple.As a monk at home, he chanted hundreds of poems with the theme of plum blossoms, which is called "The Rhyme of Baimei Poems".In the early years of Qianlong, He Qiu, the magistrate of Lizhou, made a personal inspection of the clothes according to the legend at that time. As a result, he believed that the monk Fengtianyu, the founder of Jiashan Temple, was the former Chuang Wang Li Zicheng.Because Chuang Wang was once known as the "Fengtian Advocate Generalissimo", "Fengtian Yu" means "Fengtian King" plus a dot, which is a pseudonym with meaning when he hides his name.Although what He Phosph said was conjectural, it caused a great shock at the time.In the early years of the Republic of China, Zhang Taiyan, a master of Chinese studies, went to Shimen, Hunan to search for Li Zicheng's plum blossom poems.He chanted his taste, thinking that Li Zicheng was a monk in Jiashan, which may be a historical fact.Since then, many scholars have discovered new evidence for this theory. In August 5, the tomb of the Great Monk Fengtianyu was found near Jiashan Temple, and there was a porcelain altar containing the remains of the deceased. Some people measured and analyzed it, and the data obtained were similar to the figure of Li Zicheng recorded in historical documents.Moreover, people also found a fragment of "Baimei Poetry Rhyme" in the Daxiong Palace, the content of which is related to being a monk.If these cultural relics were not faked by neighbors, then "Li Zicheng became a monk in the mountains" can be concluded.Therefore, further research and identification of these cultural relics is still needed.However, some people have verified that Monk Fengtianyu is not Li Zicheng.According to the pagoda inscription of the great monk Fengtianyu, Fengtianyu once "passed through the Qing Dynasty".In the second volume of "Government Lei Yao", there is an explanation of the word "Qingyao": "The position is slow and the position is obviously called Qing, the position is tight and the position is called clear, and the combination of the two is called Qingyao." Li Zicheng seems to agree with "Qingyao" has no connection.Some people have verified that Fengtianyu may be a descendant of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, and it is very likely that it is Zhu Cijiong, the king of Ding.These textual researches also need further research and demonstration.In fact, it was a rumor that it was first proposed that King Chuang was a monk.It is said that Zhang Congbo, a native of Huguang, entered his official career as the Tongzhi of Yunnan in the early Qing Dynasty. When he took office, he passed by Xiangxi by boat and visited an ancient temple.A few years later, Zhang Qiongbo was promoted to the magistrate of Fuzhou, Jiangxi, and went to this temple to visit friends on the way. Unexpectedly, the abbot had passed away, so he could only mourn in front of his portrait.The apprentice of the old monk pointed to the portrait of the abbot and said: "My lord, do you know who the abbot was in the past? My teacher is Li Chuang, the king who shook the world in the late Ming Dynasty! The deceased who died in Jiugong Mountain was my teacher's general Sun. It is impossible to examine it in detail, but the people involved have names and surnames, and the things they said are limited, which are consistent with the relevant historical facts. Therefore, they cannot be easily denied. To this day, Li Zicheng's ending after his defeat is still a mystery to be solved. Mystery. To reveal the true face of history, more convincing historical evidence needs to be found.)
"Uncle, of course I came here to see you. There are only a few people who know that you have become a monk here, Lao Jiu, and my two soldiers. They all died in battle. Therefore, your generals , the only ones who know that you have become a monk here are me and Laojiu." Li Laiheng said.

"And I."

Tian Jianxiu came out.He was on the other side of the corridor the whole time.Li Laiheng knew that there was someone there as soon as he came in, but he thought it was Li Zicheng's guard.

"General Tian, ​​are you also a monk here?" This was something Li Laiheng did not expect.His intelligence system found no trace of Tian Jianxiu. After he disappeared in Xiangyang, he disappeared.

"Ha, if it weren't for him, I, Li Zicheng, would have been killed by a group of local soldiers in Jiugong Mountain. In the dark, it seems that the heavens have arranged it. If I didn't want to kill Jianxiu, how could he have the idea of ​​becoming a monk? How could he show up when I was most in danger if he didn't go out?" Li Zicheng said.That day when he was chased to nowhere by Cheng Jiubai, a boat suddenly came to the lake and rescued him. This boat was arranged by Tian Jianxiu to keep watch in that area day and night.

As for how Tian Jianxiu knew that Li Zicheng would appear in that place, this is a mystery. Li Laiheng didn't know that Tian Jianxiu also knew what he sent someone to tell Li Zicheng.

After chatting for a while, Li Laiheng felt that Li Zicheng's mortal heart was gone and his will to become a monk was strong, so he spoke out.

"Uncle, Laiheng really came here to ask for something. Now the Qing soldiers have been conquered." Li Laiheng was interrupted by Li Zicheng at this point.

"The Qing soldiers were driven away? Who drove them away? They retreated by themselves?" Li Zicheng didn't think that Li Laiheng could drive away the Qing soldiers, so he had many hypotheses.In his impression, it is impossible for Qing soldiers to defeat.

"Li Yan and I drove away the Qing soldiers, and now they are named King Pingbei by me, guarding the northeast." Li Laiheng said.

Li Zicheng and Tian Jianxiu were stunned.

Li Laiheng could see that they really didn't know about the world, and they didn't even know that something so important had happened.

"You became the emperor? Could it be Li Yan? Eighteen sons, alas, it really isn't me." Li Zicheng asked.

After the Qing soldiers were driven away, someone would naturally ascend to the throne in Beijing.Li Zicheng gained power from Song Xiance's prophecy of "Eighteen Sons of God", and he has always worried that this prophecy may not come true for him, so he said to kill Li Yanyi.If Li Yan ascended the throne, it means that it was right to kill him in the first place.So, he was eager to ask.

"No one ascended the throne." Li Laiheng said.

"No one ascended the throne? No, you, Li Laiheng, should ascend the throne quickly." Anyone who has read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" will naturally have this reaction.The throne is a seat that everyone covets. In this matter, there is no distinction between monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons, and friends. Anyone who sees them wants to sit. It's supposed to pull you down, so, how can this big person be idle there?Li Zicheng went on to say, "Li Yan is a man with great ambitions, Wen Dao Wu Lue, a strange man in the world. If you don't ascend the throne, he doesn't necessarily want to ascend the throne. Your surname is Li, and his surname is also Li. This 'Eighteen' has been proven not to be me, you and him can only ascend the throne alone as the emperor. So, Lai Heng, hurry up and become the emperor."

Li Laiheng smiled again and said, if Li Yan's talent surpasses mine, it is not impossible to let him be the master of China.


Two voices exclaimed in unison.Li Zicheng and Tian Jianxiu stared at Li Laiheng with staring eyes.Li Laiheng still smiled faintly.He couldn't communicate with them on this issue.As for the republic, you have to explain it clearly to them. It is impossible for them to really understand it without half a year.

Since there was no way to explain it, he had to perfunctory them.In the end, Li Laiheng said, I need an imperial edict, and the time is pushed forward two years, that is, Li Zicheng canonized Li Laiheng as "Prince" two years ago.

Li Zicheng and Tian Jianxiu were horrified again.


(End of this chapter)

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