
Chapter 220 The Plague

Chapter 220 The Plague
The problem of who will get rich is not difficult to solve.Because there are too many people who love money in this world.As the saying goes, birds die for food and people die for wealth. Li Laiheng only needs to raise his arms and shout: "Who wants to get rich?" Immediately, tens of thousands of hands will raise their hands and shout in unison: "I am willing."

Li Laiheng and Li Yan discussed, select ten people with the most business ability and let them run ten industries, take the lead first, so that everyone will be envious, and finally establish an anti-monopoly law, so that people all over the world will compete to the death for wealth.

A business elite was selected to start the operation with a license.

On this day, Dorgon came to see him.He is now the Duke, serving as General Pingbei, and he is preparing to go to the country of Rosa.He came to say goodbye.

Li Laiheng said, Lord Duke Dorgon, I hope you will be successful in your expedition to Rosa this time.You conquer Rosa within a thousand miles east of Moscow, not beyond the Uma River.Europe cannot occupy for a long time, enough is enough.

Li Laiheng thought that if he went to the west, he would encounter strong resistance from the Rosa country, which would consume energy and be meaningless, not to mention that their oil was east of the Uma River.So he instructed Dorgon to fight as far as the east of the Wuma River.

Li Laiheng also said, when you get there, network more metallurgists and invite them with a lot of money, especially the chemists in Rosa, please come here, I will make them earls and become nobles of our country.What's more, Rosa's potato seeds can be brought back more. In the future, food will be difficult. Potatoes are high-yield food crops that can cope with sudden famines.

After Dorgon resigned and left, Minister of Industry Gu Ying brought two chief scientists to meet Li Laiheng.They came to invite Li Laiheng to participate in the test run ceremony of the first steam engine tomorrow.Li Laiheng was very happy when he heard that. Once the test is successful, it means that China has entered the era of industrial revolution and entered the advanced ranks in the world.

Just as he was talking happily, He Liang came in with a panicked expression.He came to report that smallpox had appeared in a large area south of the Yangtze River.

This is a serious problem.

However, Li Laiheng knows that in the 21st century, smallpox has been eradicated, and the method is very simple, that is, vaccination.

"He Liang, this problem is not difficult to solve. The scabs on the patients who are almost cured are the most effective medicine. If you use the scabs from these patients to plant under the skin of healthy people, they will never get smallpox again in their lifetime. It is." Li Laiheng said. (Smallpox is a severe infectious disease caused by smallpox virus. It is highly contagious and has a high fatality rate. It is one of the most contagious diseases in the world. It is a severe infectious disease caused by smallpox virus. This virus reproduces quickly , can spread in the air at an alarming speed, and the patient will have pockmarks on the face after recovery, hence the name "smallpox". The clinical manifestations are extensive rashes appearing in batches, which develop into macules, papules, and herpes in sequence , impetigo, accompanied by severe viremia; impetigo scabs, scabs, lifelong sunken scars. The clinical manifestations of smallpox are mainly severe toxemia symptoms (chills, high fever, fatigue, headache, limbs and back Pain, convulsions and coma may occur when the body temperature rises sharply), macules, papules, herpes, and pustules appear in batches on the skin in turn, and finally scabs and scabs are left behind. The fatality rate is as high as 15% within 20 day. When a person is infected with smallpox virus, there is an incubation period of about 30 days. After the incubation period, the patient becomes acutely ill, usually with symptoms such as headache, back pain, chills or chills, and high fever. The body temperature can reach as high as 10 Above ℃. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constipation, insomnia, etc. Children often have vomiting and convulsions. After 41 to 3 days of onset, rashes appear on the patient's forehead, cheeks, wrists, arms, trunk and lower limbs. It starts as a red macule, After 5 to 2 days, the papules turned into herpes, and then the herpes turned into pustule. 3 to 2 days after the formation of the pustule, it gradually shrank and formed a thick scab. After about 3 month, the scab began to fall off, leaving behind Scars, commonly known as "spots". Severe smallpox patients are often accompanied by complications, such as sepsis, osteomyelitis, encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, laryngitis, blindness, miscarriage, etc., which are the main causes of death caused by smallpox Reason. According to historical records, as early as the Song Dynasty in the 1th century, Chinese medicine began to use "human pox" to prevent smallpox. , used to simply prevent smallpox. Edward Jenner, an English country doctor in the 11th century, further discovered that some milkers in the English countryside often had cowpox on their hands, and none of those who had cowpox suffered from smallpox. In 18, he The 1796-year-old boy was inoculated with vaccinia, and the boy has never suffered from smallpox since then. This is also the first scientific experiment for humans to control infectious diseases through conscious vaccination. After more successful experiments, Jenner published a paper entitled "Vaccinia Vaccination" Discussion on Reasons and Effects". By 8, the technology of vaccinia vaccination had been promoted in many European countries. In the 1801th century, due to the extensive promotion of vaccinia vaccination, this severe infectious disease was finally eliminated in the world. The so-called vaccinia The source is the dead virus in the pus scab of the smallpox patient mentioned by Li Laiheng. However, this virus was mainly collected from the low-toxic live virus in cattle.)
When He Liang heard it, he was confused, but he knew that the Song Dynasty had this method to treat and prevent smallpox, but He Liang really didn't dare to promote it on a large scale and how effective it would be.

Li Laiheng said, don't worry about it, when you are free, I will teach you some methods of healing, and I will guarantee you to become the greatest medical scientist.

Because although Li Laiheng did not study medicine, he did understand the basic medical knowledge. Although superficial, this knowledge was definitely the most advanced more than 300 years ago.Therefore, he dared to brag about this bullshit.

He Liang thought, this prime minister is probably a god descending from the earth, otherwise, how could he know everything?He was convinced, and he planned to go to the south himself to promote this method of preventing smallpox.Just as he was about to leave, He Liang suddenly remembered something. There are many patients with jiggling in the south. I wonder if the prime minister can cure this jiggling disease.

"Do you play? This disease is called malaria. Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease caused by the infection of Plasmodium through the bite of Anopheles mosquito. It is clinically characterized by periodic chills, fever, headache, sweating, anemia, and splenomegaly. Onset in children The rate is high, and most of them are popular in summer and autumn. Plasmodium is an infectious disease caused by parasites on the human body. It is infected by the bite of anopheles mosquito or the blood of a person with malaria parasite. Therefore, the way to prevent it is to kill mosquitoes and prevent mosquitoes. For treatment, It is effective to boil water with Artemisia annua."

Li Laiheng still has this bit of knowledge.

Of course, the main drug for treating malaria is chloroquine, but at that time there was no way to manufacture chloroquine, nor could artesunate sodium, but the raw material Artemisia annua should also be effective.

He Liang looked at Li Laiheng in surprise, thinking, this man is not a human being, he must be a god descending from the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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