
Chapter 228 Emergencies

Chapter 228 Emergencies
The hustle and bustle of the prime minister's mansion ended soon, and Li Yan did not break through Lao Jiu's cordon to enter Li Laiheng's inner court.Therefore, Li Laiheng's life and death are unknown.

Li Yan is of course very concerned about Li Laiheng. Ever since Li Zicheng sent someone to kill him, Li Yan has lived to this day under Li Laiheng's protection. Later, Li Zicheng was defeated and left, and Li Yan became Li Laiheng's core partner. The embryonic form of the Eastern Empire is expected to become the world's largest country soon. Now, Li Laiheng's life is related to the national destiny of the entire Great China Empire. Can he not care?
Since Li Laiheng's life and death could not be grasped, Li Yan turned around and went to the Executive Yuan. He wanted to take charge of the overall situation and control the state apparatus as the deputy prime minister.First of all, he had to temporarily block the news of Li Laiheng's serious illness or death, and he had to make various preparations.Especially the control of the army.

Now the national army mainly has five front armies, and each front army is a powerful army enough to sweep one army.

The Eastern Pacific Navy led by Zhang Wenxiu has now landed in South America, which is half of the strength of the Greater China Navy.This is a terrible situation, because this powerful navy is in the hands of Zhang Wenxiu, the adopted son of the original Zhang Xianzhong.To control this army, Li Yan is not 100% sure.But fortunately, he had already made preparations, and had placed some important personnel among his top generals, who could take measures against Zhang Wenxiu if necessary.The second overseas force was the Marine Corps led by Wang Hu. They suppressed bandits in Japan and put down the stubborn local militiamen.Wang Hu is Li Laiheng's confidant general, and he was also raised by Li Yan. This man is reliable, and Li Yan believes that he should be able to control him effectively.What is difficult is Dorgon's original Manchu Qing army. They are now guarding the large tracts of land in the north and west of the original Luocha Kingdom. Relive the dream of ruling China a few years ago?The fourth army is Ergu. Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng are now leading troops in the south. The 30 troops are still fighting the remaining enemy troops in the jungle. They conquered Annan and other countries, but there are still some places where the war has not been quelled. Some tribes Still stubbornly resisting.Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng were former Li Zicheng's generals, and later they were the elite troops of Li Laiheng's army. They made great military achievements. They were absolutely loyal to Li Laiheng and respected Li Yan. Li Guo, Gao Yigong, etc., from the heart, are more kind and respectful.

These four front armies are all overseas.Most of the domestic army Li Yan can control, many of which are controlled by his cronies. The only one that is difficult to control is the former Li Zicheng's department, which accounts for about one-tenth of the country's total military strength.However, this tenth is not a small number, there are 15 people, more than enough for the separatist party.

If Li Yan wants to control the overall situation, he needs to twist these forces into a single rope. He is more confident in his administration, but he still has some worries about commanding such a huge army.In recent years, Li Yan has been the actual No. [-] figure in the empire. He is equivalent to the position of the prime minister of the empire. Most of the major policies of the country come from him, or he is an important participant. His prestige in the empire is extremely high. However, as The leader, he himself felt that something was missing.

However, under the current situation, he must stand up and control the overall situation.

First of all, he strengthened his own guards and the vigilance of the entire capital. If any accident happened, he could complete the specific implementation of martial law in the whole city within half an hour.For important departments, he sent elites led by his cronies to prevent accidents from happening.Any correspondence sent from the hub is strictly controlled.Only Lao Jiu's intelligence department, Li Yan has no actual control.

So, an hour after Li Laiheng was sniped, Li Yan successfully controlled most of the country.

After he had finished his emergency preparations, he needed to know about Li Laiheng's injury. He sent a secret envoy to the Prime Minister's Office to inquire about Li Laiheng's condition, and the reward he got was that Li Laiheng was fine. He had his special envoy tell Li Yan, It is said that during his recuperation, Li Yan presided over the government.

Li Yan pondered for a while, and decided that he must see Li Laiheng.This matter is very strange. If Li Laiheng is not critically ill, he should be able to give orders by hand, but not by mouth. There is no basis for oral orders, and many things are difficult to handle.Therefore, Li Yan thinks that Li Laiheng is very likely to be critically ill.However, this is only a possibility, because if Li Laiheng is really comatose or dead, then why does Lao Jiu prevent Li Yan from seeing Li Laiheng?It stands to reason that the more dangerous Li Laiheng is, the more Lao Jiu needs Li Yan to call the shots.So looking at it this way, it seems that Li Laiheng is really not in much danger.

Lao Jiu's ability in intelligence work is superb, but when it comes to national affairs, his decision-making ability is far behind Li Yan's. Therefore, the more important the matter, the more obvious the difference between Li Yan and Lao Jiu .There should be no problem for Li Yan to see Li Laiheng now.

Li Yan brought the guards to the Prime Minister's Mansion again. Yes, Li Yan was surprised that nothing seemed to happen here. It was so quiet that even Lao Jiu didn't know where to go.

Li Yan entered the prime minister's mansion, which surprised him. Except for the handyman, let alone Li Laiheng, Lao Jiu and others, there was not even a single person of Li Laiheng's entourage.

what happened?

The handyman replied that they were servants transferred from Prince Li Guo's residence just now, and when they came here, there was no one there.

Li Yan quickly returned to the Executive Yuan. It was impossible to conceal Li Laiheng's illness. He judged that Li Laiheng was in a critical condition. Now, the ministers were all suspicious of each other. The old nine only believed in Li Guo, and Li Guo was Li Laiheng. At this time, no one can trust anyone but the father-son relationship.

Li Yan wouldn't care too much about Lao Jiu and Li Guo's caution, it's understandable for them to hide, no one is trustworthy now.Li Yan deployed the highest level of security in the capital to deal with any possible incidents.

People in the capital are asking, what happened?No one answered this question.

At this time, on the road to Shijiazhuang, Li Laiheng vaguely heard someone talking in a special carriage.He was very relieved, because the person who spoke was Lu Qin, a strange woman whose talent was no less than Li Laiheng's.

With her in charge of the big plan, Li Laiheng should be able to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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