
Chapter 231

Chapter 231
Seeing that Li Laiheng was worried, Lu Qin quickly comforted him: "You don't have to worry. What should happen will happen after all, and it's a good thing if it happened, so that it won't explode at any time in the future."

Lu Qin's words are justified. The country has now entered an unprecedented prosperous age. All factions have tasted the sweetness of economic development in the past few years and gradually accumulated energy in politics. Under the current situation, all factions The contest started naturally.

There is no way to stop a volcanic eruption, but it can calm down for a period of time after an eruption. This is a rule, so an eruption is not necessarily a bad thing.

This is what Lu Qin said.

In Li Laiheng's eyes, although Lu Qin is a girl, in the entire empire, she is the most intelligent person. Now that she is in charge of the big plan, he should be relieved.

Li Yan seemed to have concluded that Li Laiheng was dead. The secret detectives he sent had no news of Li Laiheng. Coupled with the disappearance of Lao Jiu, he believed that the possibility of Li Laiheng's death was increasing.

Now is the time for him to strictly control the government.

He replaced eleven of the seventeen important cabinet members, and the newcomers were all Li Yan's confidantes and confidants.The chief officials of the provinces are also gradually changing.

Because Li Yan's own administrative ability is superb, there were no major twists and turns when replacing so many cadres, and power was handed over smoothly in peace.Of course, this is closely related to his full preparation in advance, that is to say, before everyone's dismissal, the corresponding preparations have been done in place. A notice of appointment and dismissal is just a thought. It is wise to accept it and resist it. is stupid.Li Yan has been preparing for this day for many years.

At this time, apart from Li Laiheng who was observing the development of the situation, all factions of the imperial court were also observing. They were all wondering about one thing, what was Li Yan going to do?
Some current affairs observers believe that Li Yan seems to have suddenly become mentally handicapped, how can he be eager to replace dissidents?Isn't he afraid of offending other forces?The ending of offending other factions is terrible. Now it is a constitutional monarchy, and the number of votes in the election is king!
Looking at the current factions in the imperial court, Zhang Xianzhong's Onishi faction is powerful, ranking second only to Li Laiheng's National Congress Party in the two houses; Zhang Kewang is in the Ministry of National Defense, and holds the position of deputy minister, so he has certain military power; The navy Zhang Wenxiu possesses is unparalleled in the world, and now he has established a country in America. Once he returns to the division to attack, his power will be terrifying.The second force is the old Ministry of the Ming Dynasty. Although they did not have famous generals to lead the army, Emperor Chongzhen was the spiritual leader of the people. He possessed an invisible force. It is a talent cultivated by the Ming Dynasty, so this force is also very strong.Especially the elites of his Zhu surname, such as Zhu Yousong, are talented people, and they have cultivated a lot of political power.The third force is Li Zicheng's old department, and Li Yan himself is one of them, but there is a difference, he is considered by Li Zicheng as a rebellious official and a traitor, so Li Yan can not be regarded as Li Zicheng's confidant.Yuan Chongdi, Liu Fangliang, Gao Yigong, Li Guo, etc. are all nobles at the "gong" and "king" level of the Great China Empire, and their power should not be underestimated.The fourth force is of course the Qing Dynasty. Dorgon is entrenched in the north, with strong troops and hundreds of thousands of troops. If they have a different heart, the history of a few years ago will repeat itself. This is the most worrying force. strength.The fifth force is Wu Sangui. They guard the southwest. Although they will not threaten to overthrow the government, they do have the energy to separate the side.The sixth force is Li Laiheng and Li Yan's own forces. Ergu is in the south with 30 troops, and Wang Hu is in Japan with 30 troops.The seventh force is the family forces that exist all over the country, that is, the so-called noble families. Their armed forces can also shake the local government.So, across the country, the situation is complicated.This does not take into account the resistance of the occupied countries.

Is Li Yan capable of controlling this situation?

Is this why Li Yan is taking extraordinary measures now?The so-called cutting off dissidents can be understood as proceeding from the overall situation, and it can also be understood as a means used for one's own dictatorship.Of course, many people believed that Li Yan had no choice but to use extraordinary means.

The pus from Li Laiheng's wound turned from yellow to green, which was a sign of his condition worsening.Huang Nong is mostly infected by Staphylococcus aureus, and now on this basis, pus appears again, which shows a problem, and there is a new symptom of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.Li Laiheng remembered that during the field survival training class, the medical instructor repeatedly emphasized that Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is a serious infection, and this bacterial infection should be avoided as much as possible.

Li Laiheng started to have a high fever.Dr. Steve was a little flustered, he used all kinds of skills, and the fever never went away.Li Laiheng intermittently lingered in drowsiness and coma, and when he woke up by chance, he said to Steve, wipe his body with wine to reduce the fever.

This is not allowed!Steve resolutely opposed it, and Lao Jiu also disagreed. How can a person wipe his body with cold wine when he is sick?It's not medically reasonable.Medicine in the late Ming Dynasty was at this level.

After Lu Qin finished handling the matter, she would come over and stay by Li Laiheng's side.

"Try it. Since he said it, it might be useful." A dead horse used as a living horse doctor might be useful, but it's hard to say, let alone Li Laiheng said this?Who is Li Laiheng?The longer Lu Qinyue got along with him, the more he realized that this person was not a human being, but a god in a nutshell, who knew astronomy from above and geography from below, the events of 5000 years before, and a god in the afterlife.

Sure enough, after Steve helped Li Laiheng wipe his body with white wine a few times, his body temperature dropped.As soon as the body temperature dropped, Li Laiheng's mind cleared up a lot. He said, from now on, you should boil the water every day, and wash the wound after it cools down. Wash it several times a day, and it may be healed.

God, Li Xiang's method is really effective. After a few days, the green pus turned yellow and thick, and after a few days, the yellow thick turned light yellow.As the nature of the pus changed, Li Laiheng's fever gradually subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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