
Chapter 236 Killing Chickens

Chapter 236 Killing Chickens

Someone who killed Li Laiheng indiscriminately has become a scapegoat.Hao Yaoqi and Li Jun have worked hard for more than a month. They have captured more than 300 foreign spies and agents. Domestic opposition groups, as well as some hateful ministers and people, have been arrested in total. More than 1000 people have been implicated. Wan, therefore, the person who assassinated Li Laiheng has tens of thousands of scapegoats, and he can account for anyone.

It's just that Li Yan never announced Li Laiheng's death.He dare not.First, he was afraid that one day Li Laiheng would appear suddenly, and he would be finished.Second, after he announced Li Laiheng's death, his interim prime minister was finished, and the general election was about to be held ahead of schedule.Although Li Yan has accumulated a lot of popularity in the past few years, his foundation is too shallow, and he is not comparable to Zhu Yousong, Zhang Xianzhong and others. Even Hong Chengchou's reputation is slightly higher than Li Yan, so Li Yan has no courage to announce Li Laiheng's News of death.

However, this is not a question of whether he announces or not. Since he is presiding over the government, it is his responsibility to find out whether Li Laiheng is alive or dead.So, after the court meeting that day, some people began to question him.

"Excuse me, the life and death of Prime Minister Li Laiheng, as the prime minister of the cabinet, you will not say, you don't know?"

"I really don't know." Li Yan answered truthfully.

"Ha! It's not a very clever cover. You won't say that Li Laiheng went abroad to recuperate? You won't say that Li Laiheng made a private visit in a micro-service? You won't say that he went abroad secretly to assist Zhang Wenxiu in the Americas? There are many more There are so many stories that can be made up, why do you make up a low-level lie of 'I don't know'?" Generally speaking, officials like to make a big splash, and the sharper the criticism, the more talented they are, and they have done their duty.Therefore, the words of the ancient officials were very hurtful.Of course, they also died miserable.

There was no suspense at all about the ending of this speaker. On his way home that night, a carriage rushed over like crazy and ran over him. When the people reported the crime and Hao Yaoqi's guards rushed over, this The official was already on the verge of death, and he died of exhaustion before he could return home.

The consequences of his death have emerged, and there are many kinds of results. For example, no one questioned Li Yan anymore. For example, people began to tremble when they saw Li Yan. For example, no one dared to say anything when he said one. .

Li Yan invited Zhang Kewang here, and he said to Zhang Kewang, you are the person I trust the most, and I hope you will do more for the court. What do you think?
This question is very explicit, who can stand this kind of temptation?If there is a promotion, even if Zhang Kewang is asked to kill his father Zhang Xianzhong, maybe he will do it.Therefore, when Li Yan asked, Zhang Kewang's eyes lit up, and he said, "What's your idea? Please cultivate it, my lord!"

Li Yan had a smirk on his face. He didn't answer Zhang Kewang's words, but just looked at Zhang Kewang and smiled.

Zhang Kewang concluded that Li Yan would reuse him, and then asked, "Is Li Laiheng dead?"

"Don't ask, it doesn't matter whether he is dead or not. I am going to ask you to be the Minister of Defense to lead the armed forces. Are you sure?" Li Yan asked.

"Of course I am sure. Although there are a few guys who are difficult to deal with, such as Gao Yigong, Yuan Chongdi, Li Guo, etc., but there is nothing to worry about. I am angry and killed them." Zhang Kewang showed murderous intent.

Li Yan wanted his murderous aura.

Hao Yaoqi was no longer ignorant, he felt that Li Yan was playing with him.

Whether Li Laiheng is dead or alive, others don't care, will Hao Yaoqi not care?After he asked Li Yan a few times, he felt that Li Yan was up to some kind of conspiracy, so he asked him bluntly, you are not addicted to being the acting prime minister, are you?
As soon as Li Yan heard his words, his expression changed, and his flash of murderous intent quickly subsided again, and he said to Hao Yaoqi, Brother Hao, how can you say that?Aren't I, Li Yan, trying to find Prime Minister Li Laiheng?Didn't you turn over the capital several times without sleep all night?We are all doing one thing, why do you still say that?

Hao Yaoqi was confused by what he said, but he still vaguely felt that something was wrong. He didn't ask any more questions. He was no longer reckless. He knew that the more he couldn't figure it out, he had to think slowly.Hao Yaoqi didn't ask Li Yan again, but Li Yan would not ignore the question of whether to keep Hao Yaoqi or not.

Hao Yaoqi is sometimes smart and sometimes confused. Li Yan asked him to preside over the arrests in Beijing. The intention is obvious. Li Yan asked Hao Yaoqi to come out as a cover in order to avoid people saying that his brothers joined forces to eradicate dissidents.If he was still ignorant and didn't understand anything, he might be used by Li Yan all the time. Now that he started asking this and that, Li Yan felt that this person was dangerous.

However, Hao Yaoqi is not that speech officer, the car accident or something is too low-level, this person cannot be killed at will, everyone knows that the relationship between Hao Yaoqi and Li Laiheng is extraordinary.A few years ago, the iron triangle of Li Laiheng, Li Yan, and Hao Yaoqi almost saved the whole of China.Now that Li Laiheng is missing, if Hao Yaoqi dies unexpectedly again, and Li Yan sits alone in the Forbidden City in the future, who will doubt that Li Yan murdered them both?

This is something that lowers one's character, there is no winner, so don't do it!But, keep him, even if he can't control his mouth.

Let Zhang Kewang clean him up!
(End of this chapter)

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