
Chapter 238

Chapter 238
Li Yan definitely didn't believe the news that Hao Yaoqi was ill.He, Hao Yaoqi, has been exposed to the wind and rain for decades, and he is in good health. How could he suddenly become ill?

Li Yan asked the family members Hao Yaoqi sent to ask for leave: "What's wrong with him?"

"Dizziness, palpitations, chest tightness, cough and spitting, numbness in hands and feet, back pain, frequent urination, urgency, acid vomiting, belching, abdominal pain and diarrhea"

"Okay, okay! Doesn't he have all the diseases? Tell me, what disease does he have?"

"The doctor said that his illness was very strange. Some said leprosy, some said rabies, some said depression, and some said it was incurable. My lord, I can't figure it out."

"Well, you go back, and I, Li Yan, will visit General Hao."

"You can't go! You can't go! The doctor said that the disease is contagious."

"I'm afraid of contagion?" Li Yan got up and went now.

Li Yan's vigilance is very strict when he goes out now, and almost every stone has to be turned over. Although it is only about ten miles away to Hao Yaoqi's camp, two hours is not enough to make preparations.

When he saw Hao Yaoqi, it was already almost noon. Hao Yaoqi judged that Li Yan was not here to arrest him, but just to find out the truth and make a gesture. Li Jun, from now on, Hao Yaoqi will be a purely undersecretary of the Ministry of National Defense, an idler with a job but no power.

Of course, the prerequisite for being an idler is that he doesn't have much to do. Of course it's best to be sick, and fake sickness is also fine.False illnesses are generally caused by a heart disease, and a heart disease is a disease.



"Hey, how can you be sick?"

"Hey, I don't want to be sick either. However, Zhang Kewang is more capable than me, so it doesn't matter if I'm sick."

"Hey, I'm afraid there will be too many people? It's an eventful time, and people are needed! You're sick again. Let me tell you, you've been sick for a while, and you have to help me lead the army."

"I think so too, but it's hard to say. This illness seems to be very difficult to pass."

"Where does it hurt?"

"I don't feel well all over. Bone headache, intestinal pain, stomach pain, kidney pain, heart pain, liver pain, lung pain, oh, it hurts everywhere." Hao Yaoqi said pretending to be in pain.

Li Yan smiled and said, "I know where your pain is, isn't it just heartache?"

"Really? Prime Minister Li Yan, if you say you are heartbroken, I will let it go, but you have to approve my leave."

"Approved? Well, you can rest for a period of time, and then come out to work when your heart stops hurting. But, who will lead your soldiers?"

"My army is not my own. Give it to your prime minister. You can give it to whoever you think."

After completing the handover of the army, Li Yan asked Hao Yaoqi again, do you know where Li Laiheng is going?

Hao Yaoqi asked anxiously, "Prime Minister, do you know?"

"I don't know, let me ask you if you know."

"how could I know?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes!" Hao Yaoqi replied firmly.

"Let me tell you, I saw him last night." Li Yan stared at Hao Yaoqi and said.

"Really! Is he okay?" Hao Yaoqi asked in surprise.He pretends to be.

"He's fine, but he can't work yet, and his body hasn't recovered."

"Where is he?" Hao Yaoqi asked deliberately.

"Well, don't ask me, let's go see him together in a few days." Li Yan didn't notice Hao Yaoqi's pretentiousness, a famous reckless man, Li Yan didn't expect him to have such high acting skills.

This time Li Yan was relieved. Hao Yaoqi realized that he was under Zhang Kewang's pressure and deliberately avoided his edge, so he proposed to hand over his military power.This is good, it solved a knot in Li Yan's mind. Originally, he had a difficult time dealing with Hao Yaoqi, but now that he voluntarily withdraws, he can be supported and not in a hurry to get rid of this person.

After finishing this matter, Li Yan prepared to do the work of passing Zhang Xianzhong.He asked Zhang Kewang to invite Zhang Xianzhong back to Beijing.

Zhang Xianzhong lives in Chengdu, Sichuan Province for a long time. He is unwilling to leave his old nest. In his original palace, he has a few wives to enjoy, and he can leave Beijing's right and wrong disputes.

In recent years, Li Laiheng has been able to govern the country very effectively, especially the rapid development of science and technology, and the people of the whole country are of one mind. However, Zhang Xianzhong has been in the peasant army for decades, and he understands a truth. Huo Bainuo, the so-called unity is nothing but bullshit. Someone who has the power will think, and someone who is beneficial will fight for it. No matter how the world changes, it is impossible to change people themselves. Even if you become a monkey, you are also fighting for it I take it.

Therefore, Zhang Xianzhong wisely chose to live in Chengdu for a long time.

Now Li Yan suddenly invited him to Beijing.What's the meaning?
It's not that Zhang Xianzhong doesn't know, now is a special period, Li Laiheng is lost, and if he is asked to go to Beijing at this time, isn't that a self-inflicted trap?However, Zhang Kewang also sent an envoy, saying that Li Yan hoped that he would come to Beijing to discuss state affairs.

Although his adopted son also invited him to go, he still planned to figure out his intention before making a decision.

Zhang Xianzhong sent another son, Zhang Youcai, into Beijing.

Although Zhang Youcai is only Zhang Xianzhong's youngest son, this man is Zhang Xianzhong's real son. He is only 25 and six years old this year and was born on the battlefield, so his military career has also been 25 and six years.After eating and sleeping in the open, I took a few people to Beijing all night long.

Li Yan received him.

"Father is in poor health and cannot travel long distances, so I came to obey orders on behalf of my father." Zhang Youcai said.

Li Yan knew that Zhang Xianzhong was an old fox and would not get out of his lair easily, so Li Yan was not angry, and said to Zhao Youcai, I don't think the Great China Empire will last long if it goes on like this. For the sake of long-term stability, I hope to cooperate with you Daxi to establish a The centralized and powerful Greater Chinese Empire.

Zhang Youcai understood right away that Li Yan wanted to restore the monarchy.For Zhao Youcai, this is a very tempting idea.According to Li Laiheng's original constitutional monarchy, the noble titles of noble families can be inherited in name, but the political privileges they enjoy are limited. Every generation needs to work hard to become a celebrity, otherwise they can only guard their own. Family wealth, just be a celebrity gentleman.

However, if the monarchy is restored, everything will be different, and generations will have endless privileges.

Zhang Youcai asked, wishing to hear about his auspiciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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