
Chapter 52

Chapter 52
Lao Jiu told the soldier that if he wanted to go back to Shimen Valley, some elite soldiers would come to rescue King Chuang.The soldier didn't know the specific situation, so he looked at Li Laiheng suspiciously.

"Go. That's it. It's okay. Just make sure that King Chuang has reinforcements. Oh, there is one thing. No matter what the situation, you must make sure that King Chuang will not take a step out of Shimen Valley. Remember, this is the most important thing. "Li Laiheng.

After the soldiers left, Li Laiheng called Luo Hu over.

"Take a brigade to take a short cut. There is a small road on the left side of Shimen Valley where you can pass alone. After passing Shimen Valley, you will lie in ambush on a mountain called Mashiling. When you see a white flag waving at the pass, don't move. Watch the officers and soldiers. If there is a commotion among the officers and soldiers, you should ignore the battle in Shimen Valley, and the camp at Paomashan in the north can disturb you if there is a chance. If there is still no response from Baiqiju standing upright for a quarter of an hour, you should attack them , taking over as General Liu Zongmin."

"Okay, I understand, where is Wang Si?" Luo Hu asked.


Only maybe.In case Wang Si wasn't there, he couldn't spoil the matter of King Chuang, that's why Luo Hu was sent again.

Shimen Valley.

A typical tired army in the pass, hungry and tired, even if they don't kill the enemy, they will collapse.The situation of confrontation in the customs continues, and no one has the ability to eliminate anyone.

King Chuang managed to send a person to convey the order, and he waited for news from Li Laiheng.

No one reported the situation outside the pass, but King Chuang knew the character, temper, wisdom, and ability of his brothers very well. Therefore, from the little signs, he was able to capture some valuable information and make a general judgment.

Liu Zongmin is brave, loyal, resolute, and decisive, but stubbornness and conceit are his faults.He is competent in the planning and arrangement of campaign plans, especially the specific battlefield organization. He is very skilled and handy.In addition, he often takes the lead, so he can often defeat the strong with the weak and defeat the crowd with the few. Even if the campaign plan is not perfect, relying on his excellent on-site organization ability, he can also complete the task brilliantly.However, it is undeniable that he lacks strategic vision, which means that he will always be a warrior but not a leader.

Since Li Zicheng was kidnapped, there has been no large-scale search for a few days. He knows that there are capable people in the rebel army who are in charge of the overall situation. He concludes that Liu Zongmin has been concealed.The capable person should be Tian Jianxiu.

Li Zicheng is very fortunate to have a visionary like Tian Jianxiu.If Liu Zongmin knew that King Chuang was missing, there would definitely be such a situation: a large-scale search.If this is the case, Li Zicheng can only die.

Tian Jianxiu, a rare Confucian general in the peasant army, is thoughtful and far-sighted.King Li Chuang thought that Tian Jianxiu must have come up with the idea of ​​concealing his disappearance. However, Tian Jianxiu was not the person who presided over the overall situation of Shangluo Mountain. With Tian Jianxiu's reputation and qualifications, he was far from enough to shock Liu Zongmin and others. general.Later, after Li Laiheng's personal soldiers rescued Li Zicheng for the first time, he didn't know the truth, and at the same time, he felt relieved.Li Zicheng was shocked and glad that Li Laiheng didn't personally lead the troops to rescue him.This is not something ordinary young people can think of or do.Based on this point, Li Zicheng was no longer worried about the battle situation in Shangluo Mountain. If Li Laiheng failed to save Shangluo Mountain's fate, there was nothing he could do.

Li Zicheng's only worry is that sooner or later the veteran generals will find out the fact that Li Zicheng is missing.

Now, the Shimen Valley battle explained everything.Attacking fiercely, that's where Liu Zongmin was desperately fighting.He was moved, regretted, and deeply worried.

Therefore, he had to secretly order Li Laiheng to go north secretly.

The sent soldiers returned.

The news Li Zicheng got was that Li Laiheng did not send troops.

Li Zicheng was astonished.

Instead of coming to rescue the soldiers, Li Laiheng asked Li Zicheng to raise a white flag.

Li Laiheng's soldiers told King Chuang that Li Laiheng wanted him to raise a white flag on the wall of the village.The white flag has been said to surrender since ancient times. Li Laiheng asked him to raise the white flag. How to explain it?The soldier couldn't explain it either, because it was hard to say whether he would be able to return to King Chuang's camp smoothly, so Lao Jiu could only tell him so much.

Raise the white flag, the morale of the army will be shaken, the truth cannot be simpler.However, Li Laiheng must have a deep meaning, let's try it like this.


The walls of the village were also stunned.

The Eagle Watch ordered again, yes, it still asked for a white flag to be erected on the wall of the village.Asked again and again, all three times the same answer.

"Raise the white flag!" Li You said, frowning.


"Listen to orders!"

"Okay. Raise the white flag."

A white flag was raised.

Immediately, everyone froze on closing and closing, inside and outside.After ten days of fierce fighting, the white flag suddenly appeared, how could you not be surprised?

"Kill!" Suddenly, a group of officers and soldiers rushed over diagonally, fiercely and swiftly.

Li You was startled, and ordered: "Get ready to meet the enemy!" The soldiers were confused, isn't this contradictory?Whether it was surrender or killing the enemy, it was impossible to figure out for a while.

"Kill the enemy! Don't let the enemy climb the wall!" Li You shouted.At this time, the closed bows and arrows, rolling stones, lime, and other objects to defend the city have been exhausted, and everyone can only meet the enemy with swords.

But, strangely, that group of cavalry did not charge towards the wall. They rushed straight and strangled the ranks of officers and soldiers. Was washed to pieces.

"Kill!" Li You shouted.The soldiers will be startled, kill?we rush out?These thousands of remnants rushed into the enemy group?It is very difficult to stick to the danger, but can you still rush out?But they saw that Li You's sword was not pointing at the outside of the pass, but at the enemy inside the pass.

Yes, the enemy in the pass has never had time to clean up, now is the time, we must seize this fleeting opportunity.Everyone can see that the team outside the customs is only about two hundred people at best, and it won't last long.

"Kill! Kill!"

The people who were closed immediately rushed into the pass to kill and slash.

In less than a meal, Sitting Tiger's rebels killed and surrendered.The inside is clean.

Li Zicheng came to the wall of the stronghold.The team of cavalry headed south and turned around the mountain.

In the south, there was a thunderous roar.

The officers and soldiers began to disperse.

A group of people and horses rushed out from the south and rushed towards the officers and soldiers fiercely.Liu Zongmin was the first to rush into the enemy's formation with his sword flying.

Among the officers and soldiers, Cao Bianjiao was sitting on the tall red horse.Li Zicheng has seen this person many times.He is organizing the counterattack, he is holding his ground.Li Zicheng looked around. He wanted to lead his troops to rush down the pass. He thought that once the enemy stabilized their position, the advantage would return to their side.However, he looked at the soldiers who had been fighting for ten days, and he gave up this idea. They can only be called weak soldiers, and their spirit, spirit, and energy can only be regarded as exhausted soldiers.

"Don't let them hold their ground." Li Zicheng had no strength to shout, his voice could only be heard by a few soldiers standing behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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