
Chapter 61 Decisive Battle

Chapter 61 Decisive Battle (1)

"Is it necessary? Marshal, hello." Li Laiheng said to Zhang Xianzhong who came over.Zhang Xianzhong rode over with a livid face, but he didn't come again, and stopped fifty steps away from Li Laiheng. "Commander, King Chuang had to go back because he received an urgent military order. The general hereby expresses his apology on behalf of King Chuang."

"Hehe, hehe." Zhang Xianzhong stroked his beard, his eyes shot a murderous look, "Go back, okay, military affairs are important. Then I will go back too." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xianzhong turned around, patted his horse and went straight to his old camp. no reply.

Now, Zhang Kewang's fifty cavalry and Li Laiheng's twenty cavalry stood facing each other, with a distance of thirty steps between them.

Zhang Kewang tightened his grip on the big knife, he was calculating the route.The young man on the opposite side is his strong enemy, the real strong enemy, apart from this person, there are really not many people who can fall into his eyes, or to put it immodestly, there is no one other than him.He believed that this man was a strong opponent, but he did not believe that he would lose to him.

Zhang Kewang's self-confidence has been proven for 14 years.Since he was 11 years old, he has been associated with blood. When Zhang Kewang was 11 years old, because of his poor family and his parents died, he was grazing cattle in a big family. It happened that there was a famine that year, and Zhang Kewang, who was so hungry, secretly killed the two cubs. An 11-year-old can kill a cow, so he quietly ate roast beef for more than half a year with peace of mind, survived the famine, and grew strong. When he was 12 years old, it was the first time he killed someone, and he killed a man who knew martial arts.He had been herding cattle at the rich man's house for two years, and his bad deeds in the past were slowly coming out. The two cubs were a considerable fortune for the farming society, so he was beaten to death by the rich man's family.There was a guarding martial artist in his family who was the chief culprit who raped Zhang Kewang. Zhang Kewang was so angry that in the middle of the night he found a hatchet and hacked the martial artist to death with only two cuts.Since then, he left his hometown and wandered around.When he was 13 years old, he also developed and became a half-grown man. He and another bandit organized a coup in a bandit den and killed the old bandit leader. He was promoted to the The second leader of this group of bandits, from then on, he really started his career as a leader.The next year, Zhang Xianzhong passed by here, and Zhang Kewang once again couped and killed the big boss. He took the group of people to defect to Zhang Xianzhong.When Zhang Xianzhong saw Zhang Kewang, he knew that this man was a rare talent, and he liked him very much. Although he was almost 15 years old that year, Zhang Xianzhong still adopted him as his adopted son.In Zhang Xianzhong's army, Zhang Kewang's reputation soon became deafening. He rarely lost on the battlefield, and he was called the God of War.He accepted this title confidently. In his ten years of combat career, he had cut off thousands of heads, but he didn't even have a single scar on his body.

Today, he is holding the big knife in his hand tightly, and he is going to cut off the head of the man who is also called God of War.

Zhang Kewang once again tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, his palm was slightly damp.

It's a little strange, the hand holding the handle of the knife is too tight, which is an unprecedented phenomenon.My palms were slightly sweaty, which was something I hadn't experienced before.

"Am I afraid of him?" Zhang Kewang asked himself.

Zhang Kewang denied his question.When has he ever been afraid of words?He has been killing since he was sensible. An 11-year-old can kill a cow. Even if it is a cow, it is still a cow. The blood is enough to shock any child. Zhang Kewang fell in love with it for the first time took it.People who fall in love with blood must be ruthless, and they will no longer be afraid in their hearts, because blood is a stimulant to them.

"Why is he so calm?"

Zhang Kewang asked himself again.

Li Laiheng on the opposite side looked at him quietly, there seemed to be no brilliance in his eyes, a person who is called God of War, would there be no brilliance in his eyes?

"Does he despise me?"

Zhang Kewang asked himself again.

Despise me Zhang Kewang?what!arrogance.

"Step aside!"

Zhang Kewang regretted it.How could he say this?Isn't he just going to kill this person?Why should he get out of the way?Zhang Kewang himself couldn't explain why.

"General Zhang, King Chuang has already gone north. The enemy is in front of us, why kill each other? I advise you to go back and rectify the military affairs." Li Laiheng said casually.

"Hum..." Zhang Kewang snorted, his eyes were all bright, this person must die.He clenched his right finger holding the big knife tightly again.He glanced at the blade, this blade has drunk the blood of many people, today, he wants it to drink the blood of a God of War.

He couldn't help getting excited at the thought of blood.

"Then let's see the real trick. Don't blame me for being lenient."

Thirty steps is just a matter of raising a knife, not enough distance to charge.

Li Laiheng's pupils were dilated, almost to the edge.Originally, this kind of pupils were only seen in people who were dying, but Li Laiheng's pupils were naturally able to expand to the extent close to the edge.The sympathetic nerves are excited, the pupils dilate, and the light is absorbed into the retina as much as possible. At this time, any slight movement of the focal point will cause the brain nerves to generate micro-currents.

This is talent.

Can't kill him.Zhang Kewang can't die now, he is the absolute backbone against the officers and soldiers.Li Laiheng was quickly calculating the route and method to meet the enemy in his mind.

Difficult to decide, an asymmetrical battle.Even if it is symmetrical, it is not absolutely sure, and now it has become asymmetrical.

Zhang Kewang has already raised his knife.His horse accelerated to an extremely fast speed in a short distance.good horse!
Li Laiheng's bay red horse also jumped up.

They fought for the first time.

Zhang Kewang's steel knife brushed past Li Laiheng's face.He felt the cold of the steel knife.He used an almost impossible posture to avoid Zhang Kewang's knife under the lightning flash of the knife.

Li Laiheng didn't draw his sword.

Their horses didn't stop, drawing a beautiful arc, each returned to the place where they were standing.

Zhang Kewang was shocked.

It is impossible for him to slash in the air, and at least he should slash on the opponent's weapon.No, it should be cut on the opponent's neck.Such a real, such a perfect knife, it is impossible for the opponent to avoid it.

Zhang Kewang glanced at the blade, and there was no trace of blood, which is indeed too rare.Zhang Kewang likes knives and his knives.Zhang Kewang's knives are all made of fine steel. The blade is thick, long and narrow. His blade is more than two feet long, but only four inches wide, and the back is two inches thick.Therefore, it is more accurate to call it a machete.The knife he was concentrating on turned out to be in vain, his explanation was only one point, this kid was very lucky.

Indeed, no one can escape this knife.Not many people escaped from Zhang Kewang's knife.And today is the first person who escaped under his concentrated knife.

Zhang Kewang was angry.There should be no survivors from his knife.

He clamped his legs, and the tension of the muscles in his whole body was once again stretched to the limit.His war horse seemed to understand the master's mind, it kicked hard and leaped into the air.

The two horses jumped into the air at the same time.The machete swept towards the opposite figure.The invincible knife gathered all of Zhang Kewang's talent and energy.

(End of this chapter)

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