
Chapter 67 The second fight

Chapter 67

Daily military training will also feel boring, how about a hunt?
No bows and arrows, no flying knives, only the knives and swords in your hands, find prey, and hunt alone, regardless of the size of the prey.Foot combat and cavalry combat are used alternately, eclectic.

Li Laiheng wants to select leading talents from them.

This topic is exciting.

Hao Yaoqi will also participate.It is both fun and practical training.He also needs to know the soldiers.The better a general understands his subordinates, the easier it is to use them.Soldiers also need to know the general, knowing the general's personality traits, and the soldiers can understand the general's every move.Only troops who know soldiers and generals can be elite troops.

There is a dangerous place in the Funiu Mountains, Motian Ridge, which is the main battlefield for this hunting.A thousand soldiers and horses placed in the jungle with a radius of ten miles are like throwing a handful of mung beans into a pool, without sound or trace.That's right, 1000 people are placed in a jungle of 25 square kilometers, and there are only 40 people per square kilometer, which is about the same density as wild animals.With Motianling as the center, they drove the animals into smaller and smaller circles from all sides, and finally fought the wild animals within a square kilometer.

Laying out a 25-square-kilometer encirclement is a problem in itself. When will it be completed and when will it start to shrink? The speed of each point must be accurately calculated and very high in execution. Otherwise, it will not be an encirclement, but It is skirmish formation.

Hao Yaoqi didn't believe that his troops could do this, what a high level of individual quality it would take!

Li Laiheng didn't believe it either.

But the first failure is allowed. If you practice a few more times, the quality of individual soldiers will improve.His own troops could do this, and in a very short time.

It took more than an hour for a single soldier to arrive at the reserved seat.The distance between soldiers is 40 meters.40 meters in an open field is nothing, just a stone's throw away, but in the jungle, no one can see anyone, only hear their voices, but not see them.

The drums of war sounded.

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

The orders were passed on in turn.Passing a circle, a distance of forty miles, half a stick of incense time.

With the beat of the drums, the soldiers yelled all the way and marched hard among the weeds, vines, and branches.When encountering ravines, rocks, and steeps, you must pass quickly.

Li Laiheng and Hao Yaoqi stood on the peak of Motianling, surrounded by their own soldiers.They are in the core area, where the beasts and insects are about to gather.Hearing the sound of approaching drums and shouts, Li Laiheng smiled with satisfaction.He estimated that the number of people left behind would not exceed one-third, which is a good result.

Li Laiheng suddenly listened attentively, and the sound of a drum to the north disappeared.No, the soldier can fall behind, the drummer cannot and will not fall behind, he has no substitute.

"Get on the horse! Attack!"

Li Laiheng got on his horse and pointed his sword to the north.

Behind him is a streamlined team, 30 people.Beside the galloping war horse, countless beasts are running around.Li Laiheng didn't take a second look at the frightened elk and wild sheep, all his attention was focused on the front and back.

There is a gap on the front and back, and there is a gap in the encirclement here. He wants to find out the reason for the gap.

A team of 30 cavalry stood on a small hillside, they looked calm, watching Li Laiheng and the others galloping towards them.

A hundred steps away, Li Laiheng pulled the reins tightly, and the horses let out a long howl, and the thirty horses stood still in a triangle.

On the opposite side, 27 people looked at this side with disdain.People are tough, and horses are first-class horses.In front of them, the five corpses were all Hao Yaoqi's soldiers who hunted today.


Li Laiheng was surprised.


Tartars arrived in Henan?No, scouts from the Tartars.

"Kill!" Li Laiheng said.Thirty war horses shot at the enemy group like arrows.

The 27 people on the opposite side were smiling, and the scimitar was unsheathed with a "snap", and the cold light shone. "Hey!" He urged the horse to fight. 27 war horses jumped up.


The two teams were about to leave.

Three dead bodies lay horizontally in the grass. Of the 27 people, only 23 remained, and one was lying on Li Laiheng's horse.

Li Laiheng said something in his heart, what a strong combat power.

These 27 people were the first time Li Laiheng encountered a strong opponent.It stands to reason that now they should not have 24 people left, there should be only one person who is currently captured alive.The 29 people behind Li Laiheng have all reached the extreme skill of hitting a single hit, but today, most of them missed.

The 23-member team obviously encountered a difficult problem. They were surprised and puzzled. There is also a team with this kind of combat power in the Central Plains?It has been more than three months since they penetrated the pass, and they have never lost a hand. They are the warriors of the Manchus.

Leaving behind three corpses, will this revenge be avenged?

A living person, to grab or not?
"Withdraw!" A Manchu saying. The 23 war horses soared into the air, made a sharp turn, 180 degrees, and galloped northward like arrows, leaving in the dust.

Li Laiheng did not pursue.

He stood there thinking.

The fighting power of the Manchus is beyond imagination.Those I met today are not the strongest, nor the most elite, they are just the best of the ordinary, or the best of the best.

Hao Yaoqi arrived.He was still a step too late, and when he arrived, the satisfied cavalry had disappeared.

"Who?" Hao Yaoqi asked.

"Tartar soldiers."

"Have the Tazi soldiers arrived here? Ha, there is still someone alive, ask." Hao Yaoqi said urgently.

"Don't worry, I'll ask after you return to the camp, there may be something confidential."

Back at the camp, Li Laiheng interrogated the captives.

Unexpectedly, this man is fluent in Han language, and also knows a lot of dialect slang.

"Want to live?"

The man shook his head, nodded again, then shook his head again.He thought, there is still a chance of survival?impossible.The Manchus treated their captives by turning them back into slaves. When the Han captured the Manchus, most of them killed them.He didn't believe there was a chance of life.

"Shaking your head? Don't want to live anymore?" Li Laiheng asked.

"I'm not alive anymore." The man thought, since there is no chance of surviving, why bother?One knife, refreshing.

"Well, I won't let you die. If you can cooperate with us, I will let you go. If you don't cooperate, I will torture you until you cooperate." Li Laiheng said cruelly, his demeanor, that People believe it when they see it.Li Laiheng then asked, "Do you think your combat power is stronger or ours?"

"Of course it's us, we are number one in the world!" the man said proudly.

"What about today?"

"You guys are amazing today. But, on the battlefield, you can't beat us." The man said with certainty.

Li Laiheng thought, this may be true.From now on, this group of people will be their main opponents.Li Laiheng felt a strong pressure, which also aroused passion.

Li Laiheng really wanted to hurry to that day when he competed with the Manchu Eight Banners, who are the most powerful in the world.

The Manchu finally chose to cooperate.

His name is Tu He, and he is the scout of the Yellow Banner.They came to Funiu Mountain because they heard that there is a relatively strong fighting force here.They are all interested in troops with relatively strong combat effectiveness. They are a nation that loves to learn, at least, before they came to power.A Romance of the Three Kingdoms taught the Manchus how to design strategies and tactics, and a Fengshen Bang told them how to use the rebels to defeat the current regime.

They regard a large number of military forces as their future resources.

In the Manchu new regime group, there are very powerful figures.

Of course Li Laiheng knew outstanding historical figures such as Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, Dorgon, Kangxi, and Qianlong. The Manchus in the early years were indeed a nation with a large number of talents.

Li Laiheng did not kill this man named Tu He. He provided Li Laiheng with a lot of important information, such as the distribution map of "poles" in the Central Plains.

The pole is actually called a bandit, who robs houses and houses.Generally, the hungry people have nowhere to go and gather together.Whether you call him a bandit or a rebel army, one thing is true anyway, in order to survive, fear nothing.

The pole distribution map is a treasure.

Li Laiheng had a new idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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