
Chapter 99

Chapter 99
Li Laiheng did not wait for the Qing soldiers to pursue him.

But he was not relieved, because it can be concluded that the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were not reckless, their tactical literacy was top-notch, and their strategy should not be underestimated!

The enemy did not pursue.Li Laiheng also quickly hid himself.Soon, Lao Jiu came back.

"The enemy has retreated to Kenli City." Lao Jiu reported the military situation.

The enemy actually started to defend the city?
This illustrates two problems.One is that they were surprised when they encountered this powerful enemy, which was a great threat to them.They will surely need time to figure out who the enemy is today.Second, they have no plans to retreat in a hurry. They would rather defend the city and attack the long with a short attack than immediately retreat northward. Their mission is not to plunder, but to contain Hong Chengchou.

Breaking the enemy's plan is the purpose of Li Laiheng's coming here.They want to get rid of this group of enemies as soon as possible.

"How about the siege tonight?" Li Laiheng asked.

"It's worth killing him for a while longer," Lao Jiu said.

Wang Si and Luo Hu became excited.

"How many wounded soldiers?" Li Laiheng asked.Li Laiheng seldom loses, even if the chances of death and injury are very few, but many injuries today.After the battle at Tongguan, Li Laiheng only suffered losses in the battle against Zuo Liangyu, and at other times, he retreated completely.Today, it is considered a surprise attack. Logically, the surprise attack is the dominant side. Against the Ming army, the surprise attack cannot cause losses.There were also injuries in the raid, which was the first time.It shows that the Qing soldiers are difficult to deal with.

"There are more than 160 wounded soldiers. Twelve of them are seriously injured." Wang Si replied.

Li Laiheng was slightly surprised.Well, even in this kind of raid-style battle, there is so much consumption in the battle.This was beyond Li Laiheng's expectations.

There can't be too much confrontation. If we fight a few more such battles, the attrition will be unbearable. After all, 800 people will not be able to withstand the attrition.

Give some color to the Qing soldiers, so that they will retreat in spite of difficulties.

Tonight, without giving them a chance to breathe, attack the city and kill the enemy.

Siege is an adventure.However, the Qing soldiers had never seen Li Laiheng's siege method.As long as you attack and kill some people, you will achieve your goal.The chance of killing the general at night is not great. The purpose of the siege is to tell them that this army is not only good at field battles, but also good at siege.

Li Laiheng chose 400 people to attack the city.When they came near the city wall, even the vigilant Qing soldiers didn't notice it.

At night, there is no need for cover, so there is no need to prepare archers. Two hundred hooks are thrown up the city wall, and then two hundred people and two hundred swords follow. Soon, 200 people become 400 people. The first batch of people came up, almost following behind the first batch.

Four hundred swords are four hundred heads.

Li Laiheng was not surprised that the unexpected siege was a great success.The Qing soldiers were not good at defending the city.

Take it when you see it, there is no need to kill.

However, just when Li Laiheng was about to order a retreat, the captain of Hatu found something strange in the city, and hurriedly led his troops to the city to check.It was too late, and when he found that the enemy had already attacked the city wall, what greeted him was a sharp steel knife.Wang Si chopped it down with a knife, and Ha Tucanling's head rolled off the city wall.With a cry, Hatu's soldiers and generals wiped their necks with a sword before they could turn around and run away.

Li Laiheng's 400 people yelled and yelled while hacking and killing, and the whole city was in chaos.

The shouts disturbed Kenli City. The deputy commander was very talented in leading the army. He assigned his own soldiers and generals, and called the Qing soldiers to stand firm. He led hundreds of people to quickly stabilize the situation in the city, and soon the city settled down. .

Until dawn, the enemy was gone.The vice president was dumbfounded when he cleared up the number of soldiers. His [-] elite soldiers are now less than [-].

One day and one night, half was killed by a strange force.

It is the practice of the Qing army to win more with less, but now it is reversed, the opponent's troops are obviously less than their own, but they have almost no loss, so they killed half of themselves.

Ashamed and angry, Ushihaqi was speechless for a long time. He was making up his mind, but he couldn't make up his mind.

The Qing soldiers knew that they had to retreat, they were no match for this mysterious army.

Li Laiheng blocked the return route of the Qing soldiers in Beiling and Chenzhuang Town.

This group of Qing soldiers penetrated thousands of miles into the pass, Li Laiheng thought, if they were not wiped out, I would be sorry for my ancestors, and I would be even more sorry for myself. A person who has traveled through once, leading such a group of elites, can't destroy more than 1000 Qing soldiers?

However, he is not in a hurry to destroy them, nor does he plan to wipe them out. He is ready to exhaust them and scare them to death.

After chasing them, you have to chase them for a distance of one or two thousand miles, exhaust them, scare them to death, and let them go back and tell other Qing soldiers that there are very powerful people in the Central Plains waiting for them.

Wu Xihaqi, the deputy commander of the Qing army, hesitated for a long time about the decision to retreat, and also thought about it for a long time. He knew Dorgon's temper, and he also knew the burden on him. Logically, he should not retreat. He must insist on staying in Shandong. Raid and harass the Ming army and towns.But, in the end, he gave up.

He knew that since he penetrated so deep behind the enemy's rear, it would have been nothing more than an ordinary Ming army, but suddenly a miraculous army appeared, and he was unable to complete the mission assigned to him by Dorgon.

"Let's retreat." The deputy commander gave the order to retreat. At the same time, he asked his entourage, "Have you figured out whose army it is?"

"A general named Li Xiang." The scout reported.

"Li Xiang?"

In Vice Dutong's mind, there was no information about Li Xiang.For an unknown person to have such a strong combat power, the Central Plains is really a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

Li Xiang was scary.


The Qing soldiers retreated extremely fast.

Behind enemy lines, the best way to save your life is to move fast so your opponent can't catch you.As for the Ming army in Shandong, Vice President Wu Xihaqi has already figured out their temper, and their attack speed is very slow.For the Ming army, it was never necessary for the Qing soldiers to retreat so quickly, but this time, this man named Li Xiang forced Vice President Wu Xihaqi to move quickly.Soon, they arrived at a place called North Ridge.

Li Laiheng's troops had already quietly ambushed here.Lao Jiu's information was very timely. He had confirmed that Ushihaqi would take the road of North Ridge an hour ago.

The current ratio of troops has narrowed again.Two to one.There were 700 soldiers in the Qing Dynasty, and Li Laiheng had [-] people except the injured.


As soon as the Qing soldiers entered Beiling, Li Laiheng launched a charge.He not only wants to kill the enemy, but also wants the Qing soldiers to remember that there is an army stronger than the Qing soldiers in the pass.

Soldiers who don't fight without fighting.

It is necessary to let the Qing soldiers have some scruples.

Li Xiang's name needs to be known by more Qing soldiers.Li Laiheng is flying a black flag today, with two large characters written on it: "Li Xiang."

This kind of flag, black and weird, gives people a deep impression.This is the hallmark of carnage and terror.

Qing soldiers are worthy of being Qing soldiers, even after yesterday's setbacks, they still haven't panicked, they rushed up to face Li Laiheng.

The two armies greeted each other, and as soon as they fought, there was the sound of cutting into the flesh and the clash of metal weapons.Except for the deputy capital commander, there are no officers at the first level of the leader. The challenges faced by the temporarily designated leader are far greater than the opportunities. The two trusted leaders have not been in office for three hours, and they have become headless corpses. .

The battle between the two armies intertwined for less than a quarter of an hour. Seeing that the situation was not good, the deputy du unified ordered the withdrawal of troops again.

Li Laiheng did not pursue him.He let the Qing soldiers escape with their lives.

However, they were not merciful when cleaning the battlefield. The Ming Dynasty had the habit of killing captives, and they went deep alone. Who would have the kindness to treat the captives preferentially?In this battle, more than 400 Qing troops were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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