Chapter 102
A small amount of peat!
Huang Ge is calm and breezy, but Lan Ziyu is roaring inwardly.

Although he is a prince, he has always been advocating frugality and being close to the people today, lightly paying taxes, and most of the money he earns on weekdays is given away to help the people in disasters.The last time he agreed to give Huang Ge a thousand gold for the purpose of retiring the engagement was already all his savings, if he gave Huang Ge another five hundred gold, then he had no choice but to ask the queen.

"Within three days, my palace will send someone to deliver the things to Zuo Xiangfu. If you dare to gossip outside and make this palace lose face, then even the emperor uncle will not be able to save you." Lan Ziyu knew that Huangge today If he didn't get the five hundred gold, he wouldn't give up. In order to save his face, Lan Ziyu finally had to agree to Huangge's request.

"Bai Zhi, you wait for me." After saying this, Lan Ziyu threw another threat at Huang Ge, and then turned and walked away.

"Remember not to send it to the wrong place. If I don't see the five hundred gold within three days, then I won't be able to control my mouth." It seemed that Lan Ziyu was not angry enough. After walking a few steps, Huang Ge suddenly reminded Lan Ziyu with a smile.

Lan Ziyu's expression became even more gloomy when he heard this. Sooner or later, he will make her pay for this damn bitch.

Lan Ziyu was so angry that he was half dead and cheated him of five hundred gold by the way, Huang Ge instantly felt extremely comfortable.However, given that Lan Ziying next to him kept looking at him, Huang Ge didn't show too much excitement.

"Bai Zhi, aren't you afraid that Brother Huang will find an opportunity to retaliate against you in the future?" Lan Ziying stared at Huang Ge. Although Huang Ge had suppressed some emotions, she could still feel the joy of Huang Ge.

If it were someone else, who would dare to threaten Lan Ziyu so blatantly, but such an idiot in the eyes of the entire capital did so.Lan Ziying didn't know whether to say that Huang Ge was daring to seek her own death or whether she should say that she became lawless after finding a backer.

"Although Baizhi's status is humble, since she is alive in the world, she should be neither humble nor overbearing. If people do not offend me, I will not offend them. If people offend me, I will pay back a hundred times." Huang Ge turned around and looked at Lan Ziying with a smile, and answered quite frankly. , the clear eyes make people unable to pick out any doubts.

Although it was a simple remark, it expressed a bit of pride.

Lan Ziying suddenly understands why Ning Fei and Huang Ge are at odds, but the right and wrong may not be as Ning Fei said.But Lan Ziying didn't want to delve into the right and wrong of it.

What is right and what is wrong, you will naturally know after a few more contacts.

"Didn't the princess want to take me to see the orchids just now?" Seeing Lan Ziying standing still and not speaking, Huang Ge immediately reminded with a smile.

"Let's go." After being reminded by Huang Ge, Lan Ziying remembered that she wanted to take Huang Ge to see her new batch of orchids just now, and after slightly nodding towards Huang Ge, she led her towards the garden next to her. go.

Or it might be the reason why Lan Ziying's attitude towards Huang Ge has changed. Originally, Huang Ge reckoned that he could leave after staying in the Princess Mansion for about two hours.Who knew that after Lan Ziying took her to see the orchids, she asked her to accompany her to eat and practice calligraphy, so it was already evening when Huangge left the princess mansion.

"Miss, the fifth princess seems to like you very much." On the way back to Yue Palace, Mo Ran also talked a little more than when he came, and for some reason, he talked about Lan Ziying.

(End of this chapter)

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