Chapter 109 Hundred Flowers Feast (3)

"Let you have a long memory." Huangge glanced at Bai Liu indifferently, and although the words he said were neither serious nor serious, they gave Bai Liu a sense of shock invisibly.

Meeting Huang Ge's calm and prestige eyes, Bai Liu immediately lowered her eyes with guilt, covered her face and dared not say another word.

She wanted to take this opportunity to make other people think that Huang Ge is a bullying master, but who knows that after only a few words, Huang Ge saw it and gave her a slap in the face in public.Bai Liu knew that the current Huang Ge was no longer the person they could bully at the beginning, and he didn't dare to meet head-on under Huang Ge's warning eyes, so he could only endure it for the time being.

"My third younger sister is used to being pampered by her father on weekdays. She doesn't know the seriousness of her words. If she offends anything, I will apologize to you on her behalf." Huang Ge frightened Bai Liu and then turned her eyes to the women who had just talked to them .

Compared with Bai Liu's aggression, Huang Ge's words were very humble and polite, and did not give people the feeling of taking advantage of the situation to overwhelm others.

"The princess was joking. It was indeed our fault just now. As long as the princess doesn't care about us, it is already the greatest gift to us." The woman didn't expect that Huang Ge would actually slap Bai Liu in the middle. Song's words, for a while, he couldn't figure out what the two sisters from Zuo Xiangfu wanted.

"You also said just now, those are all unintentional words, as long as you don't repeat them in the future." Huang Ge smiled at the woman, what he said was reasonable but implied.

The implication is that they said it unintentionally and she will not pursue it, but if it is intentional, it will be different.

That woman is also a smart person, so she naturally understood the meaning implied in Huang Ge's words, she immediately smiled and said a few good words to Huang Ge, and at the same time she was deeply relieved.

It was rumored outside that this eldest lady of Zuo Xiang's mansion had always been an idiot and cowardly. Today, when she saw that she looked weak and incompetent all over her body, she was clearly a master who was soft on the outside and ruthless on the inside.

Fortunately, she showed her softness just in time, otherwise her father's official position may not be preserved at this moment.

Seeing that there was no play to watch, the crowd of onlookers dispersed in twos and threes.But when everyone left, they couldn't help but look at Huang Ge a few more times. In the past, because Bai Zhi didn't leave Zuo Xiang's mansion, very few people had seen her.The impression of her is that idiot and incompetent that outsiders say, but seeing her today is clearly inconsistent with the rumors.

Many of the family members who were originally jealous because of her marriage contract with Lan Jue wanted to take the opportunity to make things difficult for her, but seeing that Huang Ge is not a persimmon that is easy to pinch, they all put away this idea for the time being.

"Bai Liu, since you are here with me today, you should behave yourself. If you try to trip me secretly, it will not be as simple as the slap just now." Now that the people around have dispersed, Huang Ge naturally also He took Bai Liu up the promenade on the lake and walked towards the center of the lake.But when he turned around and walked past Bai Liu, Huang Ge suddenly lowered his voice and warned.

Today's Hundred Flowers Banquet was originally a place where women gathered, someone might jump out and trip her up in a while, she didn't want to spend time and effort to settle down because of constant external troubles.

Bai Liu's heart skipped a beat when she heard Huang Ge's words, and she dared not look into Huang Ge's eyes, she just bit her lip and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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