Chapter 112 Hundred Flower Ling

Under the surprised and gloating gazes of everyone around, Miss Yun San was even more ashamed and ashamed.But here is the Hundred Flowers Feast, and she can't play tricks in it, so she can only stare fiercely at Huang Ge and throw the Hundred Flowers Ling at her.

"Baizhi, do you dare to accept my Baihua Ling?"

As soon as Miss Yun San said this, the people around who were gloating and waiting to see Miss Yun San's jokes were stunned for a moment, and then they all became excited, and their respective voices of discussion followed.

Looking at the excited faces of everyone around, Huang Ge, one of the protagonists, looked confused.

What the hell is Baihualing?

"Miss Yun San, it's too inappropriate for you to throw a hundred flower feathers at my elder sister before the Hundred Flowers Banquet begins." When Huang Ge was puzzled, Bai Youliu, who was next to her, frowned and immediately reminded Miss Yun San road.

"Hey, what is Baihua Ling?" Seeing that Bai You didn't notice her confusion, Huang Ge turned her eyes to Bai Liu next to her, and asked her in a low voice.

"Bai Hua Ling is actually a life and death battle card..."

Bai Liu didn't expect that Miss Yun San would throw a hundred flower feathers at Huang Ge from the very beginning, and she was stunned for a while when she heard it.But after thinking about it, that Miss Yun San's martial arts didn't seem to be weak, and Bai Liu suddenly felt secretly happy.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet has its own rules, but everyone who participated in today's banquet has written down the life and death certificate by default, and anyone can throw a Hundred Flowers Ling to others.It's just that Bai Hualing's methods are also varied, and some of them are purely competing for talent or cooking skills, and there is no danger of life.The second is to compete in martial arts, and you can never die.

Miss Yun San was born in a famous martial arts family, throwing Baihua Ling at Huangge at this moment would only be a competition of martial arts.And according to the way she looked at Huang Ge, I'm afraid that once this competition starts, there will be no end to death.

After hearing Bai Liu's explanation, Huang Ge couldn't help but sigh silently.She had no intention of provoking people, but the future Yue Wangfei above her head had an aura that was extremely attractive to hatred, but it was hard for her, a person who didn't look down on Lan Jue's evil star at all.

"Bai Zhi, do you dare or not?" Because Huang Ge made Miss Yun San faceless in public, Miss Yun San didn't even listen to Bai You's reminder this time, she looked straight at Huang Ge with a look If Huang Ge does not agree, he will never give up.

Huang Ge's answer was not only that Ms. Yun San was waiting alone, but the other female relatives present couldn't wait to hear Huang Ge accept this challenge.After all, Miss Yun San was not the only one among the female relatives present who was jealous of Huang Ge. I don't know how many people hoped that Huang Ge would die in Miss Yun San's hands, so that the position of Princess Yue would be vacated again.

Just when Huangge was thinking about how to rescue herself, Lan Ziying's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Who wants to throw away the hundred flower feathers?"

Everyone turned around to look, only to see Lan Ziying in a water-blue palace attire standing under a magnolia tree not far away at some point, and beside her was Ning Fei in a pink palace attire and several other court ladies.

"See Your Highness Fifth Princess, Princess Ningfei..." When everyone saw Lan Ziying and Ning Fei coming, except for Huang Ge, everyone else immediately saluted Lan Ziying and Ning Fei.

"Bai Zhi, how dare you not salute us?" Ning Fei said with a very displeased face when she saw that Huang Ge did not stand up to salute her and Lan Ziying.

(End of this chapter)

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