The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 114 A Unique Way to Ask for Flowers

Chapter 114 A Unique Way of Asking for Flowers
Because of the arrival of Lan Ziying and Ning Fei, the Hundred Flowers Banquet officially started.After some singing and dancing, more than a hundred palace people came in each with a pot of flowers and plants. Although Huang Ge didn't know much about flowers and plants, he could roughly judge from the exquisite appearance of those flowers and plants that they were all top quality.

"In order to add to the fun of today's Hundred Flowers Banquet, I specially sent people to search for some exotic flowers and plants. If you have something you like, you can ask me for it. The way to ask for it is also very simple. If you can unlock it You can take away the flowers and plants that you like, or you can use your talents to impress the palace." After the last palace maid holding flowers and plants entered the arena, Lan Ziying told everyone very simply These flowers and plants are not just for appreciation but can be taken away.

Many of the female relatives present had stared straight at the flowers and plants when they entered the arena, and now they heard Lan Ziying say that they could take them away, and they all became eager to move.

Huang Ge was never very interested in these flowers and plants, but it was the delicious food of the Hundred Flowers Feast that attracted her deeply.While others were thinking about how to get those flowers and plants away from Lan Ziying, Huang Ge just buried her head in silently eating the food on the table, quietly waiting for the Hundred Flowers Banquet to end and leave.

But Bai You who was sitting obliquely in front of her seemed to feel that Huang Ge was too quiet, after talking with Aunt Ding for a while, she suddenly turned her head and asked Huang Ge softly.

"Sister, do you have any flowers and plants that you fancy?"

"I think the moonflowers planted in the yard are pretty good, so I don't need to take other flowers and plants back." Huang Ge was eating happily, and suddenly Bai You asked and answered casually.

As soon as Huangge heard Lanyuebai mentioned, an unnatural expression flashed across Baiyou's face.But fortunately, the attention of the surrounding women has been attracted by the flowers and plants that Lan Ziying found, and Huang Ge didn't look up at her at all, and no one noticed the change in her face just now.

"You'er, you don't care what she does. Hurry up and see if that one is a purple magnolia. I remember that the Empress seems to like that flower the most." Seeing that Bai You was talking to Huang Ge again, Ding slapped her He turned her body back, and at the same time leaned close to her ear and pointed to a pot of purple orchids in the distance and said.

Although Ding's voice was very low, Huangge, who practiced martial arts since childhood, has excellent hearing ability, and just heard what Aunt Ding said.

Does the empress like purple magnolia the most?

Thinking of this, the corner of Huangge's mouth suddenly twitched into a faint smile, and his eyes fell on the pot of purple magnolia in the next moment.

Because many of the flowers and plants that Lan Ziying brought out this time are extremely precious, but in the whole Hundred Flowers Banquet, there are female family members who are constantly begging for those exotic flowers and plants from Lan Ziying in various ways.

This Lan Ziying is indeed a wonderful person, and the conditions given are to compete for talent, the most important thing for women in Kyoto is talent.In this way, the process of asking for flowers has become a wonderful way for everyone to show their talents.

Ever since Huang Ge knew that Aunt Ding was secretly encouraging Bai You to beg for that pot of purple magnolia, she began to think about what talent she had that could impress Lan Ziying.

Sing?I don't seem to be very good at...

Dance?It seems that I have never learned...

Music, chess, calligraphy and painting?It seems to have been practiced a little...

Playing a set of sword skills?She is quite good at this!

It's just that for an elegant person like Lan Ziying, can playing a set of swordsmanship in front of her impress her?

Huangge is deeply worried about this!

(End of this chapter)

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