The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 140 Finding Bai Liu to Settle Accounts

Chapter 140 Finding Bai Liu to Settle Accounts (4)

After Huangge beat Bai Liu hard, she felt that the anger in her heart calmed down a little. Looking at Bai Liu on the ground, half of her face was ground to bloody and bloody, and half of her face was red and swollen like a pig's head, she raised her hand and threw a medicine bottle on her. Beside her, Huang Ge raised her eyes to look at the maidservants and mothers who had been stupefied, and said in a calm tone.

"Give this medicine to Miss San three times a day. If it ruins your face and disturbs Prince Li's interest, it will be your fault."

Although those nuns and maidservants served Mrs. Su and Bai Liu on weekdays, when they heard that Huang Ge used Prince Li to suppress them, they immediately turned pale with fright.One of the older nuns was afraid that Huang Ge would take his anger on them in a short while, so she immediately stepped forward to pick up the medicine bottle after Huang Ge's words, and beckoned others to give Bai Liu the medicine quickly.

Originally, Bai Liu, who was hugging her face, which had already been injured by Huang Ge, said that the Prince would not want her, when she heard Huang Ge's words, Bai Liu was so angry that she spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

After tidying up Bai Liu and Mrs. Su Huangge, she turned her eyes to the people around to join in the fun, and saw that except for Bai Hui, Aunt Ding and Bai You, most of the other aunts and ladies in Zuo Xiangfu were here.

"Since you are all in Baizhi, you might as well remind me that if anyone is interested in a position in the Yue Palace, he will rely on his ability to find it, and if anyone trips me behind the scenes, Bailiu will be your fate."

After saying a word with a gloomy face, Huang Ge turned and left.When passing by Bai Liu, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but he stepped on her wrist again, and Bai Liu, who had fainted, woke up again in pain.

It just so happened that those nuns and maids were pressing her to apply the medicine, and they didn't know what was in Huangge's medicine. As soon as it touched the skin, it felt cool and relieved her pain at first, but after a while, her pain was relieved. A scorching pain swept across her entire face, and she couldn't help scratching her face with both hands while crying.

The nurses and maids next to him thought how dare Bai Liu scratch their faces at what Huang Ge said just now, and immediately used all their strength to hold down Bai Liu's limbs, which made Bai Liu feel even more painful.

The people watching around saw Bai Liu's miserable appearance, and remembered what Huang Ge said just before leaving, and they shuddered.

Originally, there were still a few aunts who secretly planned the Lan Jue, but when they were frightened by today's situation, all their thoughts vanished. I just hope that from now on, Bai Zhi will not be missed by Bai Zhi. How could they dare to play the Lan Jue? idea.

Mo Ran, who left one step later, had a panoramic view of the expressions of the people around him, and expressed his appreciation for the behavior of his little princess who had invisibly snuffed out so many flowers thinking about her prince before entering the gate of Yue Palace.

No wonder his lord chose her. With such a person who can defend himself and help clean up the rotten peach blossoms with such a super combat power, his lord must wake up laughing from his dreams!
Huangge did not leave Zuoxiang Mansion after tidying up Bai Liu, but went back to the courtyard where she and Bai You lived together, originally planned to stay in Yuewang Mansion for a few more days, but who knew Lan Jue would come here indiscriminately in the morning Xingshi's questioning made her look like Hongxing had cheated on him and put on a cuckold for him.

Although Huang Ge will not always remember this tone, she will never step into the Yue Palace until it dissipates on its own.

(End of this chapter)

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