Chapter 241 Blessing (3)

Huang Ge smiled and nodded, Yuanyang Dang asked the coachman to stop the carriage.After getting off the carriage, Huangge and Concubine Liu walked along the path one after the other, enjoying the surrounding scenery with great interest. From time to time, Huangge would point to some farm objects nearby and ask Concubine Liu some questions. Concubine Liu Seeing that Huangge's attention was drawn to these farm objects, he was naturally very happy to answer.

The two talked happily all the way into Lanruo Temple. Concubine Liu first led Huangge to the main hall to offer incense, and then took her to pray for blessings under the Eight Immortals tree in the atrium. The hour when the sun rises on the branches.

Originally Concubine Liu wanted to take Huangge away from Lanruo Temple to have breakfast in a small town not far from here, but before she could say this, Huangge expressed her desire to try Lanruo Temple's fast food first.The visitor was the side concubine Liu, so naturally it was not easy to dampen Huangge's interest, so she had to be patient and accompany her to have another fast meal in Lanruo Temple.

Originally thinking that Huang Ge would go back home with her after finishing her fast meal, who knew that Huang Ge proposed to visit Lanruo Temple just after she stepped out of the dining room. Refusing with a good reason, he could only force a smile and continue to walk around with Huangge.

Huang Ge walked around Lanruo Temple with great interest while secretly paying attention to the change of Concubine Liu's expression. Seeing that she seemed a little absent-minded along the way and even had a hint of anxiety beating in the bottom of her eyes, Huang Ge couldn't help but secretly smiled in her heart.

Could it be that she is a Tiger Mountain Monster?Accompanying her to walk casually in this Lanruo Temple made Concubine Liu anxious like this?
But after thinking about it, Lanruo Temple is a weird place, maybe it really hides some secrets that Lan Jue wants, Huang Ge suddenly becomes more interested, she wants to see what secrets are hidden in Lanruo Temple.

"Hey, these courtyards still look [-]% to [-]% new. Why are they being renovated?" A few people walked around and came to the boundary of the backyard. Huangge saw that the road ahead was almost demolished. A big hole was also smashed into the wall of the yard, and he pretended to be amazed immediately.

"A few days ago, the heavy rain in Liuzhou continued, and a lot of mud and rocks in the back mountain were washed over. Almost the entire road in the backyard was covered by mud and rocks. These places look good, and it is even more difficult to go further. Look. The host asked the prince to allocate some money to renovate some of the roads and courtyard walls that were destroyed by mud and stones, and the construction started a few days ago." Seeing that the road into the backyard was almost destroyed, Concubine Liu knew that it must be Xiao Xiao. Shi sent someone to pass the message, and the big rock that had been hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

There is no way, Huangge should let the backyard go.

"So that's how it is..." Huangge smiled knowingly when she heard the words, and calmly saw the obviously relieved expression on Concubine Liu's face when she saw that this place was being renovated, and slowly looked from above the courtyard in front of her. After scanning around, my heart suddenly moved.

"I don't know what kind of flowers and trees are planted inside. Those flowers look really beautiful. Ah Xun, go and pick some branches for me."

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I'll pick it for you." Ah Xun immediately smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and before Liu Fangfei and Yuanyang could react, he jumped onto the roof and landed in the depths of the backyard after several ups and downs. On the flowers and trees in the middle of a courtyard, they began to pick flowers and branches for Huang Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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