The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 243 The Secret of Lanruo Temple

Chapter 243 The Secret of Lanruo Temple (1)

Hearing the words, Huangge immediately made a silent movement towards Ah Xun, and at the same time silently pointed to a lamp next to her with the other hand.

She remembered that Lan Jue once said that Ah Xun is not only outstanding in disguise, but also has a lot of research on the way of mechanism.

Seeing this, Ah Xun immediately walked to the lamp that Huang Ge was pointing at, studied it carefully for a while, then his brows were happy, and after turning the lamp back and forth a few times, a secret door appeared on the wall next to it. .

The two of them hid in before the little novice outside came in, and when they came in, everything in the house had returned to normal.

Huang Ge and Ah Xun, who hid in the dark room, thought that the little novice outside would come in to take a look. They had already found a dark corner to hide in, but after a while, they didn't see the secret door open and close for a long time. Xun then cautiously walked to the wall and put his ear on it to listen carefully to the movement outside.

"Niang Niang, they have already left." After listening for a long time, Ah Xun saw that there was no movement outside, so he turned back and said to Huang Ge in a low voice.

Hearing this, Huang Ge came out from a dark corner, and after Ah Xun lit the torch, he began to look at the dark room carefully. The small space was filled with many old sacks, and there were still many old sacks scattered on the ground. It seems to be rice grains, but because it has been stored for a long time, it has become yellow and weathered, and there are a lot of black mouse feces mixed with it. Huangge roughly deduces that this place should be a place to store grain before.

It's just that it was abandoned for some reason, and the people who came later obviously didn't know the existence of this place, so those little monks chased here just now and didn't come in.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be a secret passage nearby." Ah Xun gave Huang Ge a torch, and lit another one himself.When Huang Ge was looking at the dark room, Ah Xun had already touched the surrounding walls.

"Can you find the mechanism?" Huangge walked towards Ah Xun immediately after hearing the words, and saw that a feather placed under Ah Xun's feet showed signs of floating, obviously there was an empty place next to it.

"I've searched all the walls." Ah Xun shook his head in embarrassment. Normally, such ordinary mechanisms would be set on the walls, but she had searched carefully but found nothing at all.

Upon hearing this, Huang Ge slowly swept his eyes from the dark room, looked around the walls and then suddenly turned his eyes to the top of his head.

"what is that?"

Hearing this, Ah Xun immediately turned his gaze to the top of his head. Under the dim light, a relief sculpture about the size of a woman's palm happened to be engraved on the stone directly above their heads.

"The position is too high, I can't reach it..." Ah Xun estimated the position of the relief from her, even if she stood on tiptoe, she couldn't touch it, so she couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Pile up those sacks, and I'll help you up." Huang Ge glanced at the four corners of the dark room, and saw that there were still a few sacks with some rice in them. After stacking them together, Ah Xun should be able to reach them by standing on them. That cameo.

Hearing this, Ah Xun and Huang Ge immediately went to move those broken sacks, but because the things in them had been placed for too long, it took them a long while to manage to get the three troublesome sacks together.Huang Ge carefully supported Ah Xun to stand up, and after trying several times, he finally stabilized his body and touched the relief.

(End of this chapter)

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