Chapter 252
Xiao really doesn't know how to answer these words. If Huangge found something, but they can't come up with real evidence now, once this idea is formed, it will only make him worry all the time, and he will be a little confused suspected.

But if Huang Ge didn't find anything, her trip to Lanruo Temple was indeed too weird, so she had to be wary of it.

"Let's just wait and see what happens. These few days are the most critical time for the prince's plan, and there can be no disturbances. Instruct the people in the mansion to pay more attention to the movements of Princess Yue and her servant girls, and report any abnormalities immediately."

"Your maidservant knows." Hearing the words, the nanny knew that Xiao Shi could not judge whether there was a problem with Huangge at this time, but it was better to be cautious in the end.

The news of Huangge's sprained left ankle spread throughout the Yue Palace, and naturally reached the ears of Lan Jue who was hunting with King Jin outside, but Lan Jue hurried back in the evening, and the news spread throughout I don't know how many people's hearts were envied during the entire Yue Palace.

"I thought you had some skills, so you just jumped into a well?"

Seeing Lan Jue's return, the outsiders were all envious of Huang Ge, but Huang Ge, who was involved in many parties, wished that Lan Jue hadn't come back, because she knew that a dog's mouth couldn't spit out ivory.

You are stupid, your whole family is stupid!

At that time, the best way to avoid arousing suspicion was to come up with a trick, and there was only a dry well nearby to help them get over it.Otherwise, could it be that they lost their way in the backyard?It's about the same as cheating a three-year-old.

"Still not convinced?" Seeing Huang Ge staring at him with his mouth flattened, with an expression of wishing to beat him up, but because of his status, he had to force himself to endure it, Lan Jue immediately laughed angrily.

He injured his foot in one day's absence, so if he left the Prince Jin's mansion for a few more days, he would have to collect her body when he came back.

"My lord's lesson is, how dare I not be convinced." Of course, Huang Ge dare not say that she is really not convinced, she has to bow her head under the eaves, but sooner or later she will go to the house to tear down the damned eaves.

"It's stupid not to be thoughtful and unable to get out of your body. Today, you have to choose this self-destructive way to get out before you enter the dragon's den and tiger's lair. If you encounter a real danger in the future, will you have to cut off an arm?" Lan Jue naturally knew how much Huang Ge's words were against his will. He felt a little uncomfortable seeing her left foot wrapped like a big rice dumpling, but if he didn't take this opportunity to beat this woman well, he might God put himself in it.

Huang Ge is not a fool, and Lan Jue said so much that she naturally heard that he was really doing it for her own good.Whether it's doing things or speaking, it's always better to think twice before acting, and she also asked her soldiers in the same way when she was in the army on weekdays.It's just that after arriving here, someone seems to help her deal with the aftermath of everything, but her thinking has been weakened.

"My lord, I know I was wrong."

Biting her lip and gently pulling the corner of Lan Jue's clothes, Huang Ge is like a child who has done something wrong.Seeing this look in Lan Jue's eyes, she was immediately annoyed and funny, but it was rare for this woman to give in, and someone in a good mood did not continue to argue with Huang Ge.

"My lord, guess who I met at Lanruo Temple today?"

(End of this chapter)

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