The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 255 Getting Close to Su Ruxue

Chapter 255 Getting Close to Su Ruxue

Huang Ge knew that her foot was injured and it was really not suitable for running outside these few days, so she didn't argue with Lan Jue much.Fortunately, Ah Xun's girl is smart and easy to use, so it's reassuring to ask her to win over Su Ruxue's relationship.

In the next few days, Huang Ge honestly stayed in the yard to recover from her injuries. Xiao Shi, who was suspicious of Huang Ge, sent someone to stare at her for a few days, but did not find any flaws. The doubts in her heart dissipated a lot .

"Your Majesty, Miss Su has already started to let go of her guard against her servants, and she is willing to talk more with her servants. She also said that she would like to get together with you when her foot injury recovers." On this day, Huang Ge was flipping her hands in the room boredly. The medical book, Ah Xun suddenly walked in from the outer room and said happily.

Although Huang Ge has been recuperating in the mansion for the past few days, Ah Xun has been running to Lanruo Temple every day, bringing Su Ruxue some delicious food by the way.

In the beginning, although Su Ruxue didn't reject Ah Xun, it wasn't considered close, but Ah Xun had the cheek to go to Su Ruxue's presence every day, and after a few days, it was quite effective.

"Slow fire for a few more days, Princess Jin's surveillance of us should be relaxed in a few days, and then I will go with you again." Huang Ge heard a smile on her face, she knew This girl Ah Xun can handle this matter.

"The concubine of Jin seems to be a gentle and virtuous person, and she is really shameless to help the prince of Jin do such a nasty thing behind his back." When Ah Xun heard Huang Ge talking about the concubine Jin, he immediately gritted his teeth with hatred.

Ever since they came back from Lanruo Temple, the Jin Palace guarded them like thieves. Although they didn't show it on the surface, she could tell who Ah Xun was, and she could see this trick at a glance.

Thinking of Su Ruxue's inhuman life in Lanruo Temple, the good impression Princess Jin left on Ah Xun was completely wiped out.This woman is clearly an accomplice of King Jin. No wonder the road leading to the backyard was completely destroyed when they went to Lanruo Temple.What happened after the mountain rain washed down the mud and rocks, it was all bluffing nonsense.

"It's all poor people. The most hateful thing is King Jin. This time, we took care of this wolf in human skin for Tian Xingdao." Her actions are quite shameless, but if a woman who doesn't have an extremely strong background and a concept that escapes the world, how can she have the courage to refuse her husband's request.

The Three Obediences and Four Virtues and the Rausch Children's Precept, in Huang Ge's view, are poisons that harm women.But these things are still admired by so many people, which is really a headache.

"Poor people must have something to hate." Ah Xun heard the words but still couldn't dissipate the anger towards Xiao Shi in his heart, and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Seeing this, Huang Ge just smiled silently, and did not continue to argue with Ah Xun on this issue. It just so happened that today's weather was fine, and taking advantage of both of them being in a very happy mood, Huang Ge decided not to stay in the room and read a book but Go out and walk around.

The area of ​​Prince Jin's Mansion is very large, and the layout and decoration are very elegant and grand, so there are many scenery to enjoy in the garden.

Ah Xun pushed Huang Ge who was sitting on the chair and walked slowly along the flower path in the mansion. The surrounding flowers and trees are full of fragrance and pleasant fragrance. Occasionally, some rare animals can be seen haunting the flowers and trees. Quite comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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