Chapter 268
Although everyone hadn't heard Ah Xun's next words, but seeing the reaction of Mrs. Thirteen's personal servant girl, they already guessed that what Ah Xun heard would definitely give Mrs. Thirteen a heavy blow.

Sure enough, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Ah Xun shifted his gaze to the Thirteenth Lady in the arms of King Jin, and said word by word.

"The maid serving Mrs. Thirteen said that she encountered a strange thing. Mrs. Thirteen was clearly pregnant, but she found blood stains on Mrs. Thirteen's underwear in the morning. It looked like a sign of sunflower water."

When Ah Xun's words came out, it was like a thunderbolt falling in the whole room, and many people were shocked by these words for a long time before recovering.

If what Ah Xun said is true, isn't Mrs. Thirteen a fake pregnancy?
Thinking of this possibility, everyone looked at Madam Thirteen with both shock and gloating eyes. They haven't forgotten the precedent of Madam Seventeen, and they dared to lie to the prince. Isn't this courting death?
"Bitch, who ordered you to harm me?" Mrs. Thirteen was naturally flustered when she heard Ah Xun's words, but she forced herself to remain calm, grabbed a pillow and slapped the maid hard. He slammed it hard and asked sharply.

"I didn't... I didn't say this..." The servant girl was already flustered in her heart. After receiving the pillow without avoiding it, her legs softened and she knelt down on the ground. Although she tried her best to deny it, her face The extremely flustered expression had already betrayed her.

"My lord, you must trust me. It must be that bitch Yun Qing who wants to compete with me, intentionally please Princess Yue and then come together to deal with me. She just wants to compete with me." Mrs. Thirteen saw the way King Jin looked at him There were a lot of changes, and I couldn't take the time to scold the maid, and immediately said anxiously while hugging King Jin's arm.

"This person's words are indeed untrustworthy, but there is one thing that cannot be faked. Didn't Mrs. Thirteen just slipped her tire? Although the three-month-old child has not yet fully formed, she can already get a rough idea. Since it is a slipped tire, There must be something produced, just take that thing out and take a look." Huang Ge also admires Mrs. Thirteen, but she still refuses to admit it at this time.But since she made up her mind to kill the Thirteenth Madam today, she naturally made all the preparations to come here.

As soon as Huang Ge proposed to take out the aborted fetus of Mrs. Thirteen, the faces of many people in the room changed. They looked at her with a crazy expression on Huang Ge, and even King Jin's expression darkened a lot. .

"My lord, this woman must be crazy. She didn't even let our child's body go..." Mrs. Thirteen naturally didn't dare to ask people to bring that thing up, but when she saw King Jin's face changed, she immediately thought about it and tried again. Started crying.

King Jin was naturally unwilling to order someone to take that thing out unless it was absolutely necessary, and he felt unlucky thinking about it.But now that the matter has come to this point, he has to find an answer, even though he is not happy in his heart, he can only nod with a sullen face and agree to Huangge's proposal.

"My lord, are you crazy too?" Mrs. Thirteen didn't expect King Jin to agree to Huang Ge's proposal, she was so shocked that she even forgot to cry.

"Where is the child that Madam Thirteen just aborted?" King Jin did not answer Madam Thirteen's question this time, but raised his eyes to look at the doctors kneeling on the ground next to him and asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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