The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 271 The Xiao family who was brushed off

Chapter 271 The Xiao family who was brushed off
"Mrs. Yun, would you like to sit with me?" Seeing that Huang Ge was about to leave the house but suddenly stopped, just when everyone was puzzled, Huang Ge suddenly asked Mrs. Yun with a smile.

When Xiao Shi heard the words, she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. She was thinking of hitting Mrs. Yun well while Huang Ge was away, but who knew that Huang Ge would actually take Mrs. Yun away.

"Madam Yun was shocked just now, she should go back to rest earlier." Before Madam Yun could reply, Xiao Shi declined Huang Ge's proposal first for her.

Normally, in their eyes, Mrs. Yun is an extremely weak-tempered person, and now that Mrs. Xiao has spoken, Mrs. Yun naturally won't say much.

After hearing the words, Huangge didn't continue to speak or take a step, but just gave Xiao a meaningful look.

Xiao was quite uncomfortable being looked at by Huang Ge, and she didn't know what her eyes meant, but when she was thinking about it, Mrs. Yun unexpectedly spoke.

"Thank you, princess, for your kindness. I am healthy and can send Princess Yue back."

After Madam Yun finished speaking, she turned and walked towards Huang Ge without looking at Xiao Shi.

"Since Mrs. Yun is also willing to send me off, then we won't bother you." Huang Ge seemed to have guessed that Mrs. Yun would follow her, and when she came to her side, she turned towards the embarrassing Xiao Shi He smiled and left with Ah Xun and Mrs. Yun.

Watching the figures of Huangge and others disappearing outside the gate of the yard, Xiao Shi waved all the teacups and fruit plates on the table to the ground, his well-maintained face could not hide his anger.

This damn bitch dared to disobey her in front of so many people.The prince just gave her some sweetness for the sake of Yue Wangfu's face, and he really took himself seriously.

"What are you still standing here for? Why don't you go back to your yard?" Xiao, who was already furious, looked up and saw that the wives who were watching the fun in the room had no intention of leaving, and the anger in her heart suddenly deepened. A few points.

Although the ladies felt particularly gloated by Mrs. Yun's attitude towards Mrs. Xiao just now, they didn't dare to show it too much at the moment. When they heard Mrs. Mrs. Xiao chased her away, they immediately bowed to her and retreated. .

"Bitch..." When only Concubine Liu and another Concubine Qin were left in the room, Xiao could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and threw the table next to him.

"Sister, that bitch Yunqing knows something about us, if she tells Yue Wangfei, then..." Not only Xiao's heart was full of anger at this time, Liu side concubine also seemed a little anxious when seeing Mrs. Yun leaving with Huangge.

However, before Concubine Liu could finish her words, she received a slap from Xiao's face, and immediately threw her to the ground.

"It's a useless thing. After so long, I still can't deal with her. If something goes wrong this time, the prince will be the first to spare you."

Concubine Liu was so scolded by Xiao Shi that she didn't dare to speak back, she could only sit on the ground covering her face and weep silently.

"Sister, you can't blame Liu'er for this matter. Although Yun Qing is a bitch from a poor background, she is extremely stubborn. We used all kinds of coercion and temptation, and it was hard for her to let go. But today, sister, you Helping Mrs. Thirteen deal with her, I'm afraid her loose heart will harden again." Seeing that half of Concubine Liu's cheek was swollen from the beating, Concubine Qin couldn't help complaining to Mrs. Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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