Chapter 273
"Mother, Yunqing is not a fool, I know you won't save me for no reason. As long as there is something useful for Yunqing, my lady, just ask, Yunqing is willing to go through fire and water for you." Yunqing thanked Huangge After that, she continued to talk, but these words really touched Huang Ge's heart, and she was worried about how to speak.

"It's not necessary to go through fire and water, but I just want to ask you about some things."

The reason why Huangge saved Yunqing was because when Ah Xun asked about the ladies of Jin Palace, she found that although Yunqing was the most unfavored and inconspicuous among these ladies, she had the kindest temper. One.

If you treat her kindly, she will return it a hundredfold. Naturally, such a kind-hearted person does not know the art of intrigue, and it is no wonder that he can't get any favors from so many wives.

"Your Majesty wants to know, Yun Qing must know everything." Yun Qing didn't feel that she was being used when she heard the words, but she desperately hoped that the information she knew could help Huang Ge.

She has already been completely chilled by the people in the Prince Jin's Mansion, and now she has finally met a person who is willing to sincerely want to save her life, even if it is because of something in her, so what.

If you know kindness, you should report it!

"How much do you know about the Seventh Lady's courtyard?" Huang Ge tilted her head and thought for a while. If she said that she really had a lot of doubts about the Prince Jin's Mansion in her heart, but she would have a headache from which to ask. After thinking about it, I finally decided to start with the weird house of the seventh lady.

Mrs. Yun didn't expect that Huang Ge was asking about Mrs. Seven's house, so she couldn't help but pause.

"What's the matter? You look like you are a little afraid of that house?" Looking at Mrs. Yun's obvious panic flashed in her eyes when she heard Mrs. Seven's house being mentioned, she couldn't help asking curiously.

"Your Majesty doesn't know, that house is haunted by ghosts." Yun Qing pursed her lips and pondered for a moment, she seemed to have made a lot of determination before she spoke to Huang Ge.

"Haunted?" Hearing the words, Huang Ge couldn't help but think of the sudden chill that would appear on her body every time she passed by the Seventh Lady's house. Could it be that there really are ghosts there?

Seeing Huangge's puzzled expression, Madam Yun told her about the past of that house after pondering for a while.

"After the Seventh Madam died, there was actually a favored lady who begged the prince to live in. The prince did not agree at first, but later he agreed because of the madam's stubbornness.

As a result, the lady was frightened and screamed again and again on the first night after she moved in happily. From the words, she learned that she saw Mrs. Seven.

But at that time, Mrs. Seven had been buried for a long time, so she was still alive.So everyone said that what she saw was the ghost of Mrs. Seven, who was frightened by this and did not dare to live in it anymore, so she moved out the next day.

Later, some maids and servants in the mansion passed by at night and said that they heard crying from inside, so the prince ordered people to seal up that house, and passed down the word that you should try not to get close to that house on weekdays. Otherwise, if something happens, you will seek your own death, and you must not rely on the Jin Palace. "

(End of this chapter)

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