Chapter 275 The Secret of Jin Palace (2)

All the women in Prince Jin's Mansion are secretly prostitutes?
Huangge didn't understand the specific meaning of this sentence at first, but after thinking about Su Ruxue in Lanruo Temple, Huangge suddenly understood.

So the women that the King of Jin used to win over the local dignitaries or merchants in Liuzhou were not just Su Ruxue, but the women of the entire King Jin's mansion?

Seeing that Huang Ge was shocked first and then looked at him as if realizing something, Mrs. Yun couldn't help but smile miserably.

"Your Majesty's guess is right. These women in the mansion are playthings used by the prince to win over the officials and merchants in Liuzhou. As long as someone in the mansion is liked by them, they will be sent to their beds, even the princess and the two side concubines are no exception. .”

The women who can enter Prince Jin's mansion are naturally beautiful, and these women are all slept by King Jin, those people will be greatly shocked when they think of sharing the vanity of the same woman with King Jin Satisfied, in this way, he is more willing to serve King Jin.

"That night, after I sneaked into the house where Mrs. Seven lived, I happened to meet Concubine Liu and Concubine Qin who were serving people there. I was really shocked at that time. At first I naively thought they were Could it be that I couldn't bear the loneliness so I was having sex with someone secretly, but after that person left, I saw the prince walking in, so I realized that the prince knew all this and even ordered it from him.

Not long afterward Concubine Liu came to see me and told me very euphemistically that a wealthy businessman in Liuzhou had taken a fancy to me, and asked me if I would go out and accompany him on a boat trip on the lake.How could I agree, even though I am a peasant girl, I have the backbone to reject Concubine Liu on the spot.

I knew that Concubine Liu's coming to see me was not her intention. I thought that after I refused, the prince would definitely come to me to question me.Who knew that the next few days would be calm and peaceful, neither was he punished by the prince nor did he see side concubine Liu again.

At that time, I was lucky enough to think that they would let me go, but who knew that Concubine Qin came in a few days, and that bitch actually coaxed me to drink her drugged bird's nest porridge, and I was sent to prison that night. That rich businessman's bed..." Speaking of this unbearable past, Mrs. Yun felt extremely hated, if she hadn't believed in that bitch Qin Fangfei, maybe she could have escaped.

Hearing that Mrs. Yun was also sent to other people's beds, Huang Ge couldn't help but look at her with a touch of pity.Why did she have to suffer such a humiliating experience at such a flowery age?

"They thought I would obediently listen to them after being slept by the rich businessman for one night, but I just didn't. After that, as long as they stepped into my yard again, I would kill them with a knife like crazy, so Although doing it made them all hate me, but for the time being, I don't have to be sent out to serve different men every now and then like them.

Ma'am, do you know why the seventh lady's house was rumored to be haunted? "Madam Yun suddenly changed the topic when she said this, and brought the topic back to Madam Seven's yard.

"Could it be to provide them with a place to trade?" Huang Ge pursed her lips and thought about it, and after thinking about it, this is the most likely possibility.

"It is indeed a place for trading, but the secret passage inside is the biggest secret they want to hide." Mrs. Yun sneered, and after her innocence was ruined by these people, she swore to herself that she would only have a chance in the future. They must all be punished.

(End of this chapter)

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