Chapter 281 The truth of the year (1)

Sure enough, after a while, Su Ruxue leaned on the back of the chair behind her, and talked about the past with a tired face.

What Su Ruxue said was naturally much more detailed than what Lan Jue told Huang Ge that day, including many interesting things about her childhood.Thinking of those carefree days, Su Ruxue gradually got a smile on her face, but these smiles disappeared suddenly when she talked about meeting the current emperor and King Jin.

"At that time, I didn't know that the two of them were my cousins, because they were especially rebellious during the time when Er Niang controlled me too tightly, and it happened that they liked to take me around to play around, so I spent more time with them some.

At that time, I was still young and didn't know much about love. I just felt very happy when I was with them. I thought I could live with them carefree for the rest of my life. I confessed my feelings, and it was at that time that I realized that they were the princes and my cousins. "

Hearing Huangge here, I realized that Su Ruxue had such a good time with the current emperor and King Jin. I think the three of them were at the best age for each other at that time, and they hadn't shouldered any responsibilities. Be extra cheerful.

But being liked by two people at the same time, Su Ruxue should only choose one of them, Huang Ge couldn't help asking tentatively.

"You're after His Royal Highness King Jin, right?"

If it wasn't for Su Ruxue's preference for King Jin, why would she willingly spend so many years in Lanruo Temple?Every time Su Ruxue mentioned her situation, a sneer flashed across Su Ruxue's face, which was clearly a sarcasm at her own ignorance.

What happened in the first place made Su Ruxue's heart so ashamed that she would not be moved even if she was reduced to a shady prostitute.

Facing Huangge's question, Su Ruxue didn't answer immediately, she pursed her lips and remained silent for a long time before opening her mouth slowly.

"Although Lan Yin and Lan Ze are twin brothers, they are quiet and unruly. Lan Yin is romantic by nature and knows how to please women. In contrast, although Lan Ze is gentle and refined, he is too reserved. In those few years, I was restrained too much, so naturally I liked being with Lan Yin even more. Originally, we wanted to seek the late emperor's fulfillment, but who knew that before Lan Yin proposed to the late emperor, he asked me to go to Xiliang to marry him But the imperial decree came down first.

At that time, Lan Yinyuan was powerless in northern Xinjiang, and Lan Ze was busy competing for the crown prince. He didn't dare and didn't want to lose such a good opportunity because of me as a woman.Even though Er Niang wanted to keep me, she couldn't stand up to the first emperor's words that peace is the most important thing. In desperation, I could only agree to marry far away from Xiliang.

I thought that the way out of my life would be to marry far away and have children, and then live my whole life in a foreign country in my hometown.But who knew that on the way to get married, Lan Yin bribed the official who sent the marriage to me at that time, and replaced a woman who looked exactly like me in Fengluan to marry Xiliang on my behalf, and I was secretly brought back by him Kyoto.

Although I understand that in this way, I will not be able to see the light for the rest of my life, but it is not a bad thing to be able to spend my life with the man I like, so I live in the yard that Lanyin bought for me with peace of mind. "

"Then why did you come to Liuzhou?" Hearing this, Huang Ge felt even more puzzled. Since King Jin was able to replace Su Ruxue with another woman at the risk of being beheaded, it shows that he treated her just as well. Extremely caring.

(End of this chapter)

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