Chapter 283 The truth of the year (3)

Huangge could hear the decisiveness in Su Ruxue's tone when she recalled here, a woman gave her heart completely to a man, even if she didn't expect to get her heart in return, but it can't be like this over and over again deceit and harm.

"I thought I would be able to leave if I let go this time. Even if I can't return to Er Niang, I can still find a rural wilderness to live a stable life. Although it is a bit hard, it is at least comfortable, but I never thought of it. It is Lan Yin who is a real wolf in sheep's clothing.

Same as last time, when he heard that I was going to leave, he tried every means to keep me, and even said a lot of tender words, but how could I still dare to trust him.In addition, he has already married a main concubine and two side concubines, the mansion does not know how many houses there are.Even if I stay, a woman who can't see the light, maybe I can still win his favor right now, and I will find time to come and accompany me more. When I grow old in the future, who knows if this affection will still exist.

Seeing that I was determined to leave this time, Lan Yin had no choice but to accept even though he was reluctant.But before leaving, Lan Yin ordered someone to prepare a table of good wine and food, saying that he wanted to see me off.At that time, I really believed his nonsense again, so I happily had a farewell meal with him.But only halfway through the meal, I felt extremely dizzy, and when my vision was blurred, I suddenly found that the blue seal on the opposite side looked so strange..." When Su Ruxue said this, the grief that had been hidden in her heart for many years suddenly Welling out, it made her almost weep.

Although Su Ruxue couldn't say what she said later, Huang Ge had roughly guessed Su Ruxue's current situation when she thought about it.

Beauty is a double-edged sword. It can bring her both good fortune and disaster. It is obvious that Su Ruxue encountered the latter.

"Looking at your expression, you should have guessed what I met next... Hahaha, I really didn't expect that the man I love would send me to another man's bed with his own hands, oh no, not one, but many ...In the end, I don't know how many people have touched my body. I only know that every time someone touches me, Lan Yin can get a lot of benefits, so he wants to send me to more On the bed of someone..." Su Ruxue who was sobbing suddenly raised her eyes to look at Huang Ge, and when she saw the expression on her face, she suddenly let out a stern smile, every word after that was soaked with endless hatred.

Listening to Su Ruxue's narration of the unbearable past, Huang Ge suddenly felt unbearable.Isn't she too cruel? A woman who has suffered so much humiliation naturally doesn't want to remember it, but now she is forcing Su Ruxue to reopen these scars one by one.

"You have a good rest, I will come to see you some other day."

Not wanting to make Su Ruxue feel too uncomfortable because of being trapped in the memories of the past, Huang Ge suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her hand and comforted her softly.

"You don't have to blame yourself. These words have been buried in my heart for too long. Now I have finally found someone who can talk to you. How can you make me stop like this?" Su Ruxue smiled leisurely when she heard the words, and put her hands Withdrew from the palm of Huang Ge and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, the sadness and hatred on his face disappeared in an instant.

"Do you think I'm really a woman who completely abandons herself? Hahaha, it's true that I am now, but before I completely abandon myself, I must make those who have hurt me pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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