Chapter 312 Entering Cloud Mountain (2)

No matter which country it is, there is an explicit order that idlers are not allowed to enter the military camp, especially in places where military aircraft are important, such as training grounds.Although Huangge holds the Tiger Order of Lanjue in his hand, it is considered an exception to be able to bring her and Ah Xun into the camp, but it is absolutely impossible to bring her and Ah Xun into the training ground.

Fortunately, this garrison camp was built on the mountain. After the ground below was designated as a training ground, the other camps were all stationed on the mountain. There are two ways to go up, one is from the training ground, The other one can go up directly through the outside of the camp. Naturally, the dozen or so soldiers led Huang Ge and Ah Xun to the one going up outside the camp.

When walking to the high place, the situation of the training ground below fell into Huangge's eyes at a glance. Like most cavalry training grounds, this training ground is roughly divided into basic physical fitness, equestrianism, horse riding and archery, and horse training. four parts.

Basic physical fitness training is common to all countries, nothing more than wrestling, weight-bearing running and jumping, etc. These trainings are mainly to improve the cavalry's physical fitness, endurance and agility.

As for equestrianism, it is one of the great skills that distinguish cavalry from infantry, and it is also a necessary basic skill for cavalry.The so-called good knight gets on the horse without stepping on the stirrups, but jumps on it;Only by being able to roll up and down freely on horseback and move stably can you kill enemies better and save your life on the battlefield.

After learning equestrian skills, it is natural to start practicing horseback riding and archery, because for the knights, the galloping process of the horse also makes their attack targets constantly change. Learn how to stably shoot arrows from the back and forth on the horseback, or swing It is extremely important for the weapon to hit the opponent stably and stably in the way of slashing and stabbing, and to be able to dodge or shift the gear safely when encountering the enemy.

And horse training means that soldiers need to domesticate their war horses so that they can develop a tacit understanding with themselves as much as possible.

Because not all horses can go on the battlefield, and horses are quite spiritual, if a soldier can pick a horse that suits him, he will be more comfortable on the battlefield.However, because the number of horses in most countries is limited, and there are not many horses that can go to the battlefield, there are even fewer countries that can truly allow every soldier to choose their own horses.

Jiuli Kingdom is considered a big country among many countries today, but at that time, only some of the cavalry soldiers under Huang Singer could freely choose horses, and the rest could only be used by random distribution of horses.

But now looking at the large number of war horses hoarded in the training ground below and the soldiers queuing up waiting to train the horses, especially most of the soldiers queuing up are wearing the most common soldier costumes, it is obvious that even they have independent The right to train horses, Huang Ge couldn't help but feel moved.

Could this be one of the reasons why her cavalry was defeated by Lan Jue's cavalry?

Poor most ordinary soldiers have the right to train horses, so where did Lan Jue find so many horses, the number is so large that it can satisfy his entire cavalry army?

"Mother, what are you looking at?" Huang Ge subconsciously slowed down because she thought she was too preoccupied. Ah Xun, who was next to him, saw that the generals in front of him had already cast their guarded eyes at them, and immediately pulled her away. Huang Ge's clothes corner asked in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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