Chapter 319
Ah Xun's lightness kung fu is naturally good, he leaped up to the open space in front of the tent like a flying swallow, and landed steadily beside Huang Ge.

"Ma'am, Ah Xun didn't embarrass you, did he?"

"Ah Xun is the best, how could you embarrass me." Huang Ge couldn't help but chuckle when she saw Ah Xun's wicked smile. They were despised by all kinds of people, and now they deliberately called her in public after hitting a lot of people in the face, no matter how you look at it, there is an illusion of deliberately digging a hole to bury them.

Sure enough, the generals almost all stayed in place when they heard Ah Xun call out the song "Niangniang", even the chief general's expression froze for an instant.

After a long while, I don't know who was the first to recover, and almost blurted out.


"You have been with the prince for so long, does he seem to be someone who randomly handed over the tiger ring to others? This is the concubine who is married to the prince by the current queen mother, but the concubine is still young and has not yet paid homage to the prince. But everyone in the capital knows that our prince loves the princess, and he even brought the princess to Liuzhou to relax and play four days ago.

Unexpectedly, in Liuzhou, it was accidentally discovered that His Royal Highness Jin secretly made weapons for the purpose of rebelling against us, so His Highness Jin killed us.Although the princess and I escaped through life and death, the prince and General Mo Ran were imprisoned.Now my concubine and I have traveled thousands of miles to Yunshan to ask for help. As the confidantes of the prince, not only do you not care about the life and death of the prince, but you even question our identities. "Ah Xun originally just wanted to explain Huangge's identity to everyone, but he couldn't hold back the words at the beginning. The more he talked, the more he felt wronged. The crystal tears fell down like beans, and the words became more and more serious. The generals present at the scene were narrow-minded.

These generals usually command thousands of troops on the battlefield with ease, but they are novices at coaxing women.At this moment, seeing Ah Xun crying like a tearful person, everyone stood there and looked at her in bewilderment.

"Girl, you've wronged us by saying that. It's precisely because we are worried about the safety of the lord that we don't dare to trust the tiger orders brought by others."

Ah Xun was crying to his heart's content, how could he have the time to talk to those generals.Seeing that Ah Xun's road was blocked, everyone turned their eyes to Huang Ge on one side, and the chief general pursed his lips for a while before speaking to Huang Ge.

"My lord, it's because we have eyes that don't know Mount Tai, so if we want to beat or scold us, we will never complain."

As soon as the chief general's words fell, the rest of the lieutenants who surrounded them immediately followed Qiqi and nodded, indicating that they also thought the same as the chief general.

"You generals, please be polite. It is a good thing for the army to be more cautious. The most important thing right now is to try to rescue the prince. As long as the prince is safe and sound, everything is fine." Huang Ge could see the change in everyone's attitude, and she wanted the effect. Now that it has been achieved, it is natural to accept it as soon as it is good.

Seeing that Huang Ge didn't pursue the matter that they questioned her before, but diverted the conversation to the matter of rescuing Lan Jue, they immediately had a much better impression of her.

"There are a lot of people outside, let's go back to the camp to discuss." The general looked around. Although there were no soldiers to come up here, it was still in an open area. In order to ensure that their plans would not be heard, they had to be more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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