Chapter 329 A Sudden Change (2)

"Then what are the interests of Qi Chu and Jiuli now?" Lan Jue also understands the truth of what Lan Jue said, but there is Jiuli that Qi Chu owns, and there is Jiuli that Qi Chu doesn't have. She really can't think of Qi Chu What interests can be bound to Jiuli State.

"You've heard that Qi Chu's nineteenth princess is the most beautiful in the world." Seeing that Huang Ge still looked confused, Lan Jue couldn't help reminding her again.


So it is said that the important people in Jiuli are thinking about the nineteenth princess of Qi Chu Kingdom?

Thinking of this, Huangge quickly filtered the emperor of Jiuli Kingdom, other princes and princes in his mind, but he didn't find anyone who was a womanizer?
Moreover, among the many princes and princes, either they have already become relatives and concubines, or they are too young to marry.The marriage of a princess in this country is a major event, and it is absolutely impossible to be a side wife or side concubine for others.

As for the emperor of Jiuli Kingdom, don't even think about it. In the palace, not only the queen but also the four noble concubines are very important. These five people are not easy-going lamps, and the strength of the mother's family behind them is not easy to underestimate. .Ever since these five women formed a stable pentagram in the palace, there have been no newcomers in the harem for three full years.

So besides them, who else would covet the seventeenth princess who was so important that the emperor of Jiuli put down his face and agreed to form an alliance with Qi Chu?

"My lord, don't play tricks on me." After much deliberation, Huang Ge couldn't figure out who in Jiuli Kingdom missed the seventeenth princess, so she simply began to ask Lan Jue coquettishly.

Lan Jue really liked Huang Ge's acting like a baby, and teased her with a smile for a while before giving her the answer.

"It's the general of Jiuli Kingdom, Huang Ge."

Huangge, "...!!!"

When I heard Lan Jue's words, Huang Ge's mood could no longer be described in any words. If what he said was true, then it would be really frightening.

She was a woman disguised as a man in Jiuli country, and she was not recognized before, but the two elders of the Feng family and her parents knew about it. How could a woman fall in love with another woman.

Moreover, after she fell into the water in the palace, her soul passed through here. Is the body that lost her soul awake or not?Could it be that another soul possessed it, and that person happened to be a man?
Thinking of this, Huangge just felt a burst of thunder rolling in his heart, this is so fucking ridiculous!

"Is he really the general of Jiuli Kingdom?" After a long while, Huang Ge barely suppressed the churning thoughts in his heart and asked Lan Jue in a dying struggle.

How much he hoped that Lan Jue would tell him that he was just joking with her just now, but it was actually another person, but after hearing her question, Lan Jue nodded unceremoniously. It feels like the world is falling apart.

Can anyone tell her what the hell is going on?

"Bai Zhi, you seem to be very concerned about the seventeenth princess that Huangge likes?" Lan Jue saw that Huangge's face became extremely ugly after hearing that the general of Jiuli Kingdom liked the seventeenth princess, and his eyes immediately turned pale. There was a hint of danger.

Could it be that this damned woman also fell in love with the deadly enemy that he had been thinking about for several years? Someone who had a certain kind of anger in his heart didn't realize that one of the reasons why he took a fancy to Huangge at the beginning was to use her to deal with him. A deadly enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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