Chapter 363 Promise
Ever since he decided to let Huang Ge stay by his side, he knew that Huang Ge was not a canary kept in a cage. Since she had the heart to do things that other women dared not do or did not want to do, then he would Full support is.

Left and right are just causing some troubles to the Yue Palace, and it is not difficult to settle these troubles with his current strength.On the contrary, good talents are rare, even if she can't become his concubine, she can become a capable person by his side in the future.

"If this king agrees to you, what good will it do?" Although Huang Ge's proposal had already been accepted in his heart, Lan Jue still wanted to tease her deliberately.After all, every time I see Huang Ge being teased by him, full of anger but helpless, I really like it, and even my mood improves a little bit.

Huangge was overjoyed when he heard the words, did he agree?
As long as Lan Jue agrees, it's easy to say anything, as for the benefits... Huang Ge tilted his head and thought for a while, suddenly got up and leaned in front of Lan Jue and gently pecked his lips, just as he was about to retreat But suddenly Lan Jue grabbed her waist and pulled her hard to sit on his lap.

Before Huang Ge could react, Lan Jue's kiss fell heavily, blocking her unuttered exclamation in her mouth.

Lips and teeth intersected, the faint scent of plum blossoms loomed on the tip of the nose, Huang Ge's cheeks blushed suddenly, coupled with the failure to take a breath in time, when Lan Jue let go of her after a long while, she was like a fish caught in the rain after a long drought Usually, the mouth is open and the fresh air is breathed.

"This king thought that you have high qualifications and should learn everything quickly, but I didn't expect that there will be times when this king misses it..." Lan Jue smiled and looked at the red-faced Huang Ge who was forcibly buckled on his lap, teasing in a very happy mood road.

Huangge, "..."

Can this be her fault?It is said that practice makes perfect, but why is she proficient when she is not familiar with this matter?

But naturally Huang Ge wouldn't say this in front of Lan Jue, otherwise this guy would definitely laugh at her again.

"Your Highness has taken advantage of it, and you have also gained benefits. Should you agree to my proposal just now?" Huang Ge pouted and stared at Lan Jue, the dissatisfaction on his face almost turned into little flames and jumped down.

Lan Jue knew that this girl was almost at the limit of her patience, if she teased him again, she might beat her up again.He has seen her get angry more than once, but if she has such a temper in front of him, she will not suffer in front of outsiders, so Lan Jue let her indulge.

"It's enough for me to promise you. It's just that you can't mess around in everything. You need to discuss with me about important matters. The current court structure is already complicated, and the thoughts of the emperor's brother are becoming increasingly difficult to guess. fall down."

Huang Ge nodded sensiblely, bearing Lan Jue's instructions in mind.People tend to get sleepy in the afternoon, but Huang Ge also became drowsy after having something on his mind, sitting on Lan Jue's lap and yawning frequently.

"Did you go back to Zuo Xiangfu last night?" Seeing this, Lan Jue immediately took her into his arms and grabbed a strand of Huang Ge's hair with the other hand while playing with it and asked.

"I went back and didn't stay here." Huang Ge lazily replied, and after a yawn, she returned to Zuo Xiang's mansion. After meeting Bai Hui and making a bet with him, Lan Jue Say it again.

Although Ying Minsi's matter was promised by the Queen Mother, just to be on the safe side, Huang Ge informed Lan Jue about it to ensure completeness, lest she really lose to Bai Hui, and she would have to make amends to him in front of everyone in the capital , Just thinking about it makes me feel cold.

(End of this chapter)

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