Chapter 471 Lesson Lan Ziyu (4)

"Help me..."

When falling into the pool, Huang Ge almost used all the strength in his body to yell, so the queen mother who had already arrived in the garden was immediately angry when she saw this scene.

"What are you doing in a daze, and you haven't rescued Princess Yue yet."

The queen mother just saw Huangge being chased and hacked by Lan Ziyu with a big knife from a distance, and her heart went up to her throat.Now seeing Huangge fall into the pool again, he immediately quickened his pace and led a group of people over.

As a result, the queen mother and others arrived at the place where Huangge fell into the water before the queen. Although someone had already pulled Huangge up from the pool, Huangge's overly frightened and trembling appearance made the queen mother even more angry .

"My queen, the concubine fell into the water after being frightened, let the concubine take her back to change clothes and drink some ginger soup."

Murong didn't know how much of Huang Ge's reaction was true or not, the left and right empress dowagers were already angry and the matter would not be left alone, so she boldly told the empress dowager.

"Go." The Empress Dowager immediately agreed when she heard the words, so Murong herself and another palace servant supported Huang Ge and went to Yingchun Palace.

The queen who came in a hurry was even more anxious when she saw Huangge's appearance. When she walked to the queen mother, she didn't even salute her, but slapped Lan Ziyu hard. Dumped it.

"Nizi, don't kneel down yet."

Lan Ziyu's eyes were staring at the queen's slap for a long while, and the queen was even more angry when she saw this, and Bai You on the other side pulled Lan Ziyu to kneel down together in a sensible way.

"You'er has met the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager."

Bai You's actions fell in the Queen's eyes and she was extremely satisfied. The reason why she likes Bai You so much is because of her general knowledge of advance and retreat. Now Lan Ziyu is carrying a knife in front of so many people, no matter what happens In short, it is right to admit mistakes first.

"The concubine is not strict in teaching the son, and asks the mother to punish her."

After Bai You pulled Lan Ziyu to kneel down, the queen also knelt down, and at the same time said to the queen mother with a very sincere expression.

Hearing what the queen said, Lan Ziyu, who hadn't slowed down his thoughts, suddenly came to his senses, thinking that he had just chased after Huang Ge with a knife for so long but failed to catch up, but it happened that Huang Ge happened to be at the queen's end. He fell into the water by coincidence, and at that time he had obviously stopped, it was because of a sudden pain in his knee...


Thinking of this, Lan Ziyu seemed to understand what was going on in a trance, and his face flushed with anger.

"Grandmother, Ziyu is right, that bitch Bai Zhi was plotting against me just now."

The empress dowager, who had softened her face because the empress took the initiative to admit her mistake, suddenly heard Lan Ziyu's words, her face sank again, and her eyes were full of dissatisfaction when she looked at him.

"You mean to say that the way you chased girl Baizhi with a knife just now was controlled by her?"


Lan Ziyu was stunned by the queen mother's question, and he opened his mouth for a long time without saying a word.

When Huang Ge fell into the water, it was really strange, but it was his own wish to chase Huang Ge with a knife at the beginning.The main reason is that Huangge repeatedly stomped on his painful spots, and the girl Qin'er in Ranxianglou was a cinnabar mole in his heart, how could he resist Huangge's teasing like that.

That's why he made the following move out of anger, but he couldn't tell the Queen Mother about this reason.

(End of this chapter)

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