Chapter 808 Opening a Public Trial (1)

"Okay, as you say."

After careful consideration, Mo Nan decisively accepted the guard's proposal, and was no longer in a hurry to rescue Huang Gehuang from the prison at this time.

The guard couldn't help but feel secretly happy when he heard the words, before he was afraid that his master would reject his proposal, and he would still fight to the death on the matter of rescuing Huangge.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Now that the matter of rescuing Huang Ge has been postponed, then they can do another thing.

Thinking of this possibility, the blood in the guard's whole body boiled a little, so he couldn't help asking Mo Nan.

"Go see Duanmu Lei."

Mo Nan thought for a while, since there was no way to rescue Huang Ge from the prison in Dali Temple in a short time, then he should devote himself to another matter.


The guard became more and more happy when he heard the words, and he guessed correctly.

They have swallowed their anger in Yunyue country for so many years, in order to do a big thing, if it is accomplished, it will not be in vain that they have suffered so much in Yunyue country these years.

Because there were many eyewitnesses to Huang Ge's killing of Ding Dashan, even though the case was suppressed by Murong Jin, he still had to open the court on the sixth day after Ding Dashan's death because he could not withstand the pressure from the outside world. There's a public trial.

Originally, this kind of case with all the witnesses and material evidence should be judged directly, but because of the fact that the Ding family imprisoned Lin Yun for several years, the emperor allowed the case to be held for a public trial, which also allowed everyone in the capital to understand more. Clearly understand the ins and outs of this matter.

On the day of the public trial, the gate of Dali Temple was almost collapsed by people.Because the incident was too big, the onlookers included not only the many people in Kyoto, but also the refugees who broke in and gathered outside the Dali Temple and refused to leave.

When they saw Huang Ge being taken into custody, the surrounding refugees became extremely emotional, and they all wanted to avenge Ding Dashan by rushing up to kill her.

Fortunately, Murong Jin was prepared. Not only did he arrange a large number of Dali Temple guards in the court today, but he also transferred many soldiers from the Imperial City Security Division.

But even so, it took a lot of effort to temporarily calm down everyone's emotions.

"Princess Mingzhu, do you have any problems with Ding Dashan?"

After finishing the opening scene, Murong Jin knocked on the gavel and asked Huang Ge.

"My lord, I have nothing against Mr. Ding Dashan."

Huangge shook her head immediately when she heard the words and denied that she and Ding Dashan didn't know each other before, so why should they talk about the festival.

"Since you have nothing against him, why did you appear in his house on the outskirts of the city, and even killed him?"

In order to let the onlookers know the reason why Huang Ge went to that house, Murong Jin wisely chose to ask questions step by step.

"My lord, I went to that house because someone told me that my mother was imprisoned there and brought my mother's jade pendant as a token.

After hearing this news, I think anyone will take someone to find out like me.

So after nightfall, I took my maid Su Ning and the person who reported to me to the mansion, trying to quietly verify whether my mother was imprisoned there.

Who would have discovered that what the man said was not a lie, but that my mother was really imprisoned there. "

(End of this chapter)

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