Chapter 812 Being Cuckolded (1)

After being drank by Murong Jin, the little maid was obviously frightened, and immediately closed her mouth, not daring to say another word.

"Little girl, just say what you know. With my official here, no one here dares to do anything to you."

After receiving this encouragement from Murong Jin, Xiao Ya seemed to muster up the courage to speak.

"My master does know Mrs. Zuo Xiang, Mrs. Zuo Xiang will come to the house several times a month, and the two of them will stay alone in the house for several hours, not to be disturbed by the servants..."

"Little girl, who did you take advantage of? You actually fabricated these unwarranted things to frame the master?"

Before the little girl could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Guanshi Xu's fierce tone, and when she met Guanshi Xu's fierce eyes, she immediately faltered again.

"Xu Lin, if you say one more word, I will take you to the back hall and serve you with sticks for the crime of disturbing the order of the court."

Seeing that the courage that Xiaoya had accumulated with great difficulty was frightened back by Xu Lin, Murong Jin's complexion suddenly sank, and she warned Manager Xu in a sharp tone.

Although Guan Shi was dissatisfied when he heard the words, he had heard of Murong Jin's ruthless tactics in his daily life. No matter how high and powerful he was, as long as he didn't listen to Murong Jin's words, he would have a thousand tricks keep you honest.

"Little girl, keep talking."

After suppressing Guanshi Xu, Murong Jin immediately asked Xiaoya again, Xiaoya timidly glanced at Guanshi next to him, and saw that although he was still looking at her with a vicious look, he didn't speak again.After biting her lip and hesitating for a while, Xiaoya mustered up the courage to continue speaking.

"When the servant delivered something to Mr. Ding Dashan once, he undoubtedly saw a pink bellyband left in the room, with a single peony embroidered on it... Before that, Mrs. Zuo Xiang had just left the room not long ago."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience immediately let out an exclamation. The bellyband, which is such a private thing, can be kept in the house, which means that anyone who is not a fool can figure it out.

And Bai Hui's complexion also turned livid in an instant, Ding Shi is his person, and he knows the characteristics of underwear best.Because Ding likes the meaning of wealth and honor of peonies, every apron of hers is embroidered with double peonies.

What's more, what Xiaoya said was that she saw it in Ding Dashan's room shortly after Mrs. Zuo Xiang left, so anyone with a discerning eye could guess who it was.

"It's just a bellyband. Doesn't your master have any other women?"

Even though Bai Hui already guessed in his heart that this apron belonged to Ding, but in order to save his own face, he would naturally not admit it.

"Except Mrs. Zuoxiang and Mrs. Xi, there are no other women in our house... no, there is also the lady who has been imprisoned, but the master never touches her because she feels like an old lady. , I don’t look appetizing.”

Xiao Ya suddenly paused halfway through her speech, and then added in a low voice.

Hearing Xiaoya's words, Bai Hui suddenly had the illusion of shooting himself in the foot with a stone, why did he want to ask this question again.

"As far as I know, Mrs. Xi is the mansion of Mr. Ding Dashan who has only been there for a few days. Girl, when did you see that bellyband?"

Seeing the pale and ashen complexion, Huangge felt an inexplicable joy in her heart, and immediately asked Xiaoya with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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