Chapter 816
After what Murong Jin said, many people put away their thoughts of making trouble together.

"Little girl, go on and tell me everything you know."

Seeing that Xu Lin had been taken to the back hall by Murong Jin's order, the little girl suddenly became more courageous, and told the whole story of what happened in Zhuangzi that night.

Many of the details are known to very few people. For example, Ding brought people to guard there early in the morning, so when Huang Ge and others took Lin Yun away, Ding brought people to surround him.

Another example is that in the previous period of time, apart from Xi Niang who came to the house twice, there were two other mysterious figures who came and went many times.

These things are intertwined, no matter how stupid people are, they know that all of this is a bit unusual, and the most important point is that Ding's appearance is definitely known in advance, so Bai Hui sued Huang Ge for forcing his stepmother to death, saying that there is obviously a problem.

How could a lady from the left appear on the Zhuangzi in the suburbs in the middle of the night for no reason?In addition, Huang Ge has always claimed that Lin Yun was imprisoned jointly by the Ding family and Ding Dashan. It would be absolutely false to say that there is nothing tricky about it.

In fact, this doubt should have been discovered early in the morning, but because Ding Dashan's death aroused too much public outrage, and Ding's sudden death, everyone naturally regarded her as a victim, so they decided to Subconsciously hides some things that are not good for it.

"I believe everyone here has heard what Xiaoya said."

After the little girl finished speaking, Murong Jin's gaze silently swept across the crowd present, implying that Ding Dashan's servants have all come forward to testify, do you have any questions?

Among the onlookers, there are quite a few people who do not believe Xiaoya's words, but the atmosphere in the courtroom right now is inexplicably oppressive. Everyone looks at me and I look at you. No one wants to be this early bird.

"When Ding Dashan died that day, Xiaoya was not the only one who witnessed the whole process. Many guards brought by Mrs. Ding also saw it. These days, the officer has sent people to look for witnesses, and finally found several people. , you can also listen to what they say."

Murong Jin knew that it was difficult to convince so many people with Xiaoya's testimony alone, so she took the initiative to ask some other witnesses to be brought up.

Although many of the guards Ding brought that night were not hers, a very small part of them were the guardians of Zuo Xiangfu.After Ding's death, those people realized that something was wrong, and fled in different directions. Some were murdered silently, while others were rescued in time by Murong Jin's people and people from the Yue Palace.

After Murong Jin spoke, those people were quickly brought up, and everyone's speeches were the same as Xiaoya's, and the crowd around the audience couldn't help whispering.

"Hearing what they said, isn't Ding Dashan's death really strange?"

"Have you heard about the murder case of Mr. Su's son before? I heard that the deceased deliberately threw himself at the weapon in the hands of Mr. Su's son. Before I heard this incident, I thought it was very strange, but today it happened again. After hearing about this matter, I feel that there may be something hidden in this matter.”

"That's right, that's right, I've also heard about that incident. One incident can be called a coincidence, but two incidents are so similar, it would be too coincidental to call it a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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