Chapter 821 Jiu Li's detailed work (2)

With a calm expression on Jiang Hui's face, after waving his hand, the entourage beside him immediately took the stack of letter paper in his hand, and quickly stepped forward and handed it to Murong Jin.

After Murong Jin took the stack of letter papers, she quickly glanced at the content on it, and the more she looked at it, the more surprised she became.

All of the above contents are extremely important information about Yunyue Kingdom, or some important ore locations, or the deployment maps of some places, and even some contacts with the dark chess planted in Yunyue Kingdom.

If these letters were really confirmed to be Huangge's handwriting, it would be a disaster for her.

"What? Master Murong, don't you dare ask Princess Mingzhu for your handwriting?"

Seeing that Murong Jin hadn't ordered someone to let Huang Ge write in public to verify his handwriting for a long time, he couldn't help but urge him aloud.

"My lord Jiang, this matter is not a trivial matter. It must be reported to the Holy Majesty first, and then the Holy Majesty will arrange for an inspection."

After Murong Jin read the stack of letter papers, she already had a decision in her heart.The detailed investigation should have been reported to the emperor first, but Jiang Hui did not do so. Instead, he escorted them here in full view and took out this stack of letter papers. What is his purpose? .

"This matter will naturally be reported to the emperor, but before we meet the emperor, we also need to verify whether these letters are really written by Princess Mingzhu. I heard that Princess Mingzhu is being tried in Dali Temple today, so I brought these letters with me. The letters came together."

Jiang Hui seemed to have made up his mind that today he must confirm the name of Huang Ge's masterpiece in front of so many people. Facing Murong Jin's proposal, he ignored it, but expressed his reasons.

This request sounded reasonable, and Murong Jin had absolutely no room to refuse.

But just checking the handwriting in front of so many people, if it was really written by Huang Ge... Murong Jin could hardly believe the consequences.

"Master Murong, send someone to fetch paper and pen."

Just when Murong Jin was thinking, Huang Ge, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

When she was young, her father had asked a famous master to teach her how to write, and her writing method was very unique. Apart from that famous master, only Chen Zimo, who was from the same school as her, could imitate her handwriting [-]% of the time.

But very few people knew about this matter, so Huang Ge was sure that the stack of letters brought by Jiang Hui would be able to find flaws compared with the handwriting written by himself.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Huang Ge himself spoke, and Murong Jin had no choice but to order someone to fetch a pen and paper.Huangge simply wrote a poem, and someone immediately compared it with the letter brought by Jiang Hui.

"Report to the two adults. After careful comparison, the subordinates found that the two handwritings were indeed written by the same person."

After a while, the person who compared the handwriting gave the result with a solemn expression.As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and the eyes of everyone looking at Huangge immediately became rather complicated.


Hearing the man's conclusion, Huang Ge retorted subconsciously.

She never wrote those letters at all, how could the two handwriting be the same?
"Princess Mingzhu, it's already this time, what's the point of you continuing to deny it?"

Jiang Hui raised his eyes to meet Shang Huangge's shocked eyes, and persuaded her with a serious look.

"Master Jiang, you will be struck by lightning if you avenge yourself publicly."

Huangge smiled coldly when he heard the words, and then said unceremoniously.

She really looked up to Jiang Hui before. After Jiang Susu's resignation, this guy obviously has always held a grudge in her heart.


 Happy Goddess' Day everyone

(End of this chapter)

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