Chapter 837 The Soul Comes Back (2)

"Master, Li'er just spoke."

Realizing that Huang Ge might have regained consciousness, Mother Huang almost turned around and rushed out the door, shouting loudly regardless of her appearance.

This exclamation immediately caused a lot of reactions in Huang's house, not only Huang's father ran over quickly when he heard Madam's call, even the old man and old lady rushed over together.

"Doctor, I heard Li'er talking just now, and she is still crying, is she about to wake up?"

After all the people gathered in Huangge's room, and after the doctor had examined Huangge, Mother Huang asked him with difficulty concealing her excitement.

"Yes, Li'er has been asleep for so long. Didn't you say that as long as she has instinctive consciousness, it is a sign that she is about to wake up?"

The old lady immediately nodded her head when she heard the words, and said in agreement, this child is the baby of their family, but these days he is sleeping like a dead person, anyone who looks at it feels uncomfortable.

"Madam and old lady, please rest assured that the young lady is indeed about to wake up. It's just that I've been lying down for a long time, and I'm afraid my body is a little weak, but I can make some ginseng soup to feed it. The old man estimates that tomorrow will be the latest. will wake up."

Facing the expectant eyes of Shanghuang's family, the doctor smiled gently, and immediately said something that made them feel very comfortable.

After waiting for so long, I finally woke up the child.

"Thank you doctor, Narcissus, take Doctor Li out for me."

The old lady was about to wake up when she heard Huangge, she burst into tears of joy, and hurriedly asked her personal maid to send the doctor out in person.

"This is what the old man should do. After the eldest lady wakes up, the old man will come and take a look for her. If there is no serious problem, she should be able to go out after a period of recuperation."

The doctor also knew the importance of Huangge to Jiuli, although during this period of time, other people replaced her in some occasions, but after a long time, it is not a good thing.

After sending the doctor away, the old lady and the old man went back to rest under the persuasion of Father Huang and Mother Huang. Left and right Huangge would not wake up until tomorrow, so it was of no use for them to stay here.

"Brother Tian, ​​did Zimo's method really work, so Li'er's soul has returned?"

After Mr. Huang and Mrs. Huang left, Mother Huang sent out all the servants in the house, and immediately lowered her voice and asked Father Huang eagerly.

At the beginning, Huangge fell into a coma inexplicably after falling into the water in the palace. They searched all over the famous doctors in Jiuli, but they couldn't find a way to wake her up, and everyone replied that Huangge's body was fine, it was just falling into a coma. Some kind of lethargy.

But no one could say what caused her drowsiness.

Later, Chen Zimo went to Yunyue country, and one day he sent them a letter from Feige, saying that he had found a way to save Huangge.

Only then did they realize that Huang Ge might have lost his soul, but this possibility was extremely absurd, and instinctively they didn't believe it.But at that time, there was no other way, so I could only find some famous Taoist priests to build altars to summon souls according to what Chen Zimo said.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days passed, Huang Ge really showed signs of waking up.

"Zimo is about to arrive in Jiuli. When he comes back, ask him to come over and ask what's going on."

Father Huang also felt that this matter was quite unbelievable, but the facts were in front of him, so he had to admit that Chen Zimo's words were very likely to be right.

(End of this chapter)

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