863 Threat
The screen placed in this room is very large, covering all the outside sight.In addition, it is made of pure wood, and when the two of them stand behind the screen, the people outside can't see any movement.

After leaving the palace man on the bed, Huang Ge calmly fed him a medicine under his panicked eyes, and immediately reminded him very kindly.

"Don't worry, as long as you answer my question honestly, I will naturally not make it difficult for you. But if you don't cooperate with me, or tell what happened today, you will never get the poison you took just now." The antidote is here, and after a month, you will die with your intestines broken.

If you understand what I mean, then blink twice. "

After being fed a medicine in a muddleheaded manner, the palace servant heard Huang Ge's threats before he was able to come to rescue him, and his face turned pale with fright. Did he lie to him? Immediately subconsciously blinked twice.

Seeing this, Huang Ge immediately stretched out his hand to undo the acupuncture point of the palace man, but in order to prevent him from going back on his word, Huang Ge took advantage of the situation and put a dagger on his neck.

"You... aren't you from the doctor?"

How can the people in the palace still not understand that Doctor You is an ordinary citizen, and they have carefully investigated him before inviting him into the fourth prince's mansion. His background is indeed very clean and simple, how could such a powerful person appear under his hands? characters come.

"You don't have to care about whether I am the eldest lady, you just need to answer the questions I will ask next."

Huangge didn't want to talk nonsense with the palace people, so she warned him aloud before asking him her own questions.

"Which palace are you from?"

"Our family... our family is from the palace of Concubine Ming..."

Hearing the words, the palace man obviously had a look of hesitation in his eyes, and then he answered Huangge's question.

"Since when did the people in Concubine Ming's Palace go out with the jade plaques from the Empress's Palace?"

Huangge smiled lightly when she heard the words, and immediately pointed to a jade pendant on the palace man's waist with the other hand, and asked with a half-smile.

The lie was exposed by Huang Ge on the spot, and a look of embarrassment appeared on the palace man's face.

"I advise you to stop being smart, I have never been patient, if you tell another lie, I will leave.

My poison is so powerful that no one else in the world can prepare the antidote except me. If you want to die, I won't stop you. "

Huangge knew that the palace people in the palace were always cunning, so he might not tell the truth unless they made some harsh accusations to him.

"No, I said it, I said it all. Our family is indeed the empress's family, but we usually serve in the Ming imperial concubine's palace."

When the palace man heard that the poison he had taken had no cure, he was frightened and became honest immediately.

It turned out that he was serving in the imperial concubine's palace on weekdays, no wonder Huangge had never seen him in the empress' palace.

But when did the empress and Concubine Ming become so close, and Concubine Ming still kept him while there was someone else in her palace.

Although he has doubts in his heart, Huangge doesn't have the extra time to ponder this question carefully, the most urgent thing is to find out about the fourth prince first.

"Let me ask you, what's the matter with the fourth prince's flower willow disease?"

"The fourth prince had already suffered from Hualiu disease half a year ago. As for the reason..."

(End of this chapter)

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