Chapter 885

"Master, let me kill him."

Leng Shuang was also stunned by the first prince's shamelessness, but anger came immediately, so she directly put the long sword on Xu Kun's neck, but Huang Ge stopped her movement with a raised hand.

"Go back and tell the eldest prince, it's best not to fall into my hands, otherwise I will let him know what life is like death."

Although Huang Ge stopped Leng Shuang's movements, in the next step, he dodged the long sword in Leng Shuang's hand and hit Xu Kun's face fiercely, and then said with an ice-cold expression.

Xu Kun has never been in front of others, but just now when the long sword in the Phoenix Singer slid past his neck and finally slapped him hard on the face, he felt the breath of death for the first time.


Although Xu Kun tried his best to keep himself calm, he wanted to open his mouth but found that he couldn't say the rest of the words. The aura exuding from Huang Ge was really too terrifying, as if if he said one more word, she The long sword in his hand would cut his throat without hesitation.


Huang Ge gave Xu Kun a cold look, raised his hand and threw the long sword in his hand on the ground in front of him, Xu Kun was scared out of his wits immediately, he couldn't even care about face, and almost fled all the way.

"Master, the eldest prince is really deceiving people too much."

After Xu Kun left, Leng Shuang couldn't help but said angrily, very few people knew about the fact that her master was a daughter, and now the eldest prince not only threatened her overtly and covertly with this matter, but even wanted to make an inch of it to get her.

From Leng Shuang's point of view, how a person as outstanding as his own master can be imagined by the eldest prince, who is not so popular.

"It's okay, let him jump around for a while."

Huang Ge is not angry, but anger can only make her lose her mind, which is exactly what the eldest prince wants to see.After taking a few deep breaths, Huang Ge forced herself to calm down quickly, and began to think about how to move forward.

Although the Shao family is willing to hand over their military power, all of this is under the control of the eldest prince. According to Xu Kun, it is the eldest prince's intention to give it up this time.But after thinking about it carefully, Huang Ge didn't think it was such a thing. The timing of the Shao family's death was too coincidental. If the eldest prince really wanted to be in charge of the East Palace, how could he let such a good opportunity go.

Perhaps today the eldest prince also wants to take advantage of the Shao family's difficulties to come forward and be a good person, taking advantage of the opportunity to take the Shao family's military power over.It's a pity that she didn't expect her to take the lead, and he didn't want to lose face, so he sent Xu Kun here, and at the same time, it could anger her. It was really a very thoughtful move.


Seeing Huang Ge standing there for a long time without speaking, Leng Shuang couldn't help calling out worriedly.

"You look for an opportunity to send someone to send a message to Shisan, asking her to find a chance to go out of the palace. I have something to ask her."

After thinking for a while, Huang Ge had already figured out what to do next. First, she arranged for Leng Shuang to deliver a message to Shisan, and then rode alone to a valley on the outskirts of the city.

"The subordinate has seen the master."

The location of this valley is extremely secret, it was accidentally discovered by Huang Ge during a trip.It happened that Huang Ge wanted to raise a group of secret guards in the capital, so he chose this place as the breeding point.

"Get up, I came to you today because I want you to do something for me."

Huang Ge waved to the three guard leaders who were kneeling in front of her, and immediately took out three letters and handed them to them.

(End of this chapter)

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