Chapter 900 Chaos in Kyoto (2)

Although there is no need to think about this matter, it is most likely caused by the Huang family, but if you want to find trouble with others, you have to go with real evidence. Now you have no clue at all, and there is such a big commotion outside. Know how troublesome it will be.

Especially the First Prince had just entered the East Palace, and it would be even more unfavorable for him to cause such a incident at this time, so these people have been investigating for so long but they have not found anything, which is why he is so angry.

"His Royal Highness, according to what I have seen, this matter must have been done by the Huang family."

All the people kneeling on the ground trembled from the bottom of their hearts by the First Prince's anger, and only after a while did one of them muster up the courage to speak.

"So what? Do you have proof?"

The eldest prince was almost laughed out of anger when he heard the words, he naturally knew this, right now only the Huang family is capable of opposing him in the entire Yunyue Kingdom.

"I really don't have evidence now, but I have a plan, which can alleviate the current crisis."

That person didn't dare to look up at the Eldest Prince's face at the moment, but compared to other people, he was quite calm, at least he dared to speak out what was in his heart at this moment.

"tell me the story?"

Hearing this, the First Prince waved his hand at the man, signaling that he could stand up without kneeling.

"According to what I see, since we can't find any evidence to stop this matter now, we might as well follow the trend."

After the man stood up, he pursed his lips and pondered for a while, before speaking to the First Prince.

"Cai Ming, do you mean to give up these people who work for His Highness?"

Hearing what the man called Cai Ming said, Xu Kun was the first to lose his composure.Many of those people were wooed by him. If they were all given up, what would the other people who were wooed by him think of him?
"This matter is absolutely unacceptable. Now is the time for His Royal Highness to employ people. If these people are given up, the rest of the people will definitely be panic-stricken, and their responsibilities will collapse."

As soon as Xu Kun finished speaking, another official also echoed.

"In the opinion of the two adults, what should we do now?"

Even though Xu Kun is currently a popular person beside the First Prince, Cai Ming didn't show the slightest fear when facing his questioning, but instead asked in a leisurely manner.

Asked by Cai Ming, Xu Kun and the other person who just asked the question were immediately choked.

If they thought of a solution to the current situation, would they still use it here to bear the First Prince's anger?
"Go on."

Apparently, the reaction of Xu Kun and another courtier also displeased the Eldest Prince. After glaring at them angrily, he signaled Cai Ming to continue talking.

"Although these people belong to His Highness, what they do behind the scenes is really dirty. Your Highness will go to a higher position in the future. If there are too many such people under his command, it will not be good for His Highness.

Now that His Highness has just entered the East Palace, it is a good time to make meritorious deeds. It just so happens that such a matter has been pushed in front of His Highness. Why don't His Highness take advantage of this situation, so that the people around him can be wiped out, and a wise man can also be won. Good reputation, why not do it. "

Cai Ming's words were so reasonable that the eldest prince's heart was moved in an instant.

It is true that he has just become the prince, if he can do something that benefits the country and the people at this time, it will undoubtedly be excellent for his reputation.And Cai Ming's other reminder is also very correct, if he wants to go higher, he must not keep too many villains around him.

(End of this chapter)

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