I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 104 The Sad Crocodile

Chapter 104 The Sad Crocodile

And at this time, the happiest person on the field was neither Quinn from Holy Gun, nor VN from Viper.

It was Seraphine of Scout.

This hero is too brainless in the middle lane. It feels like an enhanced version of the mid laner Qin Nu, but his functionality has risen to another level compared with Qin Nu.

There is consumption, there is acceleration, there is control.

The most important thing is: this hero has too long arms!
Zoe of Banana Wolf was also disgusted by this Seraphine.

At this time, Scout was having a great time playing in the middle lane, and Udyr, the jungler here in RW, had no idea about this Seraphine.

The main reason is that this Seraphine is too greasy. After accelerating with a W skill, she runs faster than her own Udyr.

Who is the shrimp catcher?

At this time, the game time has come to 5 minutes, just as the first dragon is refreshed.

After the RW jungler Udyr came to the bottom lane to help his side push the line, he successfully pushed the EDG duo back under the tower. At this time, they also decisively went to the first water dragon.

Wang Duoduo: "Udyr here should be able to successfully control the first dragon, and the factory manager is on the road again at this time."

At this time, the crocodile on RW's road was about to scold the male gun of the factory manager to death.

Are you playing or not?
Come back every 3 minutes.

Come back every 4 minutes.

Are you still here in 5 minutes?
It's just that this time it's not just the male gun who came alone, Seraphine from Scout in the middle lane also came to the top road. At this time, his crocodile was driven into the autistic grass without even daring to defend the tower.

At this time, he could only watch helplessly that a large wave of soldiers under his tower was eaten by the defense tower for nothing, but he was helpless. At this time, the crocodile could only shed sad tears.

It really hurts people to see it. This shows that Kaipiff is too deceiving!
It's not enough for you to come alone as a jungler, and you even asked your own family to come up alone.

Really hateful.

On the commentary stage at this time.

Tong Xi also said sympathetically: "Wow, this little crocodile is really pitiful. He didn't get any of the large wave of soldiers with sports cars under the tower. He is almost one level behind the opposite Holy Gun in experience now. You know it's only 5 minutes now."

Wang Duoduo also said: "Now the crocodile's last hit is only fifteen dollars, and Holy Gun's Quinn has overwhelmed him by more than 20 dollars, and Holy Gun's here is still an extraction, the crocodile feels It's too miserable."

Since Brother Holy Gun has chosen Quinn, his costumes are naturally learned from Teacher Shy. With a Shy knife in his hand, he wants to carry out the development to the end.

At this time, the barrage is all sympathy for RW's top laner, because he is really miserable.

It has to be said that this is also a great tragedy.

Because the saddest thing in life is not that everyone laughs at you, but that everyone sympathizes with you.

At this time, this little crocodile is enduring this great pain.

At this time, his teammates also successfully took down the first water dragon.

This wave seemed to make money for the team, but in fact it collapsed on the road.

One of the enterprise-level understandings of Zeng Bage: Taking Xiaolong in the early stage is tantamount to giving the opponent an advantage for nothing.

Looking at it now, Brother Ba's words are really easy to understand, and they are at least several versions ahead.

In the EDG team voice at this time.

Brother Holy Gun said with a smile on his face: "Brothers, I feel that I can lead you to victory with this one. I don't even know how to lose this one with my Quinn's development."

Ming Kai laughed and said, "I'll give two heads to the crocodile opposite, and you'll know how to lose."

Brother Holy Gun quickly said: "Don't, don't, don't mess with me, brother."

At this time, Scout said: "Ming Kai, this Zoe's blood volume consumed by me is very unhealthy. How can I say this wave? After your smoke bomb is controlled, I feel that he will die when I take the big move."

After hesitating for a moment, the factory manager nodded and said, "You can try."

Although in the previous training match, the coach said not to play too recklessly, but after all, the opportunity is here, if you dare not try, you will never dare to try in the future.

At this time, after a scan, it was confirmed that the grass had no vision of the blue square, the director's male gun hid in the grass, like a hunter, waiting for the banana wolf on the opposite side to show its flaws.

Wang Duoduo: "This factory manager has thoughts about Zoe! It seems that Zoe's blood volume in Forge is not healthy now."

At this time, after Zoe pulled out a Q skill flying star in front of the tower, he used the big move to turn back and jump to clear the last few long-range soldiers in the middle.

Ming Kai knew that the waiting hole had finally appeared.

After Zoe used the big move, the position where the R skill [turn back and jump] came back is always his most dangerous place.

At this time, I saw a smoke bomb of the factory manager's male gun placed in front of Zoe. At this time, Zoe lost any vision of the surrounding area after returning to the original position with the ultimate move, and Jiao Tailang felt a chill in his heart.

At this time, Scout Seraphine's big move [Xuanyin Returns] also successfully charmed him.

Although his Zoe surrendered the purification decisively, Seraphine's next E skill [Amplified Beat] also imprisoned him.

Although the confinement time was very short, under EDG Nakano's combined punch, Zoe's blood volume bottomed out in an instant.

And after he flashed into the tower with a trace of blood, Zoe's head was firmly accepted by the director's male gun and flashed a flat A.

The banana wolf is down!

At this time, the bullet screen is full: 77777777777!

Wang Duoduo: "EDG's control chain is quite perfect. Although Forge is not far in front of our tower, the smoke bomb of the male gun is really killing me."

"In the smoke bomb of the factory manager, he can't do anything."

In the game of League of Legends, there are always some heroes whose skills are disgusting.

For example, the smoke bomb of the male gun, the ground binding of the snake girl, and the glue of alchemy
Hitomi: "It's better for EDG to seize the opportunity here. Haro's Udyr here just went home after taking the dragon. There is no one here to support him in the middle lane."

"And Scout, Seraphine in the middle lane, cooperates with her passive little notes, and the damage during this time period is also very high. The effect of EDG's Seraphine is also played."

"Now RW is here, the only point they can rely on in the mid-term, and something has happened now."

In the EDG voice at this time.

The factory manager smiled and said, "Ahahaha, brothers, I'm flying this one."

Brother Holy Gun scolded with a smile: "I Gan Mingkai, isn't this my line?"

Meiko also said: "It's enough to win, brothers, hold on, don't waste money, or you will be fined."

As soon as money was mentioned, the players immediately put aside other thoughts in their minds and began to concentrate on the game in front of them.

Their goal is also very simple: not let the club earn them a penny!

Ahem, if these players were in RNG, they would know that this goal would never be achieved.

after all.

Make money.

This RNG club is really professional!
PS: Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets every day!
(End of this chapter)

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