I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 114 The effect of the chapters is full

Chapter 114 The program is full of effects

And in this Saturday's [-]:[-] game, the brave EDG defeated their opponent ES in a very easy [-]-[-].

In this game, the ES jungler H4cker's performance was really not satisfactory, and many viewers joked: H4cker just wanted to go to the bathroom.

And EDG's victory is also a declaration that they have successfully harvested their team's ten-game winning streak.

Ten consecutive victories.

This is probably something that countless starches would never dare to imagine in their dreams, but now it has really happened.

This is not a dream, the starches are still very moved after waking up for a long time!

And on the night of this weekend, the long-awaited [Dining Hall Weekend Night] also arrived late at night, and the grandparents of our LPL audience have long been waiting for dinner.

"Today's coach Lin Meng looks more energetic than ever. Could it be that he just finished spending time with his girlfriend yesterday?" I remember joking, "It is said that Lin Meng and our sister Zhou are also good brothers?"

Lin Meng immediately said righteously: "Hey, remember, teacher, the adaptation is not a random compilation, and the explanation is not nonsense."

"Sister Zhou and I are innocent."

The colonel also helped his good brother explain: "Hey, EDG has won ten consecutive victories. It is no wonder that coach Lin Meng is unhappy. I wonder if you are sure to win a complete victory now?"

"Dream back to the summer of S6 again."

Lin Meng shook her head and said, "This feeling is indeed difficult. Let alone other things, our two opponents in EDG next week are too fierce."

"IG and SN."

"A world champion and a world runner-up."

"I can only say, anyway, we won't be ashamed if we lose."

The colonel said mysteriously again: "According to the gossip, IG seems to be invincible in the training match after the year. Coach Lin Meng wonders if this is true?"

Lin Meng said with a smile: "They are really fierce, I think everyone should know this."

"Years ago it was Yusanjia's S7, after the new year, it's S8."

At this time, the bullet screens all shouted: The coach is so understanding!
Everyone in the studio applauded and praised Lin Meng's understanding. Lin Meng's understanding is really innovative.

Years ago S7.

Years later S8.

It's really okay!
Remember: "Today's first material is from our Little Phoenix. They just lost 0-2 to RNG and suffered a two-game losing streak. The reason for Little Phoenix is ​​well known."

"The constant rotation of the jungle position makes their team seem to be back to the beginning of the season."

"Xiaotian feels that his state is still not right."

The colonel retorted: "You can't blame Xiaotian, he played three training games in a month, and now there is no way to be ordered to play in danger."

"After all, if something like that happened to the team, it can only be said that Bo Ren's fax is not burning."

Cough cough, is blog posting non-combustible?
No, Bo Renzhuan spontaneously ignited!

Lin Meng also smiled and said: "It is said that their second team's jungler will also be promoted. Fans of Little Phoenix should not worry too much. We can also look forward to this new jungler."

"It's understandable for FPX to lose. After all, it's been 18 years now. Everyone is used to calling FPX Parisians, and we must not forget that the team that year also won the cup in Paris."

There was indeed a golden rain at MSI that year.

That year, our imperial fans were also Parisians.

Ahem, of course, this does not conflict with our club making money now.

At this time, the director raised a very sharp question: Which team has the most championship appearance?

"This year's LPL competition can also be said to be brilliant, but if you ask me to choose a team with the most championship appearance, I will choose EDG." The colonel said seriously.

Seeing that the senior colonel seemed to want to continue, Lin Meng immediately stopped him and said, "Okay, okay, Mr. Zeyuan, stop talking, we really can't bear it at EDG!"

It’s over.

Lin Meng has already felt that their EDG game next week may not be smooth sailing
The colonel also sighed: "Oh, I have also been under a lot of pressure this season, and I was almost washed away by others. I may not stay in this dining hall for a long time."

I remember immediately answering: "Hey, Teacher Zeyuan, I also thought that you have been under a lot of pressure from public opinion recently. If you don't perform well in the cafeteria, you will be criticized by others, because our commentators in the cafeteria are also all the same. It is the core commentator of LPL, and the requirements are relatively high, so I communicated with the official to see if there is another commentary to replace, and they agreed."

"If you have any questions, remember to contact me at any time."

At this time, our senior colonel suddenly became unlovable.

"Remember, I treat you like a brother, but you treat me like a toy."

After finishing speaking, Colonel Guan stood up and was about to leave.

At this time, Lin Meng also immediately broke the siege and said: "Hey, everyone is the core commentator, we must always pay attention to unity."

At this time, under Lin Meng's persuasion, the colonel sat back in his seat.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also burst into laughter because of the effect of the three people's program.

"Hahaha, core commentary?"

"Ask if you don't understand, is this implying someone?"

"Hahahaha, these three people are too effective for the show!"

"Everyone, don't talk nonsense, after all, we are all core audiences, hahahaha!"

"Ahem, it's all scripts, it's all scripts, as long as everyone is happy." Remember to smile: "Let's move on to the next session, the session where the audience asks questions."

"The first question is for coach Lin Meng."

At this time, we remember that the teacher's face suddenly became very strange, as if he saw something that shocked him.

Lin Meng also asked, "Remember what happened to the teacher?"

I only heard remember saying slowly: "Ahem, I would like to ask Coach Lin Meng, if EDG wins the championship this year, can I kiss you?"

"This viewer's ID is 'I can protect and warm my heart'."

At this moment, the studio of [Weekend Canteen Night] suddenly fell into an audible silence. The three core commentators in the canteen looked at each other, and then burst into laughter.

Lin Meng also coughed, and then said: "Is this audience crossing the channel? We are not a dating show. This kind of problem is beyond the scope of my business."

Then he said seriously: "This is another price!"

"Hahahahahaha, this coach Lin Meng is too messed up!"

"Sure enough, he is the head coach of EDG. His financial management skills are definitely full marks."

"I made a quick decision, and I pushed her away immediately, and I said it was another price."

"No, no, I'm really dying of being laughed at by him, it's so funny!"

I remember smiling and saying: "Okay, okay, coach Lin Meng can communicate with fans about the price in private, let's move on to the second question."

"The second question is: if the LPL is going to play the LCK in this year's final, can our LPL beat them?"

The colonel said: "This question is interesting. If we play next door in the final, can we win?"

"Last year's final stage, our little lion SN also lost to DWG, and I feel that defeating LCK in the final has become an obsession in the hearts of many people in our LPL."

What the Colonel said was actually not unreasonable.

The main reason is that the LCK has been ruled for too long before. Although the LPL also won two consecutive championships in S8 and S9, after all, the teams that won in the finals were not LCK teams. Many people still hope to see the LPL in the final stage. The victory over the LCK.

I remember joking: "It depends on whether this year's EDG can do it or not."

Lin Meng said seriously: "No matter which team in the LPL enters the finals, I hope our LPL can win."

"But I hope that the winning team can be our EDG."

"We'll do our best too."

(End of this chapter)

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