I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 117 7's Showdown With His Wife

Chapter 117 Seven and His Wife's Showdown (Subscribe)

In the evening of the same day, EDG and IG revealed the list of starters for the next day's game. EDG did not change much, but IG replaced Puff as their starting AD.

Many people couldn't help asking: Is our IG super bubble coming back?

Lin Meng naturally also guessed that the opposite IG might play Puff to change his play style. Although they are a team that focuses on mid-top, after all, this version of the bottom lane is also very useful.

IG may also want to change its operating rhythm.

The replacement of IG with puffs does not mean that Wink did not play well in the team before. On the contrary, Wink's performance in IG is also very stable.

But after all, there is a saying that is very good: the player who does not play is always the best one.

Back then, when King Ning became the king of shoes by stretching his hips on the court, many people asked why he didn't play on our little Leyan?
And when it was Xiao Leyan's turn to go shopping on the court, many people said that it was better to go to King Ning.

So here comes the question: Who should it be?
In fact, it is not only the IG team, but also many other teams. When losing a game, many people are accustomed to pin their hopes on the person who has not yet played.

But, is the person off the field really more suitable than the person on the field?

Fans of Little Phoenix: Right!
Ahem, let me tell you something, our blogger is indeed the one who is very suitable for the FPX team. When he was there, FPX was extremely tense in terms of rhythm, operation and style of play on the field. Teamwork, The wild auxiliary linkage caused all other teams an extremely headache.

It's just a pity that little phoenix hasn't nirvana yet, but little phoenix's jungler has nirvana first.

The blogger's biography, ignited when it shouldn't be ignited.

Who dares to say that bloggers are not combustible?
It exploded!
In the blink of an eye, it was the next day, and the chicken-pig battle that the audience was looking forward to was about to start. Many people were also looking forward to this game.

On one side is EDG, which has won ten consecutive victories and is advancing all the way; on the other side is IG, which is said to be recovering after the year and dreams of returning to S8.

Moreover, whether EDG's spell on IG can be broken is something that many starches are looking forward to. After all, the last time they were overthrown by IG is still vivid.

In this game, the LPL officials also spared no effort to create enthusiasm for it before the game. Although there is no pig-dog fight, there is also a pig-chicken fight!

And the real highlight of this game is not the match between the two sides, but the magic off the court.

This EDG vs. IG game is in the second game, which is the seven o'clock game.

As we all know, the [-]-point EDG has a buff bonus.

And it's a coincidence that today's host is still Xiaoyu, so Song Yijin will also be buffed.

Seven and his wife duel!

Here comes the highlight of this game.

EDG at seven o'clock played against the IG interviewed by Xiaoyu!

I have to say that the boos in this game are really full.

It's just that in this match between EDG and IG, the smell of gunpowder before the game was not very strong. At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also very harmonious.

After all, there is really no grudge between these two families. On the contrary, the relationship between starch and extreme fans is also very good. There is a saying that is very good: the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Ahem, there may be a famous AD player who wants to join them now.

After all, the way players and clubs broke up is so unseemly, and it is really extremely rare.

And now, our YYDS can only be counted behind the back by other players.

At this time, everyone can only sigh: Time is ruthless!
Today's first five-point game ended very quickly, RA easily defeated OMG with a 2-0 record, and the time was just after 06:30.

It's worth mentioning that Iboy's Kai'Sa is going crazy today. It seems that our Iboy has spared no effort in order to make his old club's debut at [-] o'clock.

"Okay, viewers, welcome everyone to watch the LPL Spring Split. Today's second match is between EDG and IG. I believe everyone has been looking forward to this match for a long time!" Waowa said.

Miller: "Indeed, this EDG team has won [-] consecutive victories. If you want to say who is most likely to stop their winning streak from behind, IG is definitely ranked first."

"The EDG team has not defeated IG for many years, and it is said that IG will be in a strong state after the next year. It is a dream to return to S8."

Wawa: "It is said that the state of IG and RNG in the next year will be extremely fierce. After all, it was S7 a year ago, and it will be S8 after this year."

"And today's off-court confrontation between the two sides is also a highlight. EDG played against IG interviewed by Xiao Yu at seven o'clock. If nothing else, this topic is full of topicality."

"According to our pre-match statistics: EDG at seven o'clock and IG interviewed by Xiaoyu have never lost, and they both have a 100% winning rate."

Miller: "Then today, one of the two sides will definitely break this winning rate. My EDG also broke the tradition of Faker's 100% winning rate enchantress back then."

"The performance of the junglers on both sides is also very important today. Speaking of this, we also had a short interview with the junglers on both sides. Let's take a look."

The official short video of the warm-up session released before the game is very interesting, in which the junglers on both sides are interviewed.

"We are also old friends with IG, and it seems that we haven't won against them for a long time."

"If you play IG, there is actually nothing to study."

"Just hit the road and it's over."

In the interview screen, the factory director is a constant talker, while Xun, the jungler of IG on the other side, looks very humble.

"This game is also the first time I have played against the factory manager, and I am actually a little excited."

"Because I'm also a fan of the factory manager. I grew up watching his games."

"I can only say: If you lose, you don't lose money, if you win, you can earn blood."

At this time, the screen returns to the commentary booth.

The baby smiled and said, "Hey, is it time for the classic fans to beat idols again?"

"One thing to say, our factory manager, the No. 001 player, is not talking about it. Most of the junglers in this LPL grew up watching our factory manager play."

"In the first game, our RA's Xiao Leyan is said to be a loyal fan of the factory director."

At this time, Miller coughed: "Ahem, pay attention to personal influence, Teacher Doll, his name is Le Ye."

"After all, it's been a long time since anyone dared to call us Master Le like that, Xiaowa."

At this time, the baby also apologized immediately: "Oh, mine, mine, Le Ye, please forgive me for such unreasonable behavior."

"If it's convenient, I can buy you a takeaway."

Our Le Ye's status in the LPL is evident!

 Brother Inb played very well with FPX today!

  Nightmare plus death song is really fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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