I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 119 The Brawl Begins!

Chapter 119 The Brawl Begins! (The rudder master adds more)

Before stepping down, Lin Meng said to the team members: "Just remember one sentence, don't be cowardly when playing IG, let alone cowardly!"

"Enjoy the game."

"It's done!"

If you play against the IG team, you must not persuade them, because the more you persuade them, the more fierce they will be.

The team members said in unison: "Understood, coach."

Lin Meng: "EDG!"


The lineups selected for the first game between the two sides are as follows.

Blue side EDG: Sword Demon, Olaf, Tsar, Samira, Bull Head.

Red Fang IG: Rambo, Lilia, Zoe, Xia, Ruier.

The moment the players entered the game, fans cheered for their home teams from the auditorium below the stadium.

"EDG!" "Come on!"

"IG!" "Come on!"

"LGD!" "Come on!"

From the cheers of the audience, we can also hear that most of the audience are also female audiences and female mothers. From this point of view, the status of our male mothers is still not guaranteed after all.

Shivering cold.

When will the male mother stand up?

Miller: "Okay, thank you all the audience friends for cheering and cheering. Here is the scene of the match between EDG and IG in the 2021 LPL Spring Split."

"In the first game, the blue side is EDG, and the red side is IG. I am the commentator for this game, Miller."

Doll: "I am the commentator doll in this field."

"Let's take a look at the opening of the two sides in the early stage. Neither side has the idea of ​​​​invasion. It seems that both sides want to play more steadily in the first game."

Miller nodded and said, "Indeed, after all, this is the first game."

In fact, whether it is a BO3 match or a BO5 match, the two sides will often play more safely in the first game. The purpose of doing this is also to test the opponent's style of play and rhythm today, so as not to change. Should change.

There is a saying that is very good: If I do nothing, then I will not make mistakes.

It’s just that compared to BO3, BO5 matches can truly reflect the true competitive level of a team. This is also an important reason why LEC has been losing to our LPL in the finals for the past two years, because their competition system has always been BO1 .

In a BO1 match, more consideration is given to the team's real-time combat power and status, as well as some team hero pools and playstyle routines.

No one can predict the outcome of this game.

As we all know, anything can happen in a BO1 match.

Back then, Lightning Wolves FW once beat SKT randomly in the BO1 of the group stage.

Our Lightning Wolves BO1 god is not in vain, anti-Han Qixia, the nemesis of the universe team - FW!

Compared with BO5, the difficulty of BO1 has increased by more than one level. It can be said to be two games, so FW is taught to be a man every year in the knockout rounds.

And the one that is more difficult than BO5 is probably only the BO10 played by the Snakes back then.

That is the real difficulty!

At this time, the junglers on both sides of the field chose to open in the red zone, and the goal of the factory manager Hongkai was also very clear, just to take good care of Rambo on the opposite road.

After all, the ID of the Rambo on the opposite side is Theshy. If you don't catch it, it doesn't fit our Brother Shy's personality.

Catch the world!
Xun's Lilia chose to start with F6. After all, Lilia, a level [-] hero, would be too hurt to farm single-target wild monsters. If Lilia didn't have teammates to help her in the game, she would basically farm this monster first. A group of wild monsters.

At this time, Rambo of Theshy on the road took the lead in finishing the first wave of pawns, and put a fake eye in the grass at the river on the road, and then went back to continue pressing the line with confidence.

Basically only Theshy and Doinb will choose to use Rambo as a hero this season.

The main reason why they love this hero so much is that the hero Rambo pushes the line really fast, and this hero has undergone a qualitative change after level six.

In some narrow terrains in the canyon, the AOE effect that Rambo's ultimate move can cause can be said to be devastating, and the damage of that ultimate move [Constant Temperature Burning] is really incomprehensible.

There are two words to describe it: outrageous.

At this time, Brother Holy Gun also pinned in the grass in time. From the perspective of God, it can be seen that the position of Brother Holy Gun Pin is the position where Theshy Rambo inserted the eye, which is not bad at all.

"There's an eye here, Ming Kai."

Ordinary players may patronize the details of the laning when they are laning, but forget to pay attention to some small moves on the opposite side, which will cause them to miss some other important information.

But as an old top laner, Holy Gun, his experience and details in the laning phase are top-notch. After all, Li Xuanjun's Karma was the sword demon who single-handedly killed Theshy.

Moreover, the coaching staff of EDG also did a lot of research on the details of IG's eye insertion before the game. For example, Rookie's habit in the middle lane is to look at the river above the grass in the middle lane of his own jungler's opening half area.

It's just that the broiler in the middle lane is not happy at this time.

Wawa: "Rookie in the middle lane is very uncomfortable being crushed by Scout's czar. Scout's czar is also an old czar. During the laning phase, the blood limit and CS are ahead of Rookie's Zoe."

Miller: "The player Rookie's laning ability is already at the top level in our LPL, but even so, he is still very uncomfortable being suppressed by the Tsar. This is the strength of the Tsar hero. .”

"This tsar laning with a comet is too brainless."

Baby: "We can only wait for Zoe's level to rise, and it will be much easier to fight after he can kill the ranged soldier Q with a Q skill, otherwise every time he replenishes soldiers, the czar's sand soldiers will poke him in front of him." .”

Since the hero Zoe weakened his W skill [Skillful Hand], the skill fragments dropped by minions do not include redemption, which also weakened Zoe's lane-laning ability in the middle to a certain extent.

After all, for Zoe in the early stage, a redemption greatly improved the hero.

Today, Song Yijin's luck can only be said to be really not very good. His Zoe did not learn the E skill at the second level, but learned the W skill [Skillful Stealing], but in the next few waves of soldiers in the middle lane, unexpectedly Not a single minion with skill shards.

not a single one!

Rookie's mentality suddenly went bad.

"Damn, brothers, I feel like there is a bug in this game, why don't I have a minion with skill fragments in the middle lane?"

"No, my mentality has collapsed, my W skill is for nothing."

In the early stage, his Zoe, the tsar who played the primary school brother, was not very easy to fight online, not to mention that there were no minions with skill fragments at this time, which made things worse for Song Yijin. Zoe was quite Yu Baibai lost a skill.

At this time, the junglers on both sides basically finished clearing the river crab at the same time. The two heroes Olaf and Lilia can be said to be the fastest junglers to clear the jungle.

It's just that the choices after junglers on both sides are different. Xun's Lilia chose to return to the city at this time, while the factory manager's Olaf hid in the darkness at this time, like a bloodthirsty wild boar.

Miller: "Hey, the factory director here has an idea about Theshy on the road, but the grass on the road has a vision of the red side. The factory director may also know this news, and has been standing in the blind corner of the field of vision."

Wawa: "No, the factory manager, is he waiting for the vision to disappear? He seems to know when the vision disappears."

"It turns out that this old factory manager is waiting for an opportunity."

Not long after, the moment the fake eye inserted by Theshy disappeared, Olaf, the factory manager, moved up decisively.

This is Ming Kai's consciousness!
And in order to kill this Rambo with one blow, Olaf chose to go around the triangle grass.

And Brother Shy's Rambo planned to return to the city to supply a wave after making up the last pawn, but an Olaf who suddenly appeared behind him broke his original plan.

Theshy was startled immediately.

Do you want to play?

Didn't my vision just disappear?
Why is this Olaf appearing behind me?

At this time, Theshy had no choice but to turn his head and run down the river after seeing that the way home was blocked by the factory manager Olaf.

At this time, the TPs of the middle players on both sides light up at the same time.

One is to save people, the other is to kill.

The brawl has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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