Chapter 124 Infected

At this time, after several people from EDG drove Thehy to the autistic grass, they began to work together to demolish the top tower of IG. The Canyon Herald was also summoned.

Ten or four minutes ago, as the plating of the defensive tower disappeared and the blood volume became less and less, the various resistances of the defensive tower would also increase accordingly.

Therefore, if you want to successfully win the blood tower with the canyon vanguard, you must consume part of the blood volume of the defensive tower in advance, and leave the hardest part to the canyon vanguard.

At this time, I saw that the canyon pioneer had accumulated enough horsepower and hit it hard.


After this canyon pioneer hit a very magical number, a tower on the IG road fell to the ground, and the plating economy of the defensive tower was divided by the three of EDG's upper middle and wilderness.

Shy's Rambo, who was in the autistic grass not far away, could only watch his defense tower fall to the ground, but he was helpless.

This is the tragedy of man!

People always find out after going through many things that there are always things they can't stop.

And as the IG in the lower half of the area took down their first little dragon, stones gradually grew up in the entire canyon, implying that the dragon soul of this hand is the earth dragon soul.

Miller: "As for Earth Dragon Soul, I feel that the improvement of EDG is a bit bigger. After all, the frankness of their lineup is much stronger than that of the opposite IG. IG's Poke flow system is still a bit fragile. of."

Wawa: "This dragon soul is very unfriendly to IG."

"Besides the water dragon soul, the most hated dragon soul in the Poke lineup is the earth dragon soul, and here we can also see that the three members of EDG's Nakano already have a mercury shoe per person."

Miller: "This is EDG. The players' minds have gradually changed. Even though we now have the upper hand in EDG, this does not prevent us from playing steadily."

"After the first tower is gone, Shy Rambo's development space will be reduced a lot, and he can only eat the line that was pushed over on the road."

Baby: "Of course we believe in Theshy's developmental ability. This man can be said to be the one who knows how to develop best among our top laners in the entire LPL."

I have to say that what the baby said is indeed very reasonable.

"Hi everyone, I'm Theshy who likes to develop."

In many games before, Theshy could even give himself a bounty abruptly when his own record was ugly. This kind of development speed can only be said to be a bit scary.

Love development, we really are professionals.

And many people like to talk about the shy man and Niu Bao together. A large part of the reason is that during the S9 World Championship, these two people were obsessed with the same talent when they were on the road.

Premonition of theft.

Including the extraction of this piece of equipment later, it was also jokingly called the Shy knife.

We can see the brilliance of the man Theshy from other angles-know how to develop.

And another man in our LPL who knows how to develop so well.

It's called Doinb.

It's just that our Inb brother got rich by relying on F6, Three Wolves, Blue Buff, and Toad.

I would like to announce to everyone that ordinary people must not imitate our Inb brother's fortune history, because if you do, your jungler's mentality may collapse.

But at this time on the field, after the EDG upper middle and wild three had demolished the first tower, when they were planning to leave like this, they suddenly saw the opposite IG and several people working together to demolish their own bottom tower.

Tolerable or unbearable!
Ming Kai: "No, no, it's too bad to go this way, let's protect the vanguard of the canyon and hit the second tower."

Brother Holy Gun: "Sure, if they dismantle it, we will dismantle it too. We will definitely make money in this wave."

At this time, EDG and the others also decisively chose to continue to press forward, wanting to protect the Canyon Pioneer, who still had little blood left, and hit the second head.

Their goal is also very clear: you demolish one tower, and I demolish your second tower.

Anyway, our EDG, whether it is a club or a player, will not make a loss-making business.

Miller: "Wow, this EDG is going to let the canyon pioneer hit the second head. This is too cruel. It doesn't leave a way for Shy's Rambo to survive."

"If the second tower is gone, then Rambo will start to defend the highland tower in the future. You must know that the current game time is less than 4 minutes."

Wawa: "I can't help it, these people from IG are demolishing a tower of EDG in the bottom lane, so they don't want to suffer from EDG."

"Then just one, two, three, four, let's do it again, it's just a pain for our Brother Shy."

At this time, Theshy was really helpless. He was planning to stick to his second tower, but sadly found that these people from EDG on the opposite side hadn't left yet.

Do you want to play?

At this time, his Rambo's ultimate move [Constant Temperature Burning] was decisively released to clear the line of soldiers in front of the tower. Although the blue soldiers were cleared, the pioneer of the residual blood valley was still alive.

There's no way, who made Canyon Herald's weakness behind his butt?

At this time, Theshy looked at the shining eye behind the canyon pioneer, and wanted to A drop it.

But he was really helpless, he couldn't reach it!
Seeing that EDG's canyon pioneer with residual blood still came out, and with the czar of the junior boy and Olaf of the factory manager quickly tapping the tower, IG's second top tower was also broken.

At this time, the game time has just reached 13 minutes.

At this time, the three EDG upper-nakano left contentedly, leaving only Shy's Rambo not far away who was messing up in the wind. Although his Rambo didn't die in this wave, he was actually dead. Even more uncomfortable.

Because he lost two defensive towers in a row on the top road, now there is only his own highland tower behind him.

For a top laner who loves to develop, this is a disaster.

Although his teammates also demolished EDG's bottom tower at this time, it is not profitable. Kindergarten children know: 2>1!

"IG? What the hell are you doing????"

"Today's electric treasure is so fierce, mom is so scared QAQ! Hee hee hee hee~"

"Two towers for one tower, it feels like this wave of Theshy's Rambo has collapsed, he is going to be naked on the road."

"Fuck, is this EDG's decision-making so decisive now? It's so fierce at every turn."

"Why are they playing like IG in EDG today? IG is playing more like EDG instead? Is this human-to-human transmission?"

Miller: "Wow, this wave feels like IG is at a loss, because Theshy will be involved in the top lane for a long time after the top lane, and it will be very convenient for EDG to catch him at that time."

"This wave of tower changes is completely bloody."

Wawa: "And the pressure on IG's field of vision in the upper half will be very high. After the first big dragon takes the lead in 10 minutes, IG will have to compete for their own field of vision."

"I have to say that this wave of EDG's canyon pioneers has completely opened up the early rhythm. I can only say that this canyon pioneer really has a card."

"Brothers, please put the public screen on the board."

In the EDG team voice at this time.

Factory Manager: "Nice! We've made a lot of money in this wave. Li Xuanjun, you Sword Demon, switch to the bottom lane to develop, and Li Suican, you Tsar, go to the top lane."

"Eat the wild monsters as much as you want, and just keep F6 for me."

Brother Holy Gun: "That's not right, why did Ming Kai suddenly become so generous today, and even started to take the initiative to invite us to eat wild monsters."

"It's unreasonable."

Tian Ye: "He's not generous, don't you still eat the same?"

The team members immediately burst out laughing.

In fact, they can't be blamed for this, they also want to refresh the wild monsters faster.

One of Inb's classic quotes: wild monsters, as long as you brush them fast, they will be refreshed quickly.

Wild monsters, there will always be ones!

At this time, the two sides on the field did not have any more large-scale collisions in the next few minutes.

At this time, Theshy's Rambo can finally develop well on the road for a while. At this time, after his field of vision has been lit up, he is not too afraid of being caught.

Faced with such a big hole in the field of vision in the first half, IG had to further light up the field of vision in the field, otherwise if there were any problems with the highland tower on the road, they would not even cry.

The game time has reached 7 minutes. At this time, the next earth dragon is about to be refreshed, and IG has no intention of competing with the opposite EDG at all.

At this time, they had to let their Rambo develop a lot for a while, and Xun's Lilia acted as a human eye in the upper half of the field to escort Theshy Rambo's development.

At this time, IG also successfully controlled the second Canyon Pioneer in the first half.

And EDG's strategic goal is naturally this little dragon. Although they knew that the opponent might want to release this little dragon to them, EDG still started to fight the little dragon after controlling the vision around the field of vision.

In the end, without anyone intervening, they succeeded in taking down their second dragon.

During this period, the Tsar, who is developing on the road, is very stable. He will never go out to clear the line of troops without vision. He will brush three wolves in the wild to supplement his development.

Moreover, the Czar's E skill in the elementary school boy's hand is very deadly. Even if the wild monsters will lose blood, he didn't choose to use the Czar's key E skill to block the damage.

At this time, there was a large wave of soldiers entering the tower on the road. Although he was very greedy looking at these soldiers at this time, he still held back, because the former elementary school boy had received serious attention from Lin Meng because of this. criticize.

Lin Meng: As a man, you can have everything, but you can't have self-control!

At this time, neither the jungler nor the support was in the upper half, and Scout's tsar watched the pawn line being eaten by the tower. He waited until the support's bull head reached the upper half, and then he went to clean up the bottom of the tower. The remaining lines.

This tsar really made people feel a little like the Marquis back then.

At this time, in King Ning's live broadcast room.

I only heard King Ning say: "Just look at this tsar, you say he is not stable, this Scout looks like an old tsar, he will not give the slightest chance."

"From the perspective of God, IG actually left after squatting for a while, but the czar has not gone to the line yet, he is waiting for feedback from his teammates."

"This is the scariest thing, it is not giving the other side a chance at all."

"The current EDG is really fierce and steady!"

At this time, the game time was nearly 10 minutes, but the head ratio on the court remained at [-]:[-] at this time, and many viewers in our live broadcast room almost fell asleep watching it.

"Excuse me, is this still an IG game?"

"It's understandable that EDG played steadily, but when did your IG play so steadily?"

"A reckless man has started to become more stable now, it is really a disgrace to the reckless world!"

"It's over, it's over, brothers, it's really starting to spread from person to person, did IG get infected by EDG?"

Miller: "Both sides have suddenly stabilized now, but we suddenly feel a little unaccustomed to it. Now the IG team has really changed a lot. Is this still the IG team I know?"

Wawa: "I can't help it. After all, we have to play more steadily in the game with our EDG, and there is a saying that the changes of the two teams this year are actually quite big."

"EDG is an operation team, and now fighting has become very fierce; IG is a fighting team, and now it is starting to fight operations again."

"Gentlemen, times have changed!"

Miller: "The little dragon that was refreshed a few minutes later is the key. EDG's third draw card here, the earth dragon, no matter how stable IG is, it is absolutely impossible to play it to the opponent."

"I feel that this wave of groups may really determine the trend of the game in the mid-term."

At this time, the economic gap between the two sides on the field has not been truly widened. EDG's economic lead at this time is only about 800 yuan.

Although they grasped the rhythm of the game in the early stage, captured and killed two waves of Theshy's Rambo, and dismantled IG's two top towers in a row, but in fact, IG's per capita CS is not far behind them.

There is one thing to say, IG's laning ability and development ability are indeed well-deserved in the LPL.

At this time, the sideline leaders of the two teams also rushed to the lower half of the area, and this key dragon will really trigger the first large-scale team battle in this game.

team fight.

It's about to explode!

At this time, the competition between the two sides for the vision of the wild area is also very fierce. The real eyes and the fake eyes in the grass in the river in the middle road have been ranked by the opponent, but the two sides are still happily eliminating the vision.

And at this time, people suddenly discovered that there were only nine people in the river.

Why is there one less person?
At this time, our core director cut the game screen to the top road in great detail. In the screen, only the czar of Scout was diligently leading the line on the top road alone.

"This wave is called a sneak attack!"

"Brother Inb: It's over, it's over, Mom, the czar is stealing the house!"

"Hahahahahaha, it's not good, brothers, there are slaves!"

"Why is this elementary school boy so old now? He's still shamelessly stalking?"

"This EDG really doesn't talk about martial arts. It's a ten-man battle. Why are you missing one person now?"

At this time, the tsar was so quick to lead the line. The wave of soldiers in front of him was cleared by the sand soldiers of Shurima in a blink of an eye. This elementary school boy had no intention of coming to the frontal battlefield. The attack line is approaching IG's highland tower.

At this time, IG was really caught in a dilemma. They didn't expect that the tsar was still leading the line. At this time, Rambo, who was on the road, had already come to the lower half to prepare for this wave of dragons, but they didn't expect On the opposite side there is a person who is still stealing the house.

Miller: "This EDG stopped talking about martial arts, so it took advantage of your IG's big shortcoming of not having a second tower in the top lane, and magnified it vigorously."

"Wow, this Scout has become so sophisticated now. If I have TP, I won't go to the front. IG seems to be confused by this tsar from the elementary school. It turns out that this tsar has been on the road all the time."

"Everyone thought he would come to the front after leading a wave of lines, but I didn't expect that he is still leading now."

Wawa: "The most important thing is that the division at this point in time seems a bit like a pig's heart, because this little dragon will be refreshed soon."

"And IG does not have a second tower on the road. If this czar takes it down again, it feels like the high ground is gone."

"Now IG has to make a decision here."

At this time, several people in IG were also a little upset by the tsar's single belt.

Didn't your previous tsar even eat the soldiers under the tower?

Why does it feel like a different person now?

What about the ten-man melee?

At this time, after Lilia of Xun released the canyon pioneer in the middle, the five members of IG gathered and went to Xiaolongkeng.

At this time, the IG team quickly set a goal: take Xiaolong first!

Even if your tsar steals a tower, you can only steal a highland tower. IG can let it go if it is painful, but if this very important dragon is obtained by EDG, it means that every wave of small dragons in the next wave of IG will be lost. It must be picked up.

That risk is simply too great.

Miller: "The decision of IG has been made. We will take Xiaolong first, and let you go on the road. Then the next choice will come to EDG again."

"Do you want to choose the high ground that takes the road? Or choose this little dragon that draws the card?"

At this time, I saw that the Tsar who was leading the line on the road had a TP lit up, indicating that EDG's decision-making was also very decisive.


Wawa: "Wow, EDG is here to force a wave with you. Tsar TP has reached his own middle tower. Judging from the positions of the few players here, it seems that EDG doesn't plan to take care of this canyon vanguard."

"The two sides are going to have a group battle of ten people about this little dragon!"

In the EDG team voice at this time.

Factory manager: "We can't fight with the opponent. Their Poke damage is very high, so we should force the position. If we see an opportunity, we will open them."

Primary school boy: "Rookie's Zoe is in their blue zone, be careful."

Brother Holy Gun: "Just let them go if you feel like it. They are a group of crispy skins. If we find an opportunity, we can beat them."


At this time, the lineup disadvantage of the IG players who took the lead to fight the dragon also appeared. Their lineup was a bit slow to fight the dragon. At this time, the EDG players had already arrived in front of them.

At this time, Meiko's bull's head suddenly flashed and hit Lilia, the jungler on the opposite side.

The team battle between the two sides broke out suddenly!
Here in EDG, I saw Brother Holy Gun's sword demon killing the deer as soon as it opened, and the Q and E skills in the first paragraph slapped Lilia, and combined with the damage of our own double C, especially the Tsar, This Lilia was instantly melted!

At this time, Xun hadn't even landed in the sky, and was dropped in seconds.

The damage on the other side is too high!

Although Theshy Rambo's big move also slowly landed afterwards, the few people here in EDG were obviously prepared for it. Except for the bull's head who started the big move, which was still burning his own hooves, the rest of them immediately pulled away Location.

As for this little dragon, EDG didn't even take a second look, because the jungler on the opposite side was already dead. As long as there were no accidents here, this drawing dragon would definitely be in their pocket.

Miller: "Wow, this Meiko's bull head is too decisive, this Xun's Lilia didn't show any skills, and died instantly."

"Then this little dragon feels like he has gone far away from IG."

At this time, IG fell into an extremely embarrassing situation after its own jungler died. In the key dragon group, their jungler Lilia was donated first.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

At this time, Rookie, the backbone of the IG team, said: "My Zoe has changed to punishment, I can try to grab the dragon."

"You continue to fight dragons."

On the commentary stage at this time.

Wawa: "No, no, IG still wants to pick up this wave of dragons, and the rest of them are still fighting dragons, because there is a punishment in Zoe's hands!!!"

"This wave of Rookie may become the savior!"

At this time, the EDG members also noticed that something was wrong, and they didn't expect that the IG on the opposite side would continue to fight the dragon again.

At this time, the factory manager suddenly reacted: "No, Zoe's unsealed cheat book in the middle of the road was replaced by a punishment. Brothers can't let them continue to fight."

As we all know, the punishment of the mid laner is completely different from the punishment of the jungler.

The damage of punishment depends on the level of the hero. In the League of Legends, we have seen many times that the punishment obtained from the unsealed cheats has grabbed the dragon.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the jungler, because unless a jungler is in a fat situation, otherwise, in most cases, the level of the jungler will definitely lag behind the level of the single laner.

At this time, the level of the factory manager Olaf was also behind Rookie's Zoe.

The factory manager immediately said: "We can't fight for punishment, just force them away first."

It's really not that Ming Kai is not confident, I really can't fight!

At this time, several big guys from EDG suddenly pressed forward, making IG, who was fighting the dragon, have to retreat. At this time, Rookie was naturally guessed by the opponent when he knew his thoughts.

He secretly thought it was a pity, if the opposite EDG reacted a little slower, his Zoe would definitely be able to punish this very important little dragon to them.

But at this time, the few of them had no choice but to withdraw in the face of EDG's pressing force.

This wave of key team battles was won by EDG here.

Miller: "EDG's reaction here is too fast. If it is a little slower, Rookie's Zoe will be able to enter the field to take the dragon, but there is no way, there will always be such a little difference in life."

Wawa: "We can only say one thing at this time: What a pity!"

"EDG is going to win this key draw dragon here."

(End of this chapter)

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