I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 147 Nakano's Relationship

Chapter 147 Nakano's Relationship

At this time, Udyr, the director of the factory, had already lit Thresh's lantern and went to shoot Olaf unconscious.

And this protagonist who wants to steal his lifeblood F6, our richest man in Vietnam, Sofm, is being beaten by the factory director's Phoenix Fist.

Factory Manager: Whoever touches my lifeline will be punished even if it is far away!

At this moment, Captain Holy Gun's big move [Cannon Curtain] also came down, and amidst the roar of artillery fire, only Olaf's HP in the Nether Prison dropped rapidly.

The double deceleration effect of the two big moves of Ueno and Wild in EDG here makes Sofm, who has no big moves, seem to be stuck in a quagmire, getting deeper and deeper, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

At this time, SN also started to protect their own jungler here.

after all.

For most team players, their own jungler has always been their treasure!
In the screen, I saw Angel's Tsar flying away from a distance and then connected to the big move [Wall of the Forbidden Army], which instantly pushed the two Nosukes here in EDG away.

Jungle smile.

Mid laner to protect!
Seeing Olaf whose Sofm's HP was about to bottom out, Angel just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect a big rocket from Viper Jinx to shoot from afar.

I saw that Jinx's big rocket was shot in front of SN in the blink of an eye, and the angle of this big move was very tricky, it was released at the crowd of SN.

Even if Tsar got this rocket for his jungler, the 80% damage from this ultimate move is enough to kill the bloodless Sofm beside him.

At this time, Angel Tsar's E skill [Quicksand Transition] is still on CD.

In an instant, Angel didn't show the slightest hesitation, and his Tsar decisively flashed forward, blocking the rocket that was very deadly to Olaf.

This is a real mid laner, desperately protecting his jungler!

And Angel Tsar's move was also well received by many people in the live broadcast room.

"Lu Yao knows horsepower, and rockets know people's hearts!"

"This mid laner is a real angel, he actually protects his jungler like this."

"Tears, brothers, this tsar really made me cry!"

"I have to say that this wave of operations is enough for "other mid laners" to learn for a long time."

"Based on the Tsar's actions, I'm going to fall in love with Angel, this is too touching QAQ."

"Brothers, let me shed tears on the public screen! This is the intimate relationship between the mid laner and the jungler!"

"Look at him, this is a real mid laner! He flashed forward and blocked this deadly rocket for his jungler."

And on the commentary stage at this time.

Rita also said in disbelief: "Sofm hasn't died yet, the most critical Jinx's ultimate move was blocked by the Tsar flashing forward."

"In order to prevent the splash damage of this big move, Angei actually chose to flash forward to block it!"

Wang Duoduo sighed and said: "The tsar's operation is really 'so ambitious for sacrifice', this wave of operations finally succeeded in protecting his jungler."

"This wave of his operations may not be very gorgeous, but it is definitely very heartwarming."

People have also seen from it that the mid laners are responsible for their own junglers.

At this time, the duo of Hu Ya Lian Mai was also extremely shocked by the czar's operation.

Posture: "In this wave of operations, I can only say that Angel is a real Angel. He flashed to fight bombs for his jungler, and I burst into tears."

"Yan Junze, will you fight bombs for your jungler?"

At this time, Ze Shao smiled and said: "The two best junglers I have met, Mala Xiangguo and Kasa, I can only say that I am willing to fight bombs for them. "

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room were moved by Kuai's "deep friendship".

Ze Shao said again: "Because what I play is basically meat, brother, I must protect my teammates from damage, what are you thinking?"

The gesture on the other side immediately scolded: "I can only say that you are a real dog."

At this time, under the cover of Bin's monkey ult, everyone in SN has gradually withdrawn.

This wave of team battles was very thrilling for SN, and the final price was that they only paid one kill to assist Riel.

The Tsar of the mid laner Angel pulled Olaf back from the brink of death.

This is the Nakano in people's minds!

At this time, even EDG on the opposite side was very surprised. Olaf, who was the first to be set on fire, was not dead at this time.

Factory manager: "Fuck, can he survive this? In this Olaf, I see the shadow of me back then."

Brother Holy Gun: "Can we rush the dragon? I think we can try it. Although their jungler ran away, this Olaf is out of shape."

Tian Ye: "I think you can try it. This wave of opportunities is actually quite good. They didn't dodge the czar and the monkey didn't grow up."


At this time, everyone in EDG quickly arrived at the Dragon Pit, and began to decisively rush the first Baron Nash.

Ai Luoli: "EDG doesn't seem to want to let go of this wave of opportunities. They still want to fight the big dragon to force the group."

"Although the Summoner skills on both sides have already been handed in seven or eighty-eight, after all, EDG has a great advantage in blood volume here."

At this time, the blood volume of everyone in SN, especially the jungler's blood volume, is already very unhealthy at this time, and there is not even a chance for Olaf to enter the field to grab the dragon.

At this time, the clips of Viper's Jinx were still very spiritually placed at the mouth of the river, and these few fire chewer grenades successfully blocked the footsteps of SN who wanted to take a look.

In the end, under such circumstances, SN decided to let go of the dragon.

Wang Duoduo: "Looking at the positions of the few people here on SN, they have already decided to give up the first big dragon, and they are indeed helpless."

"After all, Sofm Olaf's blood volume is too low. If he insists on taking this wave, if something happens, the game of this game may have been declared over in advance."

"I can only say that EDG played really well."

In the end, without any interference, EDG successfully got the first Baron Nash here.

At this time, EDG has come to the snowballing link they are very familiar with, and EDG with the big dragon buff started their steady progress.

Take the line, clear the field, and control the field of view.
During this period, the three of SN's Uenosuke successfully caught and killed a wave of Scout's Ryze on the road.

But in the case of SN's middle road with only double C guarding the tower, facing the unreasonable advancement of EDG and several people, the two of them seemed helpless.

In the end, EDG successfully took down the highland tower in the middle and walked away.

Scout: Brotherly love, it's all fake!In your eyes, am I not even comparable to a highland tower in the middle?

Teammates: Yes!

(End of this chapter)

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