Chapter 158
On the other side, the choice given by WE on the blue side on the second and third floors is: Aphelios + Bull Head!

In the absence of Thresh's support, WE still selected for Old Meng the AD hero he is very good at-Aphelios.

After all, at this time Xiaopao, Jinx, and Kai'Sa, the three favorite heroes of the old dream, were all banned in the first round.

Now that Yuenan is selected in the bottom lane, it can be said that the player is very confident, but it can also be said to be a helpless move by WE.

After all, the coaches here at WE didn't expect that Lin Meng's care for their family's bot lane was so "thoughtful" that he blocked all the AD heroes that Jiu Meng was good at.

Therefore, Aphelios had to be released alone.

Miller: "WE's Aphelios + Bullhead bot lane combination, I feel that the laning strength is not bad, but the hero Aphelios can only achieve the effect of 1+1>2 when paired with Thresh. ah."

"Besides, the biggest disadvantage of the hero Aphelios is that he has no displacement. You have to be extremely careful about the positioning of Jiumeng."

And WE's choice of Aphelios was also within Lin Meng's expectation.

After all, there are not many AD heroes left for WE to choose from. In this case, Wu Efan seems to be a good choice.

At this time, a smile appeared on Lin Meng's face, as if he saw the prey falling into his trap.

When it was the red side's EDG's turn in the third game, Lin Meng chose Udyr, the jungle hero, for Ming Kai to fight against the opponent.

The two sides ended the BP link in the first round and entered the BP stage of the second round.

In the second round of Ban, Lin Meng chose to send two heroes, Gnar and Tsar, to the Ban position. These two hands are the signatures of WE's solo lane.

On the opposite side, WE chose to ban Jess and Luo. One is a Poke-style hero belonging to the top lane master level, and the other is a very strong support hero for Xia who is paired with Viper in the bottom lane.

In the second round, the two sides were also very obvious against each other.

When it was the red side's EDG's fourth pick, Lin Meng first gave Meiko the hero Riel to play as a support.

Although this hero has been slashed by the designer, after all, this hero is also a very good choice if it is paired with Xia.

Moreover, the bot lane support on the opposite side is a Bullhead. The two heroes Ruier and Bullhead belong to a mutual counter situation. When the Molten Iron Girl was released by the opponent, Lin Meng had no reason to choose not to take it.

Remember: "EDG won Riel, there is nothing wrong with this fourth move, after all Xia + Riel is a very classic combination in the bottom lane."

"And this hero can also restrain Niutou's second company."

Miller: "In this case, EDG is going to leave the counter position in the fifth hand to the top laner, and now we have to see how the blue team WE will produce heroes in the fourth and fifth hands."

"I feel that the pressure of this breathing brother will be very high." (WE's top road Breath, who gave him the nickname Breathing Brother)

At this time, WE had been switching back and forth between the three heroes of Ryze, Snake, and Victor when they were selecting players in the fourth hand, and finally chose the three-handed Victor to walk in the middle.

After all, the hero Victor will be more secure than the other two.

And when WE was in the fifth hand at the end, it selected a [-]-[-] top laner hero for the breath brother on the road.


A hero who is equal to all beings.

Miller: "Here WE chose to let Brother Breath take down Ornn in the top lane. This hero is not particularly afraid of being countered in the top lane. After all, this sheep usually gets beaten and it's over."

"Brother Holy Gun's sword demon is outside, but I don't know if he will take it."

At this time, when it was EDG's turn to make the final selection, Lin Meng smiled and said, "What should I say, Li Xuanjun, do you want to do that new job in our training match today?"

I saw Brother Saint Gun nodded: "Coach, I think this one is really good, their double Cs are not shifted."

Lin Meng: "OK, you are ready to lock the field."

So, the hero of EDG on the fifth floor slowly came out.

Eternal nightmare!

As the hero quickly locked down, the audience in the audience also burst into enthusiastic cheers. After all, where there is a nightmare, it is definitely about to start a fight.

Remember: "Hey, EDG is finally going to start a new job here. After Akali in the last match against BLG, now Holy Gun is pulling out Nightmare again in the top lane."

"This hero didn't appear much in the LPL this season. The Duke of Zoom has used it before, and this is the first time that Holy Gun has selected Nightmare this season. I feel that this NOC will make the opposite WE a bit I have a headache."

Miller nodded: "Because the double C Victor and Aphelios in WE have no displacement, especially Aphelios from the old dream, his living environment will be more worrying."

"Coach Lin Meng has given the EDG team these new things recently, and the effect is very obvious."

WE on the opposite side really did not expect that EDG, which has always been stable, would start playing the top laner Nightmare. The appearance of this hand Nightmare really broke their previous expectations, because their double Cs are really afraid of this hero.

Hasn't your holy gun brother always been a "team type" top laner?
Why are you EDG now making this kind of nightmare and playing top laner?

Are you still playing Guodian?

At this moment, Jiu Meng, the AD player from WE on the opposite side, scratched his head: "Brothers, I might feel a little bad about this."

This time in the game on BP, WE obviously suffered a dull loss here.

With EDG's final move of Eternal Nightmare locked in, the lineups selected by both sides in the first game have finally been determined.

Blue side WE: top laner Aoun, jungler, mid laner Victor, bottom laner Aphelios + Bullhead.

Red side EDG: top laner Nightmare, jungler Udyr, middle lane clockwork, bottom lane Xia + Ruier.

Remember: "The lineups on both sides have been determined. Personally, I prefer the lineup here in EDG. The existence of Holy Gun, the top laner, makes EDG's team start very simple and rough."

"As soon as the lights are turned off, the teammates can just rush forward."

When mentioning the hero Nightmare, the first thing many people think of is Mala Xiangguo.

After all, RNG's ultra-long-distance team-starting tactics of "turning off the lights and herding the sheep" back then were excellent. Letme's Aoun and Mlxg's nightmare are their signatures.

It's just that today's Little Tigers don't seem to play the two heroes Aoun and Nightmare very much. On the contrary, WE and EDG, both of the Yusanjia, are playing.

This is where it gets the most fun.

(End of this chapter)

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