Chapter 180
"Little Jack, it's ridiculous!"

"I haven't listened to a flash forward story in 3 minutes."

"Brother Holy Gun: Do you think I'm on the first floor? No! I'm actually on the fifth floor."

"Jackeylove, he died again. He is indeed the man with the most damage resistance in the AD position!"

Miller: "The two sides of this wave are a bit self-defeating. The big move that Holy Gun used before he died turned out to be a smoke bomb. EDG's decision-making is too spiritual."

"This wave is to replace Taobo's bottom lane duo with a deadly holy gun brother."

"Jackeylove is dead again!"

In this wave, after the younger brother's Ryze TP went around the back, the EDG duo cooperated with the mid laner to complete the front and back encirclement. Faced with this situation, there is really not much that TES's two bottom laners can do.

Jack Love: Can this be blamed on buddies?Give me the whole small cannon, the whole Kai'Sa, you don't say anything about this kind of easy-to-get-together.

In the end, JackeyLove's record went directly to 0-3, while Viper, who had the same record as him, now has a 1-2 record.

Maybe this is called: the same AD has different fate.

Originally, Nightmare, the Holy Gun brother who was on the road, used his big move [Ghosting] to successfully cover the TP of the junior Ryze going down the road when he was doomed.

Tao Bo originally thought that they had caught the flaw of EDG's top lane Nightmare pushing too deep, but he didn't expect that his bot lane duo would also be messed up by the opposite EDG.

In the black mist of Summoner's Canyon, Nightmare's big move perfectly concealed the movement of everyone in EDG.

We all know League of Legends is a horror game when it gets dark.

In this wave of exchanges, although the top laner Holy Gun handed over his bounty, the TES bottom lane duo also died again.

On the opposite side of TES, two heads were exchanged for one head on the road. EDG is absolutely acceptable here.

On the commentary stage at this time.

Doll: "Oh"

Miller: "Then it feels like this wave of fighting is not profitable, because EDG's double Cs have each won a kill in the bottom lane, and Scout's Ryze has a 4-0 record at this time."

"The lineup of TES is facing such a fat Ryze, they are actually very difficult to deal with."

Longhair: "And we can pay attention to the movement of the factory manager on the map. His Udyr will soon rush to the bottom lane. Although this wave of team battles has nothing to do with him, this Udyr has Canyon Herald on him. Yes."

"In this wave, with the help of the Canyon Vanguard, the first blood tower in Taobao's bottom lane should be successfully taken by EDG."

"TES is in a bloodbath."

After the double-team team battle in the bottom lane, Ming Kai, who has slapped himself with a wave of canyon steps, has also arrived in the lower half. The Canyon Pioneer on him was released.

As Chang Mao said, this wave of team battles seems to have nothing to do with the factory manager Udyr.

He's just an ordinary canyon pioneer porter.

I'll go wherever I'm needed.

So Easy!

In the end, under the forceful collision of this canyon pioneer, the first blood tower 4 minutes ago was successfully taken by the blue team's EDG.

Here in EDG, the two core C positions of Ryze and Kai'Sa share the economy of this one-blood tower.

And after Pioneer knocked down the first tower of Top Bot, everyone in EDG did not choose to continue to advance with Canyon Pioneer, because they had already earned enough in this wave, and there was no need to rush to expand their advantage.

Under the leadership of the factory manager Udyr, I saw that EDG and the others stole a few wild monsters in the TES blue zone, and then turned around to take down the second earth dragon that had just been refreshed in the lower half of the zone.

It is worth mentioning that when he was in the wild, Mingkai's Udyr actually handed over his punishment for a toad.

And the EDG double Cs who were "happily" playing toad together did not expect that Udyr would come out halfway, and the two of them were very friendly and gave Mingkai a like expression together.

The very friendly interaction between the EDG double C duo and the jungler happened to be noticed by our careful official broadcaster.

At this time, the director specially gave the director Udyr a zoomed-in shot.

It seems to imply something.

"I have to say, this Udyr's layout is too small. This person is no longer an old jungler."

"Shocked! EDG's double Cs fought for Toad, but I didn't expect the jungler to be a hindrance?"

"Brothers, why is this jungler so crazy? Who does he think he is? Does he think the jungle is his home?"

"I just came from EDG Chaohua, who dares to snatch our double C toad? Clearlove? Who is this Clearlove?"

After the toad incident in the wild area, the game time came to the early 13th minute, and EDG successfully controlled their team's second dragon in the lower half.

Accompanied by the howl of the dragon, the entire canyon burst into flames.

With the death of the second little dragon, a red light rippled in the Summoner Canyon, and many walls in the canyon became as if they had been eroded by magma.

Fire Dragon Soul.

Long Mao: "The dragons of EDG in the early stage are accumulating very fast. In less than 15 minutes, they have already held two dragons."

"Then before 10 minutes, TopBot must come to pick up the next wave of EDG's draw dragon group."

"Now there are only 5 minutes left for the development of the TES lineup."

Miller: "And the Dragon Soul of this game is also very unfriendly to Taobao. For the lineup of EDG, which is more offensive, its growth rate is really too big."

"It still depends on whether Knight's Zoe can Poke a little blood from EDG before the team battle, so as to increase the chances of winning the team battle in the mid-term of TES."

"Judging from the effect of EDG's offensive system, it is very perfect at present."

In the next few minutes, the two sides entered a stage of peaceful development. Taking advantage of EDG's lack of vision in the upper half, TES controlled the second canyon pioneer into its own hands.

And EDG didn't choose to compete with the opponent for the vanguard. After all, now that they have a big advantage in the early stage, if they rashly accept the group, they may give the opponent TES an opportunity to take advantage of.

Guodian does not fight unprepared battles.

After successfully pushing down the opponent's bottom lane tower, EDG decisively changed lanes. They put the well-developed Ryze in the bottom lane to lead the lane, and the duo put it in the middle lane to push the lane.

At this time, Knight's Zoe looked a little embarrassed.

Because it would be very dangerous for Zoe to be put on the wing.

This hero's means of escape in the face of double-teaming can be said to be very scarce. The only displacement skill [Return Jump] is the displacement to return to the original place.

In Summoner's Canyon, countless Zoe players all hope that their ultimate moves will not return to the original place when facing danger.

But it is a pity that after the discount, you have to return it.

This also shows the disadvantage of Zoe as a hero - he can't fight the disadvantaged game.

Zoe's big move is a very perverted skill when it is used to consume or even harvest the opponent, because after it is exhausted, it can directly return to the original place, and the opponent will not touch you at all.

But if he is being beaten passively, the hero is really equivalent to cutting off his own arm.

Just like on the next route at this time.

Every time Scout’s Ryze finished pushing the line first, Knight was able to eat the pushed line. Now in the absence of TES bot lane defense towers, every action of the hero Zoe is incomparable careful.

The well-developed Ryze is absolutely capable of killing Zoe alone on the sideline. Now Scout's military punch is no longer the ostentation it was in the early days.

This set of military boxing can really kill people now.

And the elementary school boy who leads the line on the side is not greedy. After pushing the pawn line over, his Ryze will go back to his wild area to scavenge wild monsters or scavenge wild monsters.

Anyway, it's just playing in the wild.

At the same time, Mingkai's Udyr was also very puzzled, because he seemed to have not seen his stone man for a long time.

It can only be said that Ming Kai probably hasn't read Uncle Gao's "Strange Tales of the Canyon: Where did my wild monsters go?" ", otherwise he would be able to lock down the suspect in the field soon.

In the early 8th minute, when EDG's third drawing dragon was about to be refreshed, at this time, the economic gap between the two sides remained at around 4000 yuan.

Wawa: "Although EDG is still ahead economically, I don't think TES is powerless here, because the main C positions on both sides have less than two pieces of equipment for one set."

"Of course the elementary schooler's Ryze is already wearing a two-piece suit at this time, and this time he also has a double golden body to save his life."

"But this wave mainly depends on the performance of the players on both sides in the team battle."

Miller: "The flashes of the ten players on both sides of this key group are good, but the development of the top two solo laners in EDG is to surpass the solo laner of TES. Now the nightmare of Holy Gun has not yet come to the second half. Area."

"This nightmare of his has been leading the way now."

During the period before the start of the team battle between the two sides, Li Xuanjun seized the defensive vacancy of the opposite TES for the top lane, so his nightmare began his non-stop solo journey.

After all, the captain of 369 can't get entangled with Nightmare on the road at this point in time.

Li Xuanjun immediately started to read back to the city after taking away the opponent's first tower on the road. Naturally, there is a reason why he is so crazy about leading the line this time.

After returning to the city, Nightmare successfully took out his second piece of equipment—the bloody hand—a few seconds before Xiaolong refreshed.

Long Mao: "Hey, this wave of Brother Holy Gun is also wearing a two-piece suit. The survivability of advancing destroyer + bloody nightmare in team battles has to be improved to a higher level."

"Now the frontal team battle between the two sides depends on whether TES can withstand EDG's tide-like attack."

TES here put the second canyon pioneer in the middle lane when the dragons were refreshed, trying to delay the pace of everyone in EDG, but EDG chose very decisively to ignore the pioneer in the middle lane.

Because they just want to play a team now.

In the EDG voice at this time.

The factory manager: "Let's not care about Xiaolong for a while, just go directly to the opponent to pick up the team. We have a great advantage in this wave of team battles, and we can definitely win the team."

The elementary school boy nodded and said: "Li Xuanjun, after your Nightmare's ult is activated and the lights are turned off, I and Tian Ye's Niutou will enter the arena directly with my ult. Just use them and don't give the opponent a chance to Poke."

"Daoxian, when the time comes, your Kai'Sa will fly into the arena to find a position."

"My Ryze can harvest this wave of team battles."

In a short while, as the Holy Gun Brother Nightmare TP reached the bottom lane, this wave of ten-man team battles between the two sides about this key dragon is about to kick off.

At this time, everyone in EDG did not choose to pull too much with TES on the opposite side. Several people decisively started Rush and their draw fire dragon.

In the screen, under the high damage of EDG here, Xiaolong's blood volume entered a very disabled state in a short while.

Seeing this, TES's wild bear and assistant Ruier began to press forward decisively. This fire dragon that draws cards must not be released to EDG. At this time, Casa is also very confident in his own dragon grab.

Even if the man opposite is Clearlove.

At this moment, the holy gun brother hiding in the grass saw the Jackeylove cannon in the field of vision on the opposite side, and quickly activated his big move.

At the same time, the big move of the elementary school boy Ruiz also lit up.

In the picture, Ryze's blue teleportation array sent EDG's middle assistants to the back of the opposite TESC.

At this time, Brother Holy Gun's Nightmare also did not hesitate at all, and decisively chose the second stage and flew towards Xiaopao.

At this time, Miller exclaimed: "My God! What's the situation here in EDG? The three of them actually chose to give up the frontal dragon and came directly to the wild area of ​​​​the red square TES."

"When Nightmare turned off the lights, the primary school boy Ruiz's ultimate move was also released at the same time, and the positions of the two sides were reversed instantly."

"The operation of this wave of EDG is called shape-shifting!"

TES didn't expect that after Holy Gun Nightmare turned off the lights, there would be three more people on the faces of their C position, leaving the factory manager Udyr alone in the Xiaolong Pit.

EDG's sudden decision really made TES a little unexpected.

Is it true that no one in Guodian watches Xiaolong anymore?

So what are we fighting for here?
At this time, after the collision in the wild area began, Viper's Kai'Sa found the right time and directly flew over with the big move [Hunter Instinct]. At this time, EDG launched its most violent offensive here in an instant.

In just a few seconds, EDG's full-face lineup directly shredded TES's defense line and launched a face-to-face hand-to-hand fight.

Under Meiko Niutou's decisive breakup, several people behind TES directly ate the explosive output of the three C positions of EDG after being knocked into the air.

Ryze's big move to send a hero like a bull head into the field really highlights two words-disgusting.

What's more, at this time, Ryze, Nightmare, and Kai'Sa are constantly controlling and outputting. At this time, the blood volume of Taobao's back row almost reached the residual blood in an instant.

Although Riel, who was assisted by them, had made a return visit in time at this time, the unknown AOE damage here in EDG had already been fully dealt with.

The left-handed Zoe and Jack Ai's Xiaopao, the two C-positions, faced the situation where their faces protruded from each other, and there was nothing they could do.

Because at this time, flashing and not flashing are actually basically the same.

The torrent team battle was directly defeated!

In the screen, under the pursuit of everyone in EDG, Scout's Ryze is like a god of death, constantly punching TES's heart with his military fists.

They quickly played a wave of 0 for 3 in the wild.

At this time, after Riel rushed back, the field duel was over, and he didn't expect his C position to die so quickly.

But soon Riel also realized this.

Because he was also melted in an instant.
In the small dragon pit on the other side, Kasa's Gouxiong successfully snatched the little dragon from the factory manager's hands. Gouxiong's E skill and punishing killing line made Ming Kai somewhat miscalculate the damage on the other side.

But even though the little dragon was snatched by the opponent, this is already irrelevant to EDG.

After the people behind EDG arrived, Kasa's bear also fell to the ground slowly after being besieged.

EDG played a perfect 0 for 5 in this wave of team battles.

This time, the advantages of their lineup were brought into full play by the players.

This is the charm of shapeshifting!

(End of this chapter)

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