Chapter 185 Radar Failure
At this time, the bottom road is almost exactly the same plot as the previous one, and it is the very familiar four-pack two.

It's just that at this time the protagonist on the field has been replaced by EDG, and TES's bottom lane duo has become the one who was beaten.

Sure enough, no matter which team Jackeylove went to, his fate seemed to have already been doomed-to be kicked.

At this moment, at the moment when EDG's bot line was pushed into the opposite defensive tower by their duo, Ming Kai, who was behind the TES tower, directly released his bear's R skill [Heavenly Shock] towards the defensive tower.

Famous scene in the canyon - Factory Director Rita!
"Is this Ming Kai? No, this is the sun and the moon!"

"My God! The factory manager is so big! I'm a little scared! Hee hee hee hee."

"A certain male fan: Cough cough, can player Ming Kai stop Rita, and if he wants to, just fuck me QAQ."

"A certain penguin's point of view: Shocked! A professional player actually behaved like this in broad daylight? The editor said that he couldn't bear to look directly at him."

The commentary desk at this time.

Changmao exclaimed: "The director of the factory took the lead and started the sun tower decisively."

"Both of them feel like they are going to die in this wave of fighting. The effect of the bear's big move to disable the defense tower is really too strong."

Although the revised bear ult looks very clumsy, it is almost like a one-centimeter long jump in place. There are even many professional players in the arena who have various embarrassing scenes of ult hitting the wall.

But this big move can shield the mechanism of the defensive tower, making it very convenient for the hero to climb up the opposite tower after level six.

Just like this moment.

Ming Kai, the bear's level [-] ultimate move, can shield the defense tower for a full three seconds.

And this is these three seconds, which can already allow the four people assembled by EDG to do a lot of things.

Ruier in the field and Mingkai's bear stared at Kai'Sa under the opposite tower, and saw EDG Nosuke start a whole set of control skills to greet her.

Although the support around Jackeylove did not sell him and run away like his previous support this time, even if the two of them were under the tower at this time, they basically could not escape the fate of death.

At the moment when the defense tower in the bottom lane was blocked by the bear's big move, the ending of the TES duo seemed to be doomed.

At this time, Jack Ai even had a feeling of returning to the original unit.

Because when I was in that team before, I was basically fighting in the bottom lane, and then the two big dads in the middle and top were led by a reckless jungler to beat up the opponent.

Unexpectedly, after coming to TES, this kind of thing has become a norm.

It's a pity that he no longer has those two people.

At this time, in the picture of the next road.

I saw that the four of EDG took away the two people under the opposite tower very neatly and then walked away. This wave of perfect tower jumping left the opposite side with no room for manipulation.

Jackeylove's Kai'Sa died tragically under her own tower under the blessing of her own skin.

The cup is poured less (crying).

In an instant, a kill display appeared in the game:

[EDGViper killed TESZhuo]!
[EDGScout killed TESJackeylove]!
EDG on the red side completed a very beautiful wave of four packs. In this wave, their double Cs each gained a head.

Miller sighed: "There is no miracle anymore. The chances of Kai'Sa and Niutau surviving under their own tower are zero. If this wave is over, Taobo's bottom lane is about to explode. .”

"I have to say that the decision-making of the entire EDG team is really good. The moment they were on the road, the holy gun brother couldn't get the line, everyone decided to come down and cross the tower of TES."

Although the upper road Holy Gun brother was pressed by the 369 wine barrel for more than a dozen knives and was eaten with plating money, this wave of EDG also stabbed his own bayonet into the main artery of the lower half of TES in the bottom road.

Because this Jackeylove is the most critical core in the TES lineup.

The two heroes of TES, the barrel and the clockwork, may create great opportunities for TES team battles, but the final team battle harvest must be done by Jackeylove's Kai'Sa.

And this Kai'Sa had a very rough time in the early game.

As we all know, Kai'Sa is a hero who still eats her own equipment very much. The evolution of this hero's skills must rely on her own equipment and the permanent attributes that her level improves.

Only a Kai'Sa who has evolved her own skills can be considered a real Kai'Sa.

In the previous wave of TES's bot lane duo being overrun by the tower, Jack Ai not only died under the tower himself, but he also had a large wave of soldiers that almost didn't get his mouth.

Right now, Viper's small cannon has a huge matchup lead in CS and gear.

More importantly, this small cannon's W skill [Rocket Jump] is still pinched to death, which is a bit difficult for us Jackeylove.

Could it be that there are still ADs who don't jump faces?
In the EDG team voice at this time.

The factory manager smiled and said: "This one, Li Xuanjun, your Akali can just be a tool to stir up shit in team battles. Our mid lane and bottom lane are both well developed, and it feels like this is going to be interesting."

"Shit stirrer, take off!"

Brother Holy Gun said humbly: "Oh, I knew I had given up Akali to Li Ruican to play with. Now I, Akali, can only say that I am very unhappy with the game. This is not the picture I imagined before."

"My Pear Blossom Fragrance, my Flying Thunder God."

"It's all gone!!!"

Tian Ye comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, you just play your role and hit all the damage that should be dealt. If we develop our double C, the opponent can't deal with it."

"Ming Kai, what did the Xiabo Canyon Pioneer say?"

After successfully clearing the tower, the EDG bot lane duo seemed extremely greedy. They didn't choose to go back to the city directly, but used the small cannon's quick clearing ability to eat up the next wave of soldiers before pressing the back to city button.

At this time, the two of them got off the road and had just arrived home.

Hearing this, the factory manager thought for a while and then said: "Why don't you two people come directly from the bottom lane, the opposite duo should go back to replenish troops, even if the opposite bottom lane comes to the upper half, there is only one support person. "

"You follow Daoxian and come directly to the upper half to help me play the vanguard."

Tian Ye: "OK!"

At this time, the EDG team quickly made the next wave of team decisions, and the steady operation of the entire team seemed very relaxed.

EDG, who had just taken a big bite out of TES in the second half, set its sights on the refreshed Canyon Pioneer.

At this time, although the development of Akali, the top holy gun, is not very good, but at this time, with EDG having one more player, they have a great chance to get the first canyon pioneer.

This is the embodiment of the bot lane advantage radiating to the wild area: the steps of pushing the line first - returning to the city first - arriving on the battlefield first are continuous.

Lane power is really crucial in the early game.

This is especially the case in the current version where every neutral resource in the jungle is very critical. The one who can push the line first is able to do things face to face first.

At this time, Ming Kai obviously didn't want to give up the opportunity of his own bottom lane to return to the city perfectly, so he directly pulled the two of his own bottom laners towards the vanguard of the canyon in the upper half of the area.

Miller: "Looking at the position of this person who went out from EDG, they seem to want to go directly to get the Canyon Herald that has just been refreshed not long ago."

"At this time, TES seems to have not reacted yet. Their bot lane duo is on the way to the bot lane at this time."

"Wow, the rhythm of this EDG is really wave after wave. It feels a bit overwhelming for Taobo."

Long Hair: "TES's Kai'Sa has to develop for a while at this time. After all, if the Kai'Sa of the canyon pioneer group Jackeylove has another accident, TES may go far."

"Although the barrel of 369 on the top lane is an advantage line at this time, the disadvantage of being unable to get off the lane is too great. Compared with Xiaopao at this point in time, Kai'Sa is really far behind."

"TES is likely to let go of this pioneer."

EDG, who came to the upper half of the area, directly played the vanguard of this canyon in the vision of the blue river crab on the opposite side, and everyone seemed very comfortable.

This is what Chiguoguo told TES: We are playing the vanguard, do you want to come?

To their great regret, no one came after a long time.

"TES: Let it go!"

"Tao Bo is too cowardly, don't you dare to come to pick up the group?"

"Don't scold, don't scold, TES must be waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to explode in their own base in 25 minutes."

"I used to like to scold EDG, but now it seems that some teams may not be as good as Guodian; I used to think that the number 4396 was outrageous, but later I found out that the number is already very high."

After confirming that TES on the opposite side will not come to compete for this canyon pioneer, Viper's small cannon took the first step back to the bottom lane to make up the line.

At this time, Viper, the little cannon who wanted to fight, did not meet the opposite person who came to pick up the group.

Our Daoxian is a little unhappy.

But obviously, Tao Bo on the other side is the real unhappiness.

In the early stage, Casa and his left hand helped 369's barrel to establish a huge advantage in the top lane, just to be able to control the first canyon pioneer in the upper half.

But EDG's rapid operation rhythm completely broke TES's previous thinking.

After catching a wave in the bottom lane, the factory manager directly transferred to the upper half with a few younger brothers. They didn't even try to test each other, and started to fight the vanguard without saying a word.

And when the bot lane duo of his own family was difficult to reach at the first time, Casa at this time could only watch helplessly as the factory manager successfully won the canyon pioneer.

It is really uncomfortable for a jungler to lose the vanguard when he has a big advantage in the top lane.

At this time, Casa was very emotional in the voice of the team: "Why can't I feel the existence of this factory director on my radar?"

And the person who couldn't be monitored by the radar in the last wild area was called Gao Zhenning.

As Karsa of the jungle radar, when facing other junglers in the LPL, he can always predict the general thoughts of the opposing jungler and respond accordingly.

The title of "Wild Area Radar" is forcibly won one game at a time.

However, what Casa is most afraid of encountering is a jungler who doesn't play cards according to conventional routines.

At that time, when Casa met our Uncle Gao Ning Wang in the wild area, he was really punished.

He once thought that King Ning's jungle level had surpassed that of ordinary people.

Because at that time, Kasa squatted in the wild grass for more than ten seconds, but he didn't squat until King Ning came to brush F6. He even wondered if there was something wrong with his wild line. question.

It was only after a long time that Kasa found out: King Ning hadn't finished brushing the last group of wild monsters.

Subject two is the pain of my life, King Ning!

Today, Casa's radar failed again because of the factory manager.

The routine of the third-level catch in the early stage is really extremely rare in the entire LPL wild area, just like this person's second-level catch in the previous key game.

Casa was also a little confused by Ming Kai's sudden and unconventional playing style.

In the later waves of the game, he had to admit that he was a little behind Ming Kai.

Maybe, this is Clearlove.

In League of Legends, the jungle position should be the position that needs the most talent.

The more formulaic junglers may survive in the LPL, but it is absolutely impossible to go very far on this road.

Because every top jungler has his own kind of spirituality, and this kind of thing cannot be learned, it is something inherent in those people.

Just like in the finals of the global finals last year, Sofm dared to take out a poodle, an unpopular hero who may be rarely seen in the arena, on that critical stage.

In that round, many people may have focused their attention on Abin's five-kill swordswoman, but in fact the most important person behind Abin was precisely the poodle of the richest man.

Even King Ning, who has been criticized by people for pulling his hips in recent years, was also a talented jungler full of aura before.

The previous Mala Xiangguo also said that his excavator was King Ning who secretly learned it during the training game, because Xiangguo discovered that this person's jungle excavator really has something.

It has to be said that Gao Zhenning really belonged to a person who was full of talent and hard work in the first few years of his career.

Back then, he could cry on the beach and say that he wanted to bring Rookie and IG teammates a championship.

That year, Ning cautiously asked Aunt Yu Shuang in the post-match interview whether he could be called the world's number one jungler this year.

At that time, his heart was full of love and awe for League of Legends.

And sometimes, something that exists in the heart is the most critical factor that really supports people to face difficulties.

Because only with awe can we go further.

In the next few minutes, the two sides fell into a stage of peaceful development again.

With the continuous change of the current version, when there are no neutral resources in the canyon, the two sides basically will not choose the reckless play of fighting.

Although many people like to say that LPL's dry fights are the most beautiful, but in today's version, dry fights for no reason can really bring very little benefit to people.

So now many viewers are beginning to criticize LPL for gradually becoming LCK.

But obviously, there are no absolutes.

At this time, TES also wanted to hurry up and get back a little bit of its own rhythm when it lost Xiaolong and Pioneer in the early stage.

After all, we can no longer be led by the nose by EDG like the last one.

In the picture, Tobo and Yesuke are seen quietly walking towards the upper half, because at this time, Akali of Holy Gun Brother is on the top road, which happens to be a wave of pushback soldiers.

Taobo obviously understands a truth: persimmons should be picked and squeezed softly.

Brother Holy Gun: You can call me persimmon, but can you not add a soft word in front of it! ! !
Miller: "Hey, we found that two people from TES Nosuke are rushing up the road. Although there is a vision guard from EDG in the grass on the road, there are three people in this wave of TES."

"Brother Holy Gun seems to have an accident again."

(End of this chapter)

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