Chapter 190

"Fuck! The factory's excavator!!!"

"Canyon Encyclopedia: The real man of the factory director in the famous scene of Dalongkeng."

"It's fun! It's fun! This game is really fun to watch!"

"I'm in tears, woo woo woo, I didn't expect to see the factory manager's excavator in my lifetime, my youth is back."

With the locking of EDG, the fifth-hand excavator, the entire Hongqiao World suddenly fell into silence, and the venue that was originally filled with noisy sounds suddenly became audible.

Immediately afterwards, countless spectators in the audience exhausted their greatest strength in this life, shouting the name of the no longer young man on the field.

Clear love!

Many people watched the excavator on the big screen and couldn't help but fell into their own memories.

Because the factory manager's excavator is really the youth of countless people, this is one of the heroes of faith belonging to the Black Knights.

Especially the excavator before the revision. At that time, this hero was really played by Mingkai to the extreme. The perfect balance between map control and catching people was reflected in Mingkai's excavator.

Countless famous scenes of the EDG team were created by this hero.

At this time, the three commentators on the commentary stage were looking at each other, and they didn't seem to come out of the third choice lineup of both sides.

blind monk?

Is it really 2021?

Changmao was looking at Miller and said, "Isn't this the excavator from Mr. Miller's classic quotations? I didn't expect the factory director to choose it today. As the commentator, I am really emotional now."

"We really want to see the players bring out their most confident champions to show off in the arena."

"Today's game, the audience should have a lot of fun watching it."

Miller took a deep breath and said: "We haven't seen the confrontation between the blind monk and the excavator in the wild for a long time. The hero of the blind monk may have appeared occasionally before, but the number of appearances of the excavator is really great." It’s very few.”

"The factory manager dared to choose an excavator today. This courage alone is enough to win the respect of all of us."

"This is Clearlove!"

At this time, Lin Meng, who was about to return to the backstage, felt the roaring and tsunami atmosphere of the scene, and he was also proud of his old jungler in his heart.

The wild area of ​​this version this spring is actually not the version of the excavator, because this hero has almost no late game in the game.

Picking such a hero is almost a slow death for the team.

But after all, Kasa on the opposite side has come up with a rhythmic hero like the blind monk today, and Lin Meng also wants Ming Kai to fight the rhythm of the early stage with Brother Ka on the opposite side.

Because of the collision between the junglers in the jungle, in fact, the fight is largely a matter of momentum.

According to our Uncle Gao's bible: Give me the whole pig girl, the whole Zac weak jungler, am I weaker than the opponent?

This is the kind of self-confidence and even conceit that belongs to a jungler about himself.

In Lin Meng's opinion, this year's Mingkai is no weaker than any jungler in the LPL in terms of rhythm operation.

His idea is simple:
If you want to do business, we Guodian will do business with you.

If you want to play the rhythm, Guodian will accompany you at any time.

Today, this excavator is not so much for the blind monk of Casa opposite Counter, but rather for cultivating the spirit of his own jungler in the following games.

Just do it!

Before stepping off the stage, Lin Meng said slowly to the team members: "EDG."

The team members replied in unison: "We must win!"

In the end, the lineup locked by both sides is as follows.

Blue side TES: Jess on the top lane, blind monk in the wild, Syndra in the middle lane, Xiaopao + Ruier in the bottom lane.

Red side EDG: Golem in the top lane, Excavator in the jungle, Ryze in the middle lane, Kai'Sa+Tau Tau in the bottom lane.

Miller analyzed: "If you just look at the lineups on both sides, the offensive attributes of the lineup selected by TES in the third lineup are directly full."

"Especially in the match between the upper middle and the wild, TES has taken the initiative here. Jess, Blind Boy, and Ball Girl feel like they can run rampant in the upper half."

"After losing two rounds, the third game of TES is to play in the early and mid-term."

Long Mao nodded: "TES lineup has a lot of offensive points. We cannot deny this, but EDG's defensive counterattack ability is also very strong."

"As we all know, the anti-squat ability of the hero excavator is simply not too strong, and the factory manager's most signature weapon is the anti-squat."

"I feel that the performance of the junglers on both sides is the most important thing."

Wawa: "This game is very important for both sides. Will EDG win the game [-]-[-], or TES will come back from a desperate situation."

"Let's not talk much, let's enter the third round of this BO5 contest between the two sides."

From the beginning of this game, it was as expected by the commentator. TES's ability to push the line in the middle and top lanes was very strong. Jess and Syndra were indeed line-fighting heroes in the early stage.

At this time, 369, who was on the road, was very aggressive after getting his favorite Jess. Because his performance in the last game was really hot, 369 this time wants to prove that he is 999 urgently.

Although Jess on the road has the right to push the line, but 369 always feels that he is not having fun.

Because Holy Gun doesn't fight with him at all, he often Qs him from time to time and then chooses to run away.

This stone man seems to have got the essence of the laning master in the canyon when he was on the road. The lava monster of the holy gun brother looked very calm when facing Jess.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we fight, when the enemy is tired, we harass.

The mantra of the twelve-character rule of the canyon Ba Ge's laning has been thoroughly understood by the holy gun brother.

The essence of the stone man was learned by him.

After the pawn line on the road entered the tower, I saw that the stone man, Holy Gun, had a very smooth connection between skills and basic attacks. He only missed two of the large wave of pawn lines entering the tower.

Brother Holy Gun: Brother Ba, my teacher!
"Brother Ba is awesome! (One fifty cents)"

"Brothers, is Wang Muba hiding under Brother Saint Gun's table?"

"Hahahahaha, why does this lava boulder have the shadow of that man?"

"This is the last shot of a professional player? If my tyrant brother comes, there will be no misses in this big wave of soldiers, do you believe it or not?"

Miller on the commentary platform couldn't help but praised: "I feel that the stone man of Holy Gun still has some proficiency, and the level of his tower mending knife seems pretty good."

"It is estimated that I have secretly practiced in private."

Wawa smiled and said, "Maybe Brother Saint Gun has watched that man's live broadcast, and it feels like that."

TES top road Jess presses the line fiercely, but Syndra in their middle road is not particularly aggressive, and they are extra careful when pushing the line.

It seems that the influence of Ming Kai on the left hand lasted to this game.

I was really afraid of being caught.

If Syndra beats Ryze in the middle, it is basically a situation of pressing and playing, but this time Knight did not completely crush the junior from the beginning of the line.

Despite being a few kills behind in CS, Scout was relatively happy in the mid lane.

Scout originally thought that he might be beaten by the opponent in the middle of the game, because if Ryze played Syndra in the early laning phase, he was almost like a younger brother.

But I didn't expect that the left hand's Q skill in the early stage was a bit empty, and he was also very cautious in his positioning, which made his Ryze not consumed too seriously.

Knight's online performance in this game obviously did not maximize the suppressing power of the hero Syndra.

In fact, he can't blame him.

What is tested in a BO5 is not only the performance of the players in one game, but also whether the players can maintain their best state.

Knight, who was blasted in the middle for two consecutive sets, was obviously affected by the previous loss in the third game.

After all, everyone is used to passing the ball to James in critical games, and it's a different feeling if you hold the ball yourself.

There used to be such a player in the middle of the LPL who was known as a genius mid laner and e-sports wizard, but every time it came to a critical game, he was used to stealth and handed the ball to his own James.

Knight, he just made a mistake that every mid laner may make-steadiness.

If it is stable, it is wrong.

So what is my electric baton?
Sometimes everyone will choose to do nothing, and they don't want to make mistakes at critical times.

At this time, Jackeylove, who was in the bottom lane, played very handy at this time.

Even if the previous two players kept dying and being arrested, our Mr. Chai seemed to be more stable and delicate in his mentality and operations in critical rounds than the previous two players.

He really deserves to be the man who dared to flash forward in the face of life and death!

However, there are very few shots of the junglers on both sides in the early stage.

Although both sides brought out jungle heroes with strong early rhythms such as blind monk and excavator, everyone's play style did stabilize in the third game.

It turns out that everyone is an electric baton.

Wawa: "Why did the two sides play so peacefully this time? This is not what we predicted before the game."

"Why did everyone suddenly become more stable?"

As soon as the baby's voice just fell, the director put the camera of the game on the bottom lane on both sides.

In the picture of the next road, the excavator of the factory manager can be seen perfectly circled into the bushes of the lower road from the blind field of vision under the first tower of the red side road.

Just as Viper and Meiko pushed the pawn line to the blue square TES tower, the man Mingkai decisively seized the hole in the opposite vision by relying on the wave of pushback from the bottom lane and went around into the grass.

After the scanning excavator confirmed that he was not detected by the opposite vision, Ming Kai began to squat in the grass and wait for the opportunity.

This excavator is like a hunter, waiting for its prey to fall into the net.

Long Mao: "The position of the factory director seems to have an idea for TES's bot lane, but when Jackeylove's small cannon is holding the W skill and flashing in his hand, it is actually difficult for his excavator to do things."

What Changmao said is not unreasonable. Jackeylove's style of play in this hand has also become very stable. The scene where the rocket jumps and jumps almost never happened before.

As the commentary said, EDG did not find a flaw on the opposite side in the bottom lane.

But there are no flaws, but flaws can be created.

I saw Meiko's bull head's W skill [Savage Charge] hitting Jack Ai, and was perfectly interrupted by the opposite Riel's E skill [Slam].

The somewhat "blind" collision of this wave of bull heads appeared very clumsy, which also made the position of the bull's head in Tian Ye a bit forward.

Sure enough, the Bot lane duo who fought on the opposite side saw this opportunity and decisively started to fight back.

Jackeylove: Has your cow never been beaten?Dare to bump into buddies?
At this time, the acting skills of the two bot laners from EDG were really good. Viper Kai'Sa even directly released the treatment and wanted his own bull head to hurry up and run away.

This professional arena is full of routines.

At this time, Jackeylove's little cannon decisively chose the W skill [Rocket Jump] to jump face.

Faced with this kind of opportunity, how can you not take off?
In an instant, I saw a smile on the faces of the EDG bottom lane duo and the jungler.

Sure enough, he was fooled.

The moment Xiaopao W landed on the ground, the bull head with very unhealthy blood in the field in front of him actually chose to turn back and Q blitzed and flew Jack Ai's Xiaopao.

Just when Mr. Chai expressed that he couldn't understand the operation of the bull head on the other side, we saw a tunnel suddenly came out of the grass on the next road.

Jack love seems to understand a little now.

The moment the bull's head was knocked into the air and landed on the ground, the factory manager's excavator was seamlessly connected to the knock-up effect of the W skill [Breaking Ground].

This wave of Jackeylove really took off
Under the siege of the three of EDG, Jack Ai's little cannon did not choose to surrender his flash, because the moment he landed, he was almost melted by the opponent.

【First Blood! 】

[EDG Clearlove killed TES Jackeylove! 】

Two IDs with Love suddenly appeared in the center of the game screen.

In the end, Kreer's Hot Dance was even better.

With the cooperation of the bot lane duo who are full of acting skills, Ming Kai's excavator successfully got the head of Jack Aixiaopao.


"In the past, there was a dog in the lower lane who was taken care of in this way, but now the lower lane has become a Shiba Inu."

"EDG released some dog food, and Mr. Chai followed him. You are really young."

"Is this the acting skills of professional players? Hahahaha, Master Cup has been fooled."

"One thing to say, this wave of EDG pretends to be too similar. They keep seducing our young brother Miaozi, and the elderly don't talk about martial arts!"

Jackeylove dared to play in key rounds, which is his advantage and also his disadvantage.

EDG caught his mentality in the bottom lane and then used some tricks to successfully lure the opposite boss, Mr. Chai, to take the bait.

If this wave of Mingkai's catching is in the middle, he is sure that the opponent's left hand will never take the bait, because Knight's style of play is very stable in key rounds.

Even if he sees an opportunity, he will not rush to fight decisively.

But Jackeylove is different. This person's style of play is to treat key rounds as ordinary rounds, and this style of play just gave EDG enough opportunities.

In fact, the more important thing is that our factory manager is the person who has the most experience in grasping the road.

Especially when it comes to beating dogs, he is even better.

Shiba Inu.

It's still a dog after all!

(End of this chapter)

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